The Song of the Bird by Anthony de Mello | Goodreads
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The Song of the Bird

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Every one of these stories is about YOU. --Anthony de Mello Everyone loves stories; and in this book the bestselling author of A Way to God shares 124 stories and parables from a variety of traditions both ancient and modern. Each story resonates with life lessons that can teach us inescapable truths about ourselves and our world. De Mello's international acclaim rests on his unique approach to contemplation and ability to heighten self-awareness and self-discovery. His is a holistic approach, and in the words of one his mysticism cuts across all times and peoples and is truly a universal invitation. The Song of the Bird uses the familiar yet enduring medium of the story to illustrate profound realities that bring us in touch with the problems and concerns of daily life, as well as with our common spiritual quest. The aim is to develop the art of tasting and feeling the message of each story to the point that we are transformed. Let the story speak to your heart, not to your brain, the author directs. This may make something of a mystic out of you. Enhanced by lovely ink drawings, this is indeed a volume to treasure, to share, and to read many times over, for it is everyone's best companion on the road to spiritual growth.

Anthony De Mello
Binding Paperback
8.22h x 5.44w x 0.53d

About the Author
Anthony De Mello was a Jesuit priest known throughout the world for his writings and spiritual conferences. He died suddenly in 1987. Among his many books are Sadhana and Awareness .

174 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1982

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About the author

Anthony de Mello

147 books907 followers
Anthony de Mello was a Jesuit priest and psychotherapist who became widely known for his books on spirituality. An internationally acclaimed spiritual guide, writer and public speaker, de Mello hosted many spiritual conferences.

The few talks which he allowed to be filmed, such as "A Rediscovery of Life" and "A Way to God for Today," have inspired many viewers and audiences throughout the United States, Canada, and Central America. De Mello established a prayer center in India. He died suddenly in 1987. His works are readily available and additional writings were published after his death.

In 1998, some of his opinions were condemned by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI, wrote for the Congregation:
"But already in certain passages in [his] early works and to a greater degree in his later publications, one notices a progressive distancing from the essential contents of the Christian faith. ... With the present Notification, in order to protect the good of the Christian faithful, this Congregation declares that the above-mentioned positions are incompatible with the Catholic faith and can cause grave harm."

Some editions of his books have since been supplemented with the insertion of a caution:
"The books of Father Anthony de Mello were written in a multi-religious context to help the followers of other religions, agnostics and atheists in their spiritual search, and they were not intended by the author as manuals of instruction of the Catholic faithful in Christian doctrine or dogma."

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 175 reviews
Profile Image for Sanjay Gautam.
244 reviews475 followers
November 14, 2019
THEOLOGY : The art of telling stories about the Divine. Also the art of listening to them.

A disciple once complained:
"You tell us stories, but you never
reveal their meaning to us."

Said the Master:
"How would you like it if someone
offered you fruit and masticated it
before giving it you?"

It is interesting to note that if something is hard to grasp (or too simple to make sense of) can be understood if told in a form of a story. Similar are spiritual teachings, which are hard to make sense at first (or may be too esoteric), can be understood quite easily if told in a form of a story. And it's precisely on this conviction with which de Mello has written this book: that all esoteric spiritual teachings can be conveyed effectively through simple stories.

There are 123 stories in this book whose sole purpose is to kindle a light in the darkness: to elevate human consciousness. No story is longer than two page, and some are as short as four lines. And each and every story has something important to teach, something to reveal; and they all feel like a breath of fresh air that rejuvenates everything inside you, and for a moment you feel like a free bird, wandering and flying, without any notions in your mind. And sometimes they are devastating: showing you: your ignorance, hypocrisy, in all its nakedness. But above all, they are like a lamp: they show you the Way!

The aim of all these stories is to induce spiritual growth inside the reader. You will find stories that are Buddhist, Christian, Zen, Hasidic, Russian, Chinese, Hindu, Sufi; stories ancient and contemporary.

Highly Recommended!

P.S.: Anthony de Mello was a Jesuit priest, and was a man of rebellious spirit who worshiped only the Truth. He knew the limitations and narrowness of every religion including his own, and never hesitated in criticizing his own church too. (Yet it is to the church he keeps returning, for that was his spiritual home). And he has written this book for people of every persuasion, religious or non-religious. However, he has prescribed to read the stories in the given order if you are reading it for the first time.
Profile Image for Lynne King.
496 reviews757 followers
March 16, 2016
What a gem of a book! Am I glad that I read Sanjay’s review or else it would have been another of those books that would never have seen the light of day, well with me anyway.

