Reyna: Name Meaning, Popularity and Info on


What is the meaning of the name Reyna?

The name Reyna is primarily a female name of Spanish origin that means Queen.

Different Spellings of the name Reyna:


People who like the name Reyna also like:

Lily, Scarlett, Audrey, Aurora, Reina, Amelia, Raina, Leo, Liam, Isaac, Benjamin, Kaden, Ethan, Elijah

Names like Reyna:

Rania, Ruana, Rohan, Rahm, Remy, Runa, Rahmi, Roma, Rhiannon, Raheem, Reem, Rennie, Rehn, Rayan, Romee, Ronnie, Rina, Romana, Raniya, Reina, Raman, Romeo, Rianna, Renny, Ryan, Rana, Rane, Rimma, Romane, Ranae

Stats for the Name Reyna

checkmark Reyna is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Reyna is currently #569 in U.S. births
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