About Qwant

The search engine
where you are the user,
not the product!

Qwant artificial intelligence for your searches

Fast, reliable results you can trust


No storage of your search history, no resale of your data

Qwant is evolving!

Qwant is evolving to bring you many new features directly available in the search engine. By creating a Qwant account and logging in, you can take full advantage of Qwant , thanks to our artificial intelligence and our new “Summary” feature, for a smoother, more enjoyable search experience.


Many more features will arrive throughout 2024, we’ll tell you more very soon!

Qwant artificial intelligence for your searches

Qwant’s artificial intelligence, directly integrated into the search engine, now offers you short, precise answers to your everyday searches and questions. Our other “Summary” feature also gives you a condensed summary of a web page in just one click.


It’s free and unlimited as soon as you create a Qwant account!

We respect your privacy

Your online privacy is always our top priority. By default, not to store your search history, nor do we store or sell your personal data! On the other hand, the use of our advanced and optional features requires the sharing of certain data with our partners. Everything is explained in detail when you create your Qwant account, and you have the option of refusing this sharing in any case!

Browser extension

Qwant also offers a browser extension to enable you to use Qwant as your default search engine. A simple and effective way to enjoy your new search experience every time!

The Qwant mobile app

Qwant and its AI are always at your fingertips thanks to the Qwant mobile app