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(VA: Kugimiya Rie)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「このわしをしてアヴェンジャーとはの……
うっはっはっは! なんとも因果なことよな。
よかろう! 第六天魔王信長の生きざま、

To think that I'd be an Avenger...

Uwahaha! What twisted fate.
Very well! Behold the way the Demon king of the Sixth Heaven, Nobunaga lives, and engrave it into your very soul!

To make me an Avenger…

Uhahaha! What a karmic thing. Very well! Make sure to engrave the Demon King of Sixth Heaven, Nobunaga's lifestyle in your soul!

Level Up 1 「いかんなあ……力が漏れ出しておる。そなた、わしがどうなっても覚悟だけはしておくのだぞ」

This isn't good. My power's leaking out of me.

No matter what happens to me, brace yourself.

No good… The power is leaking out. You must be prepared no matter how it turns out

Level Up 2 「ますます強力になるノッブの力が世界を破壊すると信じて! 是非もなくございましたー!」

Believe that Nobbu's expanding power's going to destroy the world!

It just can't be helped!

Believe that the power of the increasingly stronger Nobbu will destroy the world! It couldn't be helped!

Level Up 3 「うっはっはっはっはっはっは! 快調快調! 敦盛でも舞いたい気分じゃわい!」


Smooth sailing! I feel like dancing Atsumori!

Uhahahahaha! Good, good! I feel like dancing the Atsumori!

Battle Start 1 「陣触れじゃ! この信長の戦、その目に焼き付けるがよい!」

I hereby declare that this battle with Nobunaga shall be burned into your eyes!

An order to go into battle! Burn into your eyes this war of Nobunaga!

Battle Start 2 「わしが第六天魔王、織田信長じゃ!」

I am the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga!

I'm the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga!

Battle Start 3 「古きに新しきを布く。それがわしの天下布武よ!」

The new overrides the old... That's how I spread my military power!

The new is spread over the old. That's my Tenka Fubu!

Battle Start 4 「いかな神仏化生たりとて、このわしを阻むことは適わぬ!」

Neither gods, nor Buddhas, nor any other living creature will hinder me!

You can turn into Gods and Buddha all you want, it's impossible to stop me!

Skill 1 「うっはっはっはっはぁ!」



Skill 2 「面白い!」



Skill 3 「是非もなし!」

It can't be helped!

It can't be helped!

Skill 4 「夢幻の如くなり!」

It is but a fleeting dream!

As in a fleeting dream!

Attack Selected 1 「任せよ!」

Leave it to me!

Leave it to me!

Attack Selected 2 「わしが出る!」

I'm going out!

I'll go out!

Attack Selected 3 「よいぞ!」

Very well!


Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「うむ、では行くとするか」

Hm, then let's go.

Um… Then shall I go?

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「是非もないのぅ。少し離れておれ」

It can't be helped... Step a bit back.

It can't be helped… Stand back a bit

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「これはあんまりやりたくないんじゃが。是非もなしか!」

I didn't want to do this, but I guess it can't be helped!

I don't really want to do this, but… Guess it can't be helped!

Noble Phantasm Selected 4 「ではわしのとっておき、みせてしまうかの!」

Guess I'll reveal the card up my sleeve!

Then should I show them my trump card?!

Attack 1 「食らえい!」

Take this!

Take this!

Attack 2 「消え失せよ!」



Attack 3 「じゃじゃじゃじゃじゃー!」

Jya jya jya jya!!!


Attack 4 「笑止!」



Attack 5 「構え! 放てー!」

Take aim! Fire!

Take aim, shoot!

Attack 6 「こうじゃ!」

This is it!

Like this!

Extra Attack 1 「では死ねい! でいやああーー!!」

Now die!


Then die! Deiyaaah!!

Extra Attack 2 臓物はらわたを、ブチ撒けい!」

Spill your guts!

Spill out your bowels!

Extra Attack 3 「ゆくぞ! ぐだぐだ殺法、第六天魔乱れ撃ち!」

Let's go! GUDAGUDA killing technique, Demon of the Sixth Heaven burst shots!

Let's go! Guda-Guda Killing Method: Sixth Heaven Demon Random Shooting!

Extra Attack 4 「今じゃ! ファイナルノッブスペシャーーール!!!」

Now! Final Nobbu Special!!!