This book comprises 161 pages of stories, tales and parables that all in their own way leave an explicit message. They are written for everyone regardless of whether or not they are religious and they certainly encourage one’s own dreams and choice of direction in life, and even more importantly a spiritual search.

The author Anthony De Mello has stressed that he is first and foremost a priest in the Catholic Church, even though he has been influenced by non-Christian and non-religious mystical traditions. Regardless of your slant on life there will be many stories to charm you and bring otherworldly and heavenly ideas to the fore. They certainly made me question whether there is another world or a different dimension that co-exists with ours.

All the titles are enticing and there are also comments added to some that are Father de Mello’s personal thoughts but he does nevertheless encourage the readers to add some of their own.

When I closed the book, I recalled the comment made by the author on how to read this book:

When you read the book for the first time, read the stories in the order in which they are set down. The order imparts a teaching and a spirit which will be lost if the stories are read haphazardly.

I had indeed initially been tempted to read some stories out of sequence within the book as the titles rather appealed to me. Nevertheless, like a child I followed my teacher’s instructions.

The stories are all so diverse and so I’ll show purely two:


A Sufi tale:

A dead man suddenly came to life
and began to pound on the lid of the coffin

The lid was raised; the man sat up.
”What are you doing?” he said to the
assembled crowd, “I am not dead.”

His words were met with silent disbelief.
One of the mourners finally said,
“Friend, the doctors and the priest
Have certified that you are dead.
So dead you are.”

And he was duly buried.


A man found an eagle’s egg and placed it under a brooding hen. The eaglet hatched with the chickens and grew to be like them. He clucked and cackled; scratched the earth for worms; flapped his wings and managed to fly a few feet in the air.

Years passed. One day, the eagle, now grown old, saw a magnificent bird above him in the sky. It glided in graceful majesty against the powerful wind, with scarcely a movement of its golden wings.

Spellbound, the eagle asked, “What’s that?”

“That’s the king of the birds, the eagle,” said his neighbour. “He belongs to the sky. We belong to earth – we’re chickens.”

So the eagle lived and died a chicken for that’s what he thought he was.”

I really think this book is excellent and is ideal for any age. For a mother to read these to her children should be a treat for everyone.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
82 reviews11 followers
March 28, 2007
If I could find this book anywhere but online I'd be handing it out to everyone I know. Full of stories and lessons from religions all around the world-- none of which you are likely to have ever heard. Most are very short and can be read in a minute's time. A great "coffee table book" without having the lack of substance that most coffee table books come with.
Profile Image for Ycel.
87 reviews
March 27, 2013
I often come back to this gem, especially during Lent.

My favorite passage:

In the gospel according to Luke we read:

But Peter said, “Man I do not know what you are talking about.” At that moment, while he was still speaking, a cock crew; and the Lord turned and looked straight at Peter…and Peter went outside and wept.

I related well with the Lord. I would converse with him, thank him, ask for help.

But always I had this uneasy feeling that he wanted me to look at him…And I would not. I would talk, but look away when I sensed he was looking at me. I was afraid I should find an accusation in his eyes of some unrepented sin. Or a demand: something he wanted from me.

One day I summoned up courage and looked! There was no accusation. No demand. The eyes just said, “I love you.”

And, like Peter, I went outside and wept.
Profile Image for Jay.
1,260 reviews17 followers
August 23, 2012
These little parables -- I guess that's the best way to describe them -- each with a little bit of reflection following, have a lot of depth. This isn't a book to just read through quickly, but to savor and think about. My favorite stories were the ones about the irony of self-sacrifice becoming a pleasure, about the flaw of enjoying your own high and mighty righteousness.

Huh, I just realized that this is a great book to read and re-read. I'm not much of a re-reader, but I could see this being a good book to flip open now and again during quiet moments.
Profile Image for Tariq Alferis.
892 reviews714 followers
November 8, 2014
.‎"اترك القصة تخاطب قلبك لا دماغك".

