About Us – The Rock Columbus


The ROCK is a non-denominational church with a strong vision and mission to reach the world with the fullness of the message of Jesus Christ. We take it to a new level in worship, teaching, and preaching of the Word of God. And, we make the presence of the Lord a priority in our services! Are you hungry for more? Do you want to experience every promise which Jesus Christ has provided for you? Our church slogan is, “Because there’s more.” Yes, there is more for you and your family as you grow into God’s plans and purposes for your lives. Thanks for visiting with us. We look forward to meeting you soon! With love, Pastors Eb & Heather Penha



1st Core Value

To provide a place of worship where God's presence is administrated in a scriptural manner.

2nd Core Value

To provide a place to equip the workers of the Kingdom of God to gather and be trained to reap the harvest of the Lord.

3rd Core Value

To strengthen the family and support the building of strong Christian homes.

4th Core Value

To educate the believer through the renewing of the mind and to equip every believer to fulfill their unique call in Christ.


Mission Statement

We strive to connect Jesus and His mission to His people and their calling. Matthew 28:19-20

Vision Statement

We strive to build the local church and to raise up local churches to the original intent of the Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 16:18



View the latest articles and blog updates from our pastors and others. Get helpful insight into practical and Biblical Christian living. Read about what the Lord is doing in our church!

16 August 2022

Reflection with Harry Davis

Every day is one day further from my first day and one day closer to

29 October 2021

Where Were You When I needed You?

I will never forget that night. I will never forget the screams. I will never

26 July 2021

Shrouded In Darkness:  Divine Protection By Pastor Brandon Johnson

Shrouded In Darkness:  Divine Protection   “Dad…Dad, wake up! Bianca needs you upstairs. There is 


Give us a call or shoot us an email to reach out. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns, or anything else that's on your mind. We will try our best to help you any way we can. We look forward to hearing from you!

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