Now! Final Nobbu Special!

Noble Phantasm 1 「三界神仏灰燼と帰せ──『波旬変生はじゅんへんじょう三千大千天魔王さんぜんだいせんてんまおう』!!」

Return the gods, Buddha, and the three realms to dust...

Pāpīyas Reborn!
Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!!!

Return the gods and Buddha of the three realms to embers… "Papiyas Reborn:Hajunhenjō ・ Demon King of Three ThousandSanzen Daisen Great Thousand HeavensTen Maō"!!



Noble Phantasm 2 「六天集いて四海を覆う──『波旬変生はじゅんへんじょう三千大千天魔王さんぜんだいせんてんまおう』!!」

The six heavens assemble to cover the four seas...

Pāpīyas Reborn!
Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!!!

Swarm the six heavens and cover the whole world… "Papiyas Reborn:Hajunhenjō ・ Demon King of Three ThousandSanzen Daisen Great Thousand HeavensTen Maō"!!

Noble Phantasm 3 「過去・現在・未来──すべてのわしが集い、啓く! 『波旬変生はじゅんへんじょう三千大千天魔王さんぜんだいせんてんまおう』!!」

The past, present, and future...

All of me...assemble and unleash!
Pāpīyas Reborn, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!!!

Past, present, future… All the mes gather, and unfold! "Papiyas Reborn:Hajunhenjō ・ Demon King of Three ThousandSanzen Daisen Great Thousand HeavensTen Maō"!!

Noble Phantasm 4 「『波旬変生はじゅんへんじょう三千大千天魔王さんぜんだいせんてんまおう』!! これがわしの、全力全開じゃあああ!!!」

Pāpīyas Reborn, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!!!

This is my full power unleashed!

"Papiyas Reborn:Hajunhenjō ・ Demon King of Three ThousandSanzen Daisen Great Thousand HeavensTen Maō"!! This is my full power at full throttle!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「あだだだだだっ! 調子に乗るでないわ!!」

Ow ow ow!!! Don't get carried away!

Dwouch ouch ouch! Don't get carried away!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「のわあああああ~~っ!?」



Regular Damage 1 「いだっ!」



Regular Damage 2 「やるではないかぁ!」

Not bad!

Not bad!

Defeated 1 「……ふっ。夢幻の如くなり、よな……」 a fleeting dream...

Fu. Just like a fleeting illusion, right…

Defeated 2 「やるではないか……」

Not too shabby.

Quite good…

Defeated 3 「ぐだぐだじゃのう……ま、是非もなしか……」

What a mess... Well, it can't be helped.

What a mess. Well, it can't be helped…

Defeated 4 「よう保ったというべきかのう……」

Guess I endured that pretty well...

Should I say that I endured well?

Battle Finish 1 「うっはっはっはー! わしこそが神仏衆生の敵、第六天魔王・織田信長なり!」

Uwahahaha! I am the enemy of gods, Buddha, and all living creatures...the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga!

Uhahaha! I'm the enemy of the gods, Buddha, and living beings, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven: Oda Nobunaga!

Battle Finish 2 「勝つべくして勝つ。魔王の戦とは斯くあるべしよのう!」

Win like it's an inevitability! Now this is what fighting as a Demon King is all about!

Win as if it was unavoidable to win! A demon king's battles should be like this!

Battle Finish 3 「勝った! 天下布武、完!! ……いや、終わってはおらんか。さて、次の戦じゃ」

I win! Unifying the nation by force, complete! No, it's far from over. Moving on to the next battle!

I won! Tenka Fubu: The End! … No, it's not over. Now, to the next battle!

Battle Finish 4 「イエーイ! 見とるかマスター! わしったら魔王と見紛う強さじゃったろ? ま、魔王なんじゃけどネ! てへ☆」

Yay! Did you see that, Master? My strength is on par with the Demon King, right? Well, I AM the Demon King...heh!

Yaay! Did you see, Master?! My strength could be mistaken by that of a Demon King! Well, I'm a Demon King, though! Tehe☆

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「なんじゃ、貴様がこのわしに諌言しようてか? ほう、このわしにのう。その身の程知らずに免じて、聞くだけ聞いてやろうではないか。なに、つまらぬ話であれば、このへし切を抜くだけじゃ」

What? Are you trying to give me some words of advice?

