Conservative Button Badge
Why do we call Conservatives ‘Tories’? (Picture: Peter Dazeley/Getty Images)

Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss are all members of the (current) ruling Conservative and Unionist Party – which, let’s be honest, is a bit of a mouthful to say.

So, many people – including the opposition, Labour – often call them the ‘Tory’ Party instead.

You’ll likely see or hear the nickname in newspapers, on social media and in casual conversations, too, with some Conservative politicians and supporters even using the shortened name themselves.

But ‘Tory’ isn’t an abbreviation for ‘Conservative’ – so where did this name come from?

As it happens, its origin isn’t all that nice.

Why are the Conservative party called the Tory party?

‘Tory’ or ‘Tories’ is a name dating all the way back to the 1600s.

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Charles II King of England
The name dates back to the 1600s (Picture: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary & Thesaurus, the name was first used around 1679 during the Exclusion Crisis.

The Exclusion Crisis saw two separate parties emerge in Parliament, unable to agree on which royal should succeed King Charles II.

Charles’ brother James, Duke of York, was a Roman Catholic – not a member of the Church of England, which was the Christian denomination typically followed by the monarch.

The main party at the time, the Whigs, took the traditional view, so were against James ascending the throne. However, an opposing group named the Tories formed to throw their support behind him.

‘Tory’ stems from the Irish Gaelic word ‘tóraidhe’, which means ‘outlaw’.

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It’s also interpreted with other, similar meanings: pursuer, brigand, robber, highwayman.

‘Tóraidhe’ was used by the Irish to describe people who’d been forced to steal to survive, after being turfed out of their homes by settlers from England, according to The Irish Post.

Indeed, the Tories took the non-traditional view on this particular issue – and though the Exclusion Crisis raged on until 1681, they eventually got their own way.

James II was crowned King of England from 1685 until 1688. As it happens, he was to be the country’s last Catholic monarch.

The Tories continued on as a political party into the 1700s, but was disbanded in the 1830s – and reformed as the Conservative Party in 1834.

However, it seems the nickname stuck.

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MORE : Labour takes six-point lead over Tories after Boris Johnson’s nightmare week

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