.‎هكذا طلب المؤلف من القارئ، لكن للأسف فعلت العكس، كُنت مُتجرد من كل عاطفة لهذا لم يُعجبني كلام التصوف عن الله ولامعقولية‫.‬
‎مجموعة من القصص لكُل قصة حكمة، مُقتبسة من عدة مذاهب من الإسلام، والمسيحية والبوذيةوحتى من تعاليم الزن، شبيه بكتاب ‫"‬مكتوب‫"‬ لباولو كويلو‫..
Profile Image for dely.
453 reviews268 followers
February 21, 2017

Non bisogna essere credenti per leggere questo delizioso libricino. È una raccolta di parabole prese da diverse religioni che però vanno bene anche per atei e agnostici perché vi sono insegnamenti che riguardano l'essere umano, la sua vita quotidiana, il rapporto che ha con se stesso e con gli altri e anche la sua vita interiore. Sì, alcune storielle puntano sulla crescita spirituale però senza eccessivi moralismi.
Ogni tanto ci vuole una lettura come questa perché è rilassante, porta una ventata d'aria fresca nell'anima dando sollievo alla mente iperattiva e rinfrancando il cuore.
Come consigliato nell'introduzione, si dovrebbe leggere una storiella al giorno, rileggerla, meditarci su e rileggerla. Le storie sono però talmente carine che ho letto l'intero libro in una seduta. Sicuramente lo rileggerò perché alcune storie mi hanno toccato più di altre, come se mi riguardassero personalmente. Sicuramente è un libro da leggere e rileggere più volte perché ogni parabola avrà sempre qualcosa da insegnare, dipende soltanto dal lettore e dalla sua predisposizione a cogliere l'insegnamento.

Un paio di citazioni:
Una società che domestica i suoi ribelli ha trovato la pace. Ma ha perso il futuro.

Tutti pensano di cambiare l'umanità. Quasi nessuno pensa di cambiare se stesso.

La mia preferita:
Se ti trovi a dover scegliere tra i dettami di un cuore compassionevole e le esigenze di un'ideologia, rifiuta senza esitare l'ideologia. La compassione non ha ideologia.

Alcune parabole vanno anche contro chi segue fedelmente una religione perché si rischia di seguire ciecamente una dottrina perdendo di vista i veri valori e, soprattutto, la Verità. Spesso le persone pensano d'incontrare Dio pregando e andando a messa dimenticando che è più facile trovarlo nella bellezza della natura, in un sorriso, in un gesto gentile. Come scritto anche in questo libricino, Dio guarda al cuore delle persone, non alle loro preghiere. Dio non si può raggiungere con intellettualismi e ci sono parecchie storielle che criticano il comportamento dei farisei.


It isn't necessary to be a religious or spiritual person to read this short book. It is a collection of parables taken from different religions but it fits also for atheists or agnostics because there are teachings that concern the human being, his daily life, the relationship he has with himself and with other people, and also his inner life. Some stories point on spiritual growth but without too much moralizing.
Sometimes we need such a reading because it's relaxing, brings a breath of fresh air in our soul giving relief to our overactive mind and to our heart.
As suggested in the introduction, we should read only one story at once, reread it, meditate on it and read it again. The stories, however, are so nice that I read the entire book in one sitting. I will definitely reread it because some stories have touched me more than others, as if they were speaking to me. Surely it's a book that should be read and reread several times because each time we will catch something new and learn something for which we weren't still ready the first time we read it.
Profile Image for Nanny SA.
333 reviews39 followers
May 16, 2010
Beruntung dapat membaca buku ini, selain gambarnya bagus, narasi dan ceritanya sangat menarik dan sarat makna. Karena disajikan dalam bentuk graphic novel jadi tidak terasa membosankan ketika membacanya.

Welas asih tidak perlu ideologi..

Kebetulan saat membaca buku ini bersamaan dengan membaca buku lainnya yang walaupun penyampaian berbeda tapi mempunya 'energi' yang hampir sama dalam berkeyakinan.
Ketika selesai membaca satu cerita dari buku ini, kadang aku merenung sambil tersenyum, kadang mengiyakan, kadang membandingkan dengan kenyataan yang ada di sekitar kita, kagum dengan kedalaman maknanya.

Kepercayaan agama adalah rambu yang menunjukkan jalan menuju kebenaran. Kalau anda berpegangan pada rambu penunjuk jalan, anda tidak akan melaju menuju kebenaran, sebab anda pikir anda sudah memilikinya..

Aku di sini bersamamu,
dan kamu terus berpikir tentang aku di dalam benakmu,
Berbicara tentang aku dengan lidahmu,
dan mencari-cari aku di buku-bukumu.
Kapan kamu akan diam dan mulai melihat ?..

Cinta itu tidak mengingat-ingat kesalahan ..