Oh? Me, of all people?
Because I respect you not knowing your place, I'll hear you out.
Don't worry, if it bores me, I can put a stop to it by unsheathing my sword.

What? Do you intend to flatter me? Ho, me of all people… Out of respect to you for not knowing your place, how about I just listen to you? What, if it's a boring talk, I'll only unsheathe this Heshikiri

Bond Lvl 2 「一軍の将が軽々けいけいと前に出るでないわ。前に出たとて、手柄を立てれば部下の手柄を奪う事になろう。さりとて、不覚を取れば部下の心も離れよう。故に、将は軽々しく前に出るものでないという事じゃな。……え? 桶狭間? わしそういうのわからんのじゃ!」

The general of an army doesn't carelessly head out to the front. And if they did, they would just be stealing the glory from their subordinates. Besides, if they screw up they'll lose their subordinates' loyalty. That's why a general shouldn't just head to the front willy-nilly.

Eh? Okehazama? No idea what you're talking about...

The general of one army doesn't depart to the front carelessly. By going to the front, if you achieve an accomplishment, you'll steal the accomplishments of your subordinates. That said, if you take a defeat, the heart of your subordinates will become distant. Therefore, a general doesn't depart to the front lightly. Eh? Okehazama? I don't understand that!

Bond Lvl 3 「生まれながらに才ある者は、才を頼みに研鑽を怠る。だが、生まれながらに才なき者は、己が無力さ故に鍛錬するであろう? 日々を生きる覚悟が違うという事よな。これが肝要じゃぞ、マスター」

Those born with talent rely on it and neglect their studies. Those born without talent work and train to improve their powerlessness, right?

Know that there are different ways to live one's life. Remember how important that is, Master.

Those who are born with talent rely on their talent and neglect their studies. But those born without talent train themselves due to their own powerlessness, right? That means their resolve to live daily is different. This is essential, Master

Bond Lvl 4 「──気づいておるか? わしの身体……そうじゃ。虚ろになる事があるじゃろう。本来、わしはこの世界にはこのなりでは留まり得ぬ。それがどうにか現界しておるのも、そなたという楔がある故じゃ。わしでないわしが面倒をかける事もあろうが、なに、それらもそなたが為に在る故じゃ。許せ……」

Have you noticed?

My body... Yeah, there are times when it becomes hollow.
Normally I wouldn't be able to stay in this form. But the reason I'm still able to manifest here is because I'm tied to you. A me that's not me is sure to give you trouble, but is still here for your sake. Forgive me.

Did you notice? My body… Right, it's becoming hollow. Originally, I shouldn't be able to stay in this world with this form. The reason why I've still appeared in some way or another, is due to the tie that is you. The mes that aren't me may put you in trouble too, but what, they're also here due to you. Forgive them

Bond Lvl 5 「うっはっはっはー!! そなたはまっこと愛い奴よのう! ほれ、近う! もそっとな! なんじゃろなー、そなたには何というか、妙な魅力があるのう。言うなら侘びた茶碗とでもいうか何というか、得も言われぬ味わいじゃ。……ま、わしに愛でられるのも立派な才じゃ、誇るがよいぞ! んん~……触り心地もまた、大名物もかくやじゃのう……え、頬擦りするなって? またまたー、照れるでないわ、このこのー!」

Uwwahahaha! You really are cute.

Come on now, come closer. Yeah, I don't know what it is, but you have this strange appeal.
You're like this simple, imperfect teacup... I can't put my finger on it, but there's something profound and indescribable about you.
Well, winning my love takes talent in itself. You should be proud!
Hmmm, the texture and sensation are like something most noble!
Eh? I shouldn't rub my face?
Oh come on, don't be so bashful, you.

Uhahaha! You're a really nice fellow! Come on, get closer, more quickly! How to say it? You have this, a strange charm. If I had to say it, you're like a teacup to be pined for, or something like that, an indescribable appeal. Well! Being appreciated by me is a praiseworthy talent! Feel proud! Mmmm, this sensation to touch is like that of a great famous product! Eh, "don't rub our cheeks together"? Geez~, don't blush, you little, you~!

