Russell Brand: In Plain Sight [renamed] - Page 64

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Russell Brand: In Plain Sight [renamed]

Started by jazzy_sabotage, September 15, 2023, 04:30:40 PM

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Isn't "My Booky Wook" a James Joyce reference.

I really think people whose backs go up at "Clever" people are generally horrible, but in this case it feels like a deliberate trap to go to people "Oh you think I was being really stupid, but actually the jokes on you it's a deep literary reference."

And I don't know if I am just putting it in context of everything else but it feels a bit manipulative and nasty.


I can't find what it was a reference to now, I thought it was "A portrait of the artist as a young man" but can't find it now.

Ballad of Ballard Berkley

Burgess, supposedly. He's said it was inspired by Nadsat and A Clockwork Orange's use of language.
I don't think 'booky-wook' is in it, but stuff like 'appypolly loggy' for apology is.

EDIT:  Too late!  ^

Pink Gregory

Quote from: Pink Gregory on October 01, 2023, 12:21:08 PMEggy Weggs is in the film

Oh yeah, I think it's in the book as well - that would have been a better example.

Any road, Katherine Ryan's just been on Desert Island Discs talking about a dangerous comedian who she hesitated about working with. It was recorded 4 weeks ago.

Catalogue Trousers

Quote from: Ballad of Ballard Berkley on October 01, 2023, 11:56:50 AMIt's an Anthony Burgess reference.

Surely, then, it would be My Bookiwook? Nah, I think that it was just Brand being a dick.

Senior Baiano

Burgess was so much under the influence of Joyce that it almost counts as a Joyce reference too.

But clockwork orange eh. Surely the most famous book with a multiple rapist protagonist, with due respect to Richard Allen's Skinhead novels

The Mollusk

Appropriate that Brand would name his book in reference to slang used by the character of an intellectually smug rapist, someone who is aware of his faults but continues to indulge his fantasies and bucks against a system trying to straighten him out. Write what you know eh.


On an episode of the BBC2 radio show Brand referred to his book in an offhand way as "my booky wooky", and Matt Morgan joked "is that going to be the actual title then, 'My Booky Wooky'?" Then they had a laugh about how absurd it would be to actually use that title for the autobiography. So it's not a Burgess reference unless we consider Brand's whimsical way of speaking a Nadsat pastiche generally.

Old Nehamkin

Quote from: gotmilk on October 01, 2023, 02:22:44 PMOn an episode of the BBC2 radio show Brand referred to his book in an offhand way as "my booky wooky", and Matt Morgan joked "is that going to be the actual title then, 'My Booky Wooky'?" Then they had a laugh about how absurd it would be to actually use that title for the autobiography. So it's not a Burgess reference unless we consider Brand's whimsical way of speaking a Nadsat pastiche generally.

It's true that the book title started out as a joke suggestion on the radio show like you've described, but Brand was already incorporating bits and pieces of that clockwork orange lingo into his schtick at least as early as Big Brother's Big Mouth (introducing VT's with "viddy this my droogs" etc.) and I think "booky wook" was very definitely an extension of that.

A tap-dancing Brand tunefully intones Singing in the Rain, while beating dead a vagrant looking smarter than him.


Quote from: gotmilk on October 01, 2023, 02:22:44 PMOn an episode of the BBC2 radio show Brand referred to his book in an offhand way as "my booky wooky", and Matt Morgan joked "is that going to be the actual title then, 'My Booky Wooky'?" Then they had a laugh about how absurd it would be to actually use that title for the autobiography. So it's not a Burgess reference unless we consider Brand's whimsical way of speaking a Nadsat pastiche generally.

He really needed someone to just say "God, you're such a prick" in a weary old Wogan voice.

Quote from: Senior Baiano on October 01, 2023, 12:58:02 PMBurgess was so much under the influence of Joyce that it almost counts as a Joyce reference too.

But clockwork orange eh. Surely the most famous book with a multiple rapist protagonist, with due respect to Richard Allen's Skinhead novels

Minor thread diversion:

The central character in Lolita is committing statutory rape but only has one victim AFAIK.

A few Shakespeare plays are about kings who probably committed numerous rapes that were, however, legal in the period under codes of war, etc, as well as their child brides.

Brand would love to have been one of the kings because of those "perks", I imagine, as well as for the attention and being able to give flowery speeches.

Other films that you might see Brand liking:  Peeping Tom, Straw Dogs, High Plains Drifter....?


Quote from: Old Nehamkin on October 01, 2023, 02:45:27 PMIt's true that the book title started out as a joke suggestion on the radio show like you've described, but Brand was already incorporating bits and pieces of that clockwork orange lingo into his schtick at least as early as Big Brother's Big Mouth (introducing VT's with "viddy this my droogs" etc.) and I think "booky wook" was very definitely an extension of that.

Quite so - also, there was a period that around the same time (or may have predated it) that Nadsat, or rather bad imitations of it, were popping up in one or two prominent advertising campaigns and popped up in the media, and there was some hipness to it.


This story seemed to have gone very quiet, but an extra from Arthur is taking a civil case against him, using the legal window in the statute of limitations.

Interesting that Warner Bros is a codefendant; I think for not stopping his obviously inappropriate behaviour.

Quote from: tomasrojo on November 04, 2023, 10:24:27 AMan extra from Arthur is taking a civil case

Given how he used medieval phrases like 'my liege', is that an extra from King Arthur's court?


Glad someone's finally in the dock for inflicting a remake of Arthur starring Russell Brand on the world

Joe Oakes

This is going to put a real dampener on my weekly Arthur watch parties.


Morgana Robinson's Brand impression still makes me laugh. Don't suppose she'll be doing that one anymore. Shame.


Quote from: Mobius on November 04, 2023, 10:54:41 AMMorgana Robinson's Brand impression still makes me laugh. Don't suppose she'll be doing that one anymore. Shame.
But she could play him in the biopic.


By coincidence my friends and I were wondering earlier today what lanky streak of piss actor will play Brand in a biopic in 10 years time.  Charlie Cooper was suggested by someone from Gloucestershire. I wonder how good his Essex accent is.

I don't think he has to show up if it's a civil suit but it won't look good if he doesn't.


Cold Meat Platter