Cerita-cerita sederhana yang ringan tapi mampu memberikan pencerahan.
Semoga !
Profile Image for Deepa.
144 reviews
June 9, 2012
Love his spin on the golden goose story, how some priests insist that golden eggs did exist and how belief in golden egg laying goose becomes mandatory in going to heaven!! I can very well imagine how some atheists will start arguing about how golden eggs cant exist!! :D Its a dig at anti-evolutionists :D
Him being Christian priest and all must have been really inconvenient, pope etc must really hate him ;-)
Loved all the stories I got, I didnt get a lot of them...the stories are not easy to get... may be next read..may be once they settle in...

I liked his other book Awareness more, Direct hit on the head that one :)not just about religious beliefs but about every every-day belief. Crazy weird saint man!
Profile Image for أسيل.
470 reviews269 followers
September 24, 2013
مركز تحميل الصور

عبارة عن مجموعة قصص قصيرة لمتصوفين من مختلف الديانات والدول كالمسحيةوالبوذية والاسلامية
يضاف لكل قصة حكمة او عبرة

المحبة تعذر كل شيء وتصدق كل شيء وترجو كل شيء وتصبر على كل شيء

لديك كل ما في العالم من وقت اذا اعطيته لنفسك فماذا يوقفك؟
Profile Image for Yenny.
Author 2 books18 followers
October 23, 2007
Buku ini salah satu buku wajib saya... setidaknya sebulan sekali pasti saya membaca ulang. Kisah-kisahnya berisi membuat saya merenung dan bercermin.
Profile Image for Bejoy Mathew.
78 reviews15 followers
August 20, 2021
Probably one of those books I will revisit again and again for years to come.
Profile Image for María Paz Greene F.
1,077 reviews214 followers
March 14, 2017
Cuando yo era chica, este libro lo tenía una prima más grande que yo, a quien admiraba tan profundamente como solo puede hacer una pubertosa. Elaborado, profundo, "difícil", para mí simbolizaba todas las cosas bacanes que era ella, y era tanto mi anhelo por seguir esa línea que un día SE LO ROBÉ.

Lo tengo todavía, lo admito. A mi favor, tenía solo unos 14 años. Solo eso puede explicar cómo uno puede racionalizar el robar PARA llegar al camino de la espiritualidad, jajaja.

Nunca se lo devolví, no por maldad, sino que porque... se me olvidó. Lo encontré tan malo. Exagerado, presuntuoso y obsesionado solo con una forma de ser. Además, y peor que eso, me pareció una copia camuflada (o no tan camuflada) de Kahlil Gibrán, y una con mucho menos gracia. Y, en honor a la verdad, ella tampoco lo echó de menos.

Quizá soy injusta, y debería leerlo de nuevo, en todo caso. Después de todo, han pasado muchos años.
Profile Image for Helvry Sinaga.
103 reviews26 followers
October 10, 2010
Inilah buku kedua de Mello yang saya baca setelah Doa Sang Katak. Review buku tersebut dapat dilihat di sini. Edisi yang saya baca ini adalah edisi grafis, sebelumnya diterbitkan oleh Yayasan Cipta Loka Caraka.


Buku ini terdiri 78 cerita. Cerita pertama adalah "Kunyahlah buahmu sendiri", dan cerita terakhir adalah "Ignasius dari Loyola". Bila Anda terbiasa membaca cepat, satu cerita ini hanya membutuhkan waktu satu menit sampai satu setengah menit. Namun buku ini salah satu daya tariknya adalah gambar-gambarnya. Seluruh cerita yang pada edisi cetak seperti di cover di atas, dibuat dalam bentuk komik manga. Dari gambar itu, saya dengan cepat bisa melihat konteks cerita berasal dari tempat apa. Ada yang dari India, Cina, Arab (mayoritas cerita menggambarkan ketiga tempat ini). de Mello memang menyebut dirinya adalah story teller, karena itu apa yang ditulisnya adalah berupa cerita-cerita rakyat, hikayat, perumpamaan, dan di setiap akhir cerita de Mello menulis apa yang menjadi pelajaran baginya, dan itu adalah bentuk refleksinya atas cerita itu. Refleksi itu sendiri menjadi wisdom word, yang de Mello sendiri mengistilahkannya sebagai silent teaching.