Dialogue 1 「戦とは戦う前に決しておるものじゃ。勝った、ではない。勝つべくして勝つ。心得たか? よし、では出陣じゃ!」

The outcome of battle is decided before it begins. One does not simply win, but carries oneself to victory!

Got it? Okay, then let's head out!

War is something that is decided before battling. It's not "I won!", but winning when you should win. Did you understand? Good! Then let us depart to the front!

Dialogue 2 「わしが主、そなたが家臣。サーヴァントとしての契約はともかく、そこは心得ておくがいい。わしったら、気に入らないマスターとかへし切っちゃうタイプの覇王系美少女戦国大名じゃし?」

I am the master and you are my retainer. It doesn't matter what kind of contract I've formed as a Servant. I want you to keep that in mind.

After all, I'm the supreme ruler, Warring States daimyo pretty girl who doesn't hesitate to cut her Master if they piss me off.

I'm the lord, you are the retainer. Contract as a Servant aside, you should bear that in mind. I'm an hegemon-type pretty girl, Sengoku era daimyō, of the type that will pressure cut any Master I don't like!

Dialogue 3 「わしは戯れは許すが侮りは許さん。そなたもわしに目通りするならばそれなりの覚悟で挑むことじゃ。生半な心構えでおるなら、命はないと思え。……なーんて、脅かしすぎたかの? なに、ちょっと気に食わんことがあったら撃ち殺す、わしの気分で。それだけじゃそれだけ! うっはっはっはっは!」

I will permit goofing off, but I will never tolerate contempt. If you are granted an audience with me, you should have a certain amount of respect when doing so.

If you half assed your preparations, consider yourself dead.
Just kidding. Did I scare you?
Depending on my mood, if there's anything I don't like, I'll cut it to death.
That's all there is to it! Uwahahaha!

I allow frolic, but don't forgive disdain. If you're having an audience with me, you must be prepared for that. If you come with a half-hearted preparedness, consider yourself dead. Just kidding! Was it too much of a threat? What, if there's something I don't like a bit I'll shoot it to death, depending on my mood. Just that, just that! Ufuhahaha!

Dialogue 4
(Oda Nobunaga)

Oh, me? I know that's me, but I guess she does look a lot like me. Well, there's some differences in the details.

Like her cape and stuff.
Anyway, I'm going to say this many times, my awesomeness is more awesome than me, and she's more me than me.

Oh, it's me! Speaking of me, I mostly look like me. Well, the details are quite different. Like the mantle, it's like this. That aside, no matter how many times I say it, my coolness comes from the me that's more like me than the me coming from me!

Dialogue 5
(Oda Nobunaga (Berserker))
「水着のわしったら、いつ見てもボンキュッボン! のセクシーダイナマイツ本能寺! って感じじゃの! ……待てよ、アーチャーのわし、水着のわし、アヴェンジャーであるこのわし……。遂に、トリオ・ザ・ノッブ2019として世界に羽ばたく時が来たという事なのではないか!? ノッブは訝しんだ」

No matter how many times I see the swimsuit me, her tight, curvy, sexy figure always shouts "sexy dynamite Honnoji!"

Wait a minute...the Archer me, the swimsuit me, and me, the Avenger...
Is it time for The Nobbu Trio 2021 to make their debut on the world stage!?
...The Nobbus are concerned.

The swimsuit me gives the feeling of "Sexy Dynamite Honnōji with an hourglass figure from wherever you look"! Wait a moment, the Archer me, the swimsuit me, the me that is an Avenger… Doesn't that mean that the time to go out into the world as Trio The Nobbu 2019 has finally come?! Nobbu is suspicious

Dialogue 6
「おおー、茶々。わしもアヴェンジャー化してしもうたわ。それにしても、わしらの血筋、バーサーカーだのアヴェンジャーだの我ながらろくでもないのう! うはははははは! ……え? わしと一緒にするな? ……で、あるか……」

Oh hey, Chacha. I've become an Avenger too.

Now that I think about it, our lineage sure seems to be a group of good-for-nothings that have an affinity for becoming Berserkers and Avengers.
Eh? "Don't lump me in with you," you say?

Oh Chacha! I've turned into an Avenger too! That aside, that our lineage is made of Berserkers and Avengers is worthless for me! Ufuhahahaha! Eh? "Don't put me in the same class as you"…? You say…?

Dialogue 7
(Mori Nagayoshi)
「え? また勝蔵がなにかやらかしたのじゃ? ……ふむふむ、ほうほう、なるほどのう。ま、鬼武蔵なら仕方ない!」

Eh? Did Katsuzo do something again?

Hm. Oho. I see.
Well! Can't be helped since it's Oni Musashi!

Eh? Did Katsuzō do something again? Hmhm, hoho, I see… Well, if it's Oni Musashi nothing can be done!

Dialogue 8
(Okita Sōji)

Sheesh. Even if we're doomed to be stuck with each other, it seems we've been together for a long time now, man-slayer.

Well, you're one of the few who could tell me off without fear... Actually, there's a lot who do that here.
Whatever. That aside, I appreciate your ongoing friendship.

Good grief. Speaking of undesirable yet inseparable relationships, I've associated with you for a long time, manslayer. Well, you probably are the only one who can talk to me without fear. And, I wonder if this is good enough. Well, what. That aside, I'll be counting on you once more

Dialogue 9
(Okita Sōji (Alter))

Oh, you're that Alter version of Okita.

You must have done some serious job hunting, considering your part-time work was for the Counter Force. Well, just let me know if you need anything.

Ah! Okita's Alter or something. You've gone through a hard job hunting to become a regular employee after your part-time job at the Counter Force. Well, tell me if there's something troubling

Dialogue 10
(Hijikata Toshizō)
「新選組の土方じゃったか。バーサーカーは話が通じんから困るのう。……え? 土方は話が通じる? たわけ、あれは通じておるのではないわ。だいたい、朝昼晩、三食たくあん漬けとかどうかしとるじゃろ。ハンバーグとか食べたいし、わし。卵とチーズトッピングで! まあ、湯漬けにたくあんが至高の組み合わせなのは認めるがの」

Hijikata of the Shinsengumi.

It's gonna be tough to communicate with him since he's a Berserker.
Eh? You can hold a conversation with Hijikata?
Fool. That's not communicating.
First of all, there's something wrong in his head if he can eat only pickles and rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
If it was me, I'd want to eat hamburg steak, topped with egg and cheese.
Though I do admit that pickles with rice and hot water is the best combination.

Hijikata of the Shinsengumi. How troubling that you can't converse with Berserkers. Eh? You can converse with Hijikata? Idiot, that's not a conversation! To begin with, you've got to be wrong in the head to have rice with takuan at morning, noon, and evening, three meals! I want to eat some Hamburg steak! With eggs and cheese topping. Well, I admit that yuzuke with takuan is a supreme combination

Dialogue 11
(Oda Nobukatsu)

Nobukatsu. Are you still manifested here?

You really have to make up your mind about whether you're going to stick around or disappear.
Well, it's not bad. This is yet another dream...a dreamlike illusion.

Nobukatsu. Were you still summoned? You're one you can't make clear whether you'll come or disappear. Well, it's not bad. This is also a temporary dream, truly like a fantasy, as they say

Dialogue 12
(Sakamoto Ryōma or Sakamoto Ryōma (Lancer) & Okada Izō)
「坂本なんちゃらとお竜ではないか。ん? ダーオカもおったか。そういや貴様ら、商売がどうのこうの言っとったのう。んー……そうじゃ! このカルデアで楽市楽座とかどうじゃ? 売店の商品もよいが、やはり競争相手がおらんと銭はよう回らんからのう。よし! 後でマスターに言うておこう!」

Why if it isn't Sakamoto Something-or-Other and Oryou.

Hm? Oh, and Da-Oka's here too?
Oh right, you guys said something about doing business.
I know! Why not form a free market and open guild here in Chaldea?
Selling your wares is nice and all, but money won't circulate properly without some competition.
Okay, I'll bring it up to Master later.

If it isn't Sakamoto whatever and Oryō? Dāoka's also here? By the way you two said your occupation was this and that. …Hmmm. That's right! How about free markets and open guilds here in Chaldea?! Having goods at the store is good, but the coin won't flow at all without some competitors. Okay, let's tell Master later!