Di tengah-tengah usaha kita sebagai manusia untuk memperoleh kebahagian, kesuksesan, pencapaian cita-cita, mengerucut pada satu kata, bersyukur. Tentu masing-masing orang memiliki jalan berpikirnya sendiri, dan saya melihat de Mello menawarkan suatu alternatif berpikir yang membuat akan selalu mencari nilai akan suatu peristiwa.

Tidak semua cerita itu saya mengerti. Tetapi paling tidak, ada sesuatu yang membuat saya berpikir, yang membuat saya mencoba mencari tautan antara cerita dengan pesan moralnya. Satu hal lagi, para pembaca diajak berpikir filsafati. Kita tidak perlu berpikir dengan cara berpikir filsuf seperti Socrates, Plato, atau Aristoteles. Namun, kita bisa mengetahui dasar filsafat secara sederhana.

Falsafah ialah satu disiplin ilmiah yang mengusahakan kebenaran yang bersifat umum dan mendasar. Kata filsafat berasal dari bahasa Yunani philosophia, yang berarti love of wisdom atau mencintai kebenaran. Empat hal yang melahirkan filsafat yaitu ketakjuban, ketidakpuasan, hasrat bertanya dan ke-raguan. Berpikir filsafati biasanya bertujuan untuk mencari jawaban atas masalah yang sifatnya baik dan bisa memajukan umat manusia. (Sumber: dari sini )

Ini salah satu kisah yang sudah pernah saya dengar di khotbah, ternyata ada di buku ini,


Sufi Bayazid bercerita tentang dirinya seperti berikut ini: 'Waktu masih muda, aku ini revolusioner dan aku selalu berdoa: Tuhan, berilah aku kekuatan untuk mengubah dunia!'

'Ketika aku sudah separuh baya dan sadar bahwa setengah hidupku sudah lewat tanpa mengubah satu orang pun, aku mengubah doaku menjadi: 'Tuhan, berilah aku rahmat untuk mengubah semua orang yang berhubungan denganku: keluarga dan kawan-kawanku, dan aku akan merasa puas.'

'Sekarang ketika aku sudah menjadi tua dan saat kematianku sudah dekat, aku mulai melihat betapa bodohnya aku. Doaku satu-satunya sekarang adalah: 'Tuhan, berilah aku rahmat untuk mengubah diriku sendiri.' Seandainya sejak semula aku berdoa begitu, maka aku tidak begitu menyia-nyiakan hidupku!'

Setiap orang berpikir mau mengubah umat manusia. Hampir tak seorang pun berpikir bagaimana mengubah dirinya.

Wikipedia mencatat biografi Anthony de Mello sebagai berikut.
Anthony de Mello (lahir 4 September 1931, Bombay, India- wafat 2 Juni 1987, New York, Amerika Serikat) adalah seorang imam Yesuit dan psikoterapis yang terkenal luas karena buku-bukunya mengenai spiritualitas. Ia mengadakan banyak retret rohani dan dianggap bagi sebagian pihak sebagai seorang pembicara publik yang piawai. Ia mengunjungi banyak negara untuk belajar dan kemudian mengajar, terutama di Spanyol dan Amerika Serikat.

De Mello mendirikan sebuah pusat doa di India. Ia meninggal secara mendadak pada tahun 1987. Karya-karyanya masih dicetak hingga hari ini dan tulisan-tulisan lainnya diterbitkan setelah kematiannya.

Tantangan khas dari dirinya:
"Come home yourself!
Come back to your senses! Do you hear that bird sing?
How can you hear the song and not hear the singer?
How can you see the wave and not see the ocean?
How can you see the dance and not see the dancer?"

Ada kontroversi mengenai tulisannya, karena ia adalah seorang Pastor Katolik, namun dinilai telah melenceng dari iman Katolik. Namun seperti yang telah disampaikan oleh de Mello pada kata pengantar, "setiap cerita di sini adalah mengenai Anda, bukan orang lain." dan semuanya terserah kepada sidang pembaca kembali.