Dialogue 13
(Nagao Kagetora or Uesugi Kenshin)

Huh!? Isn't that Nagao Kagetora of Echigo, the Warring States' most powerful warrior!?

I never thought I would ever be able to walk beside the avatar of Bishamonten herself... I am super-duper-mega-ultra moved!
Eh? Stop with the obvious flattery?
Tch. She figured me out. She's got some nerve, considering she kicked the bucket on the toilet...
Uh...nothing! I didn't say anything!

Huh?! Aren't you Nagao Kagetora of Echigo, who was praised as the strongest of the Sengoku era?! Well, to be side-by-side with that avatar of Bishamonten, Nagao Kagetora-dono. I, Oda Nobunaga, with terrible gratefulness offer you these konpeitō! …Eh? Stop it with the obvious flattery? …Tch, you found me out? So cheeky for someone who kicked the bucket at the toilet. …Ah no no, I didn't say a thing!

Dialogue 14
(Okita J Sōji)

WHAT!? Do you SEE how you're dressed!?

D-don't tell me...the princess of that puny man-slayers circle's gotten a swimsuit form!?
So I shouldn't have been focused on turning into an Avenger and burning up the temple!?
So...what the heck's that? A jet thruster? Huh?
Uwahahahaha! A jet thruster...what are you, stupid?
Uh, it's actually kind of cool, but...BUT...!

Geeeh?! What's with you and those looks?! C-Could it be, that princess of the Puny Manslayers Circle, g-got a swimsuit?! S-so it wasn't the same as my case of turning into an Avenger and burning and the temple?! So, what's that? Eh, a jet? Huh? Mm? Uwahahahahahaha! A jet she says! Are you stupid?! Uhahahaha! …Ah, no, honestly it's cool though. Though.

Dialogue 15
(Mysterious Ranmaru X)
「おお、蘭丸ではないか。久しいのう。……って、よく見たらわしのとこにおった蘭丸と全然違うくない? いやそうでもないか……? いかん、わしの中で蘭丸がゲシュタルト崩壊しかかっとる! なになに……『蘭丸は、蘭丸星から来た蘭丸の中の蘭丸である、謎の蘭丸X』? ──うっはっはっはー! 是非もなし!」

Oh hey, it's Ranmaru. It's been a while...

Wait a that I look closer, you're completely different than the Ranmaru who served me!
Hang on...maybe not?
This is no good. All the Ranmarus are causing a Gestaltzerfall in my head!
What's that? Ranmaru came from Planet Ranmaru? Mysterious Ranmaru X, the greatest of all Ranmarus!?
Wahahahahaha! It can't be helped!

Something you Like 「好きなものか? 新しきものは何とは言わず気になってしまうのう。ほれほれ、最新ゲームとか美味しい南蛮菓子とか、そういうのあるんじゃろ? 早う持ってこんか! なんにせよ、わしは人の革新を好む。この先はどうなっているのか、それこそが人の人たる所以よな。そなたもそうあらんとするがよかろう」

What I like?

New things intrigue me.
You know, the newest games or delicious foreign sweets and the like.
Bring them all to me! Hurry!
After all, I love innovation and reform, and I'm curious how things will end up. It's human nature. You should follow my example.

Something I like? New stuff interests me in a way that can't be said. Look look, there's stuff like the newest game or tasty foreign sweets, right? Let's get some quick! Anyway, I like people's innovations. What will happen from now on, that's the reason of humans being human. It's fine if you do that too

Something you Hate 「嫌いなものか? そうじゃのう、神頼みとかしとる奴かのう。神仏とは尊びこそすれ、頼むものではない。人の可能性は人のものじゃ。そなた、努々怠るでないぞ?」

What I hate?

People who rely on the gods to grant them favors.
Gods and Buddhas are to be revered, but are not there to grant requests. Human potential can only be realized by humanity. Never be negligent or be lazy.

Something I hate? Let's see. Guys that ask the gods for favors, I guess. Religion is not to be relied on but to be esteemed. The possibilities of people are of the people. You, don't ever dare neglect your duties

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯のう……願望器云々はともかく、なんというかなりが侘びとらんじゃろう? あのキンキラでは花があるとも違うしのう。あの形で喜ぶのはサルぐらいではないか? ……ああ、うん。サルなら喜んで懐に入れそうじゃな」

The