Profile Image for Omnia Alsayed.
148 reviews53 followers
December 2, 2020
كتاب للجميع وليس لكل أحد.. نص في التمكين الروحي.. هذا الكتاب صبغ عام 2020 عندي بصبغة الروحانية الحقة.. في قصص أنتوني دي ميلو عالم من الحكايا من كل الاديان والثقافات والاعراف.. لكنها تدور في مجملها في فكرة الله.. الإنسانية.. الخلق.. الخالق.. المحبة والدين كمحبة.. الكتاب بجملته يصلح كاقتباسات..
يخاطبك الكاتب في البداية أن تقرأ بقلبك لا بعقلك.. العقل لا يستطيع أن يفهم مغزى الكتاب.. هذه نصوص تحتاج منك ذخيرة روحانية مسبقة.. فالقصص على قصرها عميقة يحسها ويشعرها من عرف الله واغترف من نبع حبه.. يضاف هذا لبكتب الى قائمة أفضل ما قرأت..
في حياتي القادمة.. سيمنحني الله السكينة لأنني استهلكت نصيبي من القلق ❤️
Profile Image for Bookish Dervish.
813 reviews243 followers
July 28, 2023
هذا كتاب عن الروحانية المزعومة بمعزل على كل دين أو قل أنها مرتبطة بكل دين على قدم المساواة و كل ما تنكره مجموعة القصص القصيرة هذه هو إنكار وجود الله تعالى سبحانه عما يصفون.
نصوص جيدة صراحة إذا أخذناها بمعزل عن حمولتها الدينية، فيها جرعة تصوف و عرفان. تقرأ فيها عن الشيرازي، ابن الرومي، الجنيد، ابن عربي، رهبان هندوس، بوذا، رهبان مسيحيون، بسطاء......
تصلح لأن تكون قراءة ترويحية بين قرائتين جادتين.
11 reviews
December 16, 2020
It is one of those books that I reread. As I get older, the parables have a deeper meaning. My eldest likes this book a lot too. I leave it in the bathroom because each parable is only a page long and my kids pick it up while they are in there.
Profile Image for Alicja.
9 reviews
January 21, 2022
It's a good idea to read that book slowly... To really consider every story, every situation described there. Maybe you'll find yourself in that book. It depends on how much attention you'll put during reading and how honest you'll be with yourself.
Profile Image for Reda Shokr.
Author 1 book56 followers
February 13, 2018
الله! كلمة لتعبير عن جمال الكتاب وكذلك لأنها محور الكتاب وفكرته والدائرة التي يدور في فلكها. بداية الغلاف في الصورة رائع.. مبهج ويعكس سلامًا شفيفًا يريح القلب والعقل. والكتاب نفسه يسير في أسلوبه وقصصه القصيرة جدًا.. والتي تتسم بالصوفية الإنسانية التي - لطالما نادينا بأن يعرف المبعدون عن الصوفية -أن يدركوا أنّها لا تخص الإسلام والدروشة بس، لكنها في جميع الأديان والعالم الشرقي والغربي. القصص في الكتاب من جميع الثقافات والديانات والأفكار.

وكما يقول الكاتب: كل واحدة من هذه القصص إنما هي عنك، لاعن أحد سواك . فكل قصة لها ايقاع ونغم مختلف عن الأخرى، وتأثيرها يتفاوت بتفاوت الحالة والشخصية التي تقرأ. لكن الكتاب بشكل عام رااائع.. سعيد جدا بتجربة قراءته. وأرجو أن أرفل في أثوابه النفسية المقدسة الإلهية

وعلى سبيل المثال للقصص التي راقت لي جدًا، أذكر على سبيل المثال فقط لا الحصر:
رأيت في الطريق طفلاً عارياً، جائعاً، مرتجفاً برداً. استشطتُ غضباً وقلت لله: "لماذا تسمح بهذا؟ أفلا فعلتَ شيئاً؟"
للوهلة الأولى لم يفه الله بشيء. لكنه في تلك الليلة أجابني، على حين غرة: "لقد فعلت شيئا�� قطعاً. لقد خلقتك.""

يقول الشاعر الهندي العظيم طاغور في أحد كتبه: كلمة واحدة احفظها لي في صمتك، أيها العالم، حين أموت لقد أحببت. وهذا الكتاب يدور حول الحب لكل شيء. أن يحب الإنسان نفسه وعالمه وربه وروحه والطبيعة حوله ويحب الحب ويحب الدين الذي يدين بالحب حتى لو لم يكن معتقده. الله الله على هذه التجربة النفسية . كلمات قصيرة تكفي بدلا من مقالات مطولة وشروح عقيمة خاوية
بعض القصص فيه تستحق 5 نجوم
Profile Image for Shadiq.
52 reviews
February 16, 2021
Saya membaca bukunya yang sudah di translate ke bahasa indonesia dan dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi yang menarik, mirip seperti komik. Menurut saya, buku atau novel grapic ini adalah kolaborasi teologi, filsafat, dogma, budaya dan pengalaman spritual yang sangat mudah dipahami dan banyak ditemukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dan karena sifatnya pengalaman, spritual dan mistis setiap orang berbeda-beda, diawal buku ada 3 cara dalam membacanya yang menurut saya sangat membantu, serta memberikan pembacanya kebebasan dalam menafsirkannya atau berkomentar, tidak monoton pada komentar pengarang dan ilustrator yang sudah ada.

Anw...kosongkan cawan anda, kunyah sendiri 'makanannya', karena itu untuk dirimu, nikmati, resapi, sadari dan tampil lah sebagai versimu sendiri, itulah proses dialektika ilmu.
Profile Image for Jenny.
104 reviews1 follower
February 17, 2024
This is an author my Dad always enjoyed and the version I have has some of his notes written in the margins. It was a beautiful way to read along with him. I was able to see exactly why my Dad loved it so much as each story and parable encompasses my Dad completely. It is as if it could have been written by him. It is a collection that allows us to find our own truths and immerse ourselves in the mysticism if we are able. A very powerful read with lasting life impressions. How we choose to look at our life determines what we get from it.
Profile Image for Iris Frago .
239 reviews2 followers
January 28, 2021
Un libro que se compone de pequeños relatos sumamente sabios que te llevan a la reflexión de la vida, a la plena conciencia de la misma y a la manera en que procedemos ante los demás. En lo personal considero que cada una de estas lecciones deben ser releídas y puestas en práctica para que realmente tengan un efecto positivo, comprendamos algunos de los misterios de este mundo que muchas veces pasan desapercibidos.
*Todo el mundo piensa en cambiar a la humanidad. Casi nadie piensa en cambiarse a sí mismo*
Profile Image for Iyad Barghouti.
134 reviews4 followers
February 3, 2019
من أجمل ما كتب في الصوفيّة رغم أنّه في إجماله اقتباسات من كل الأديان و الثقافات، لكنّ حسّ الإيمان العميق الذي يحمله المؤلف صبغ شذرات بسيطة بألوان الخليقة بأسرها. كتابٌ لو قرأه الخلق و فهموه، لقدّروا عظمة الخالق و احترموا إبداعه و صانوا خلقه
Profile Image for Adek Fbree.
159 reviews
January 10, 2017
Kumpulan cerpen moral dan anekdot moral-spiritual. Edisi yang saya baca adalah terjemahan yang dibuat dalam bentuk graphis novel. Beruntung dapat yang masih fresh tersegel plastik di bookfair (baru2x ini) dgn harga fantastis ehehe..

Cerpen2xnya benar2x menarik dan dalam banget maknanya. Gambar2xnya juga bagus dan full color. Mungkin karena latar belakang duo ilustratornya penggemar komik jepang & anime, maka banyak bagian2x yang gaya gambarnya masih mangaish banget seperti efek drop water di kepala karakter yang lagi "terperangah" (^ ^).

Mengenai kontennya sendiri, banyak yang diangkat dari berbagai macam agama di dunia. Bagi yang hati dan pikirannya tidak terbuka atau luwes, sedikit banyak pasti bakal tersinggung deh. Walau demikian isinya dikisahkan dengan santai kok bahkan banyak yang kocak. Contohnya kisah "Menyelamatkan Ikan yang tenggelam", cergam satu halaman ini diakhiri dengan burung hantu yang pakai payung dan kaca mata hitam demi menghindari sinar matahari yg bisa membutakan burung hantu :P (apa hubungan burung hantu dan ikan? baca ndiri aja yah :D)

Entah kebetulan atau tidak, moral yang saya temukan di buku ini sangat relevan dengan kejadian2x yang terjadi belakangan ini baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Ada juga beberapa yang masih tidak bisa saya pahami (saya payah dalam perumpamaan sih). Namun secara keseluruhan, cerita2xnya menghibur sekaligus mendidik. Rasanya kayak sedang dengar dongeng sarat makna dan nasihat dari orang2x tua. Setidaknya, kicauan burung yang ini terdengar lebih merdu daripada kicauan2x digital saat ini XD


"...welas asih tidak punya ideologi."
Profile Image for Marwan Adwan.
14 reviews10 followers
March 4, 2014
"رأيتُ في الطريق طفلاً عارياً، جائعاً، مرتجفاً برداً. استشطتُ غضباً وقلت لله: "لماذا تسمح بهذا؟ أفلا فعلتَ شيئاً؟"
للوهلة الأولى لم يفه الله بشيء. لكنه في تلك الليلة أجابني، على حين غرة: "لقد فعلت شيئاً قطعاً. لقد خلقتك.""

أحد أجمل الكتب التي قرأتها في حياتي وأثرت بي بشكل عذب.
مجموعة قصص قصيرة متنوعة من مختلف المدارس الروحية، وقام المترجم بإضاف تعليق على كل قصة أضافت المزيد من القيمة لكل منها.
بعض القصص من الحضارات الشرقية وبعضها من الحكم الصوفية في الإسلام، بعضها من قصص القديسين، ، بعضها حوادث من التاريخ أو سير شعبية، وحتى بعضها يروى كفكاهات . لكن مجمل القصص تدعو إلى التفكير والتأمل بدل الإيمان بالحقائق بشكل جامد.
لكل قصة وقع مختلف على كل شخص، وعند كل قراءة يكون أثرها مختلفاً على القارئ،وكما يقول الكاتب:
"كل واحدة من هذه القصص إنما هي عنك، لاعن أحد سواك"

عندما أفكر بأفضل اقتباس يمكن وضعه، أفكر بوضع الكتاب كاملاً، لكن بعض أفضل القصص و التعليقات لدي :
""كلما جلس الغورو للصلاة في المساء أتت قطة الأشرم وسط المصلين وألهتهم عن صلاتهم. لذا أمر الغورو بربط القطة خلال صلاة العشاء.

بعد وفاة الغورو ظل القوم على ربط القطة خلال صلاة العشاء. وعندما نفقت القطة جيء بقطة أخرى إلى الأشرم حتى تُربَط كما ينبغي طوال صلاة العشاء.

وبعد ذلك بقرون كتب الفقهاء من تلاميذ الغورو رسائل فقهية في المغزى الشعائري لربط قطة أثناء إقامة الصلاة.""

كان الفيلسوف ديوجينس يأكل الخبز والعدس على العشاء عندما رآه الفيلسوف أرستيبوس الذي كان يعيش حياة مرفهة مداهِناً الملك.

قال أرستيبوس: "لو تعلَّمتَ كيف تتملق للملك لما اضطررتَ للعيش على أكل العدس."

قال ديوجينس: "تعلَّم العيش على أكل العدس ولن تضطر للتذلُّل للملك."

Profile Image for Panata Harianja.
28 reviews6 followers
December 21, 2010
Seseorang yang sungguh-sungguh ingin menapaki perjalanan spiritual akan berjodoh dan dipertemukan dengan buku ini. Dan seseorang yang sungguh-sungguh menyelami buku ini akan menemukan pengalaman yang belum tentu dia alami (bahkan) saat dia membaca Alkitab. Bukan karena Alkitab 'kurang sakti'. Tapi karena, Alkitab telah membebani kita sebagai kitab wajib yang harus disakralkan dan begitu agungnya. Membaca buku pater De mello, kita akan sadar bahwa kebenaran dan keindahan Ilahi kadang menyapa kita dengan cara-cara yang tak terduga. Menyusup tanpa lewat indoktrinasi. Menghentak tanpa melalui kotbah-kotbah basi yang berapi-api.

Dengan membaca buku pater De mello, kita akan tersadar betapa sia-sianya keberagamaan kita selama ini. Atau tepatnya, ada yang lebih dan melampaui pengalaman keberagamaan kita selama ini. Dan itu adalah; kemesraan relasi langsung kita dengan sesuatu yang melampaui akal.
Profile Image for dunianyawira.
30 reviews1 follower
April 16, 2011
Buku ini pertama kali terdengar ditelinga saya kurang lebih 4 atau 5 tahun yang lalu tapi baru sekarang akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mencari dan membacanya, ternyata buku ini sungguh luar biasa
Jika sebelumnya anda pernah menikmati buku "Si Cacing dan kotoran kesayangannya" maka buku ini adalah saudara kandungnya hehehehe Dengan penyampaian yang sangat ringan namun tepat sasaran, saya yakin semua yang ada dalam pikiran anda tentang Tuhan, iman dan agama akan mengalami lindu ( gempa berskala kecil dalam bahasa jawa ) persis seperti orang yang baru saja mengalami lindu mereka akan tersenyum lega karena merasa terselamatkan :)

Segera baca buku ini dan nikmati lindu anda sendiri lalu mari kita tersenyum bersama karena kita sama sama telah terselamatkan :)

Semoga semua makhluk berbahagia

wira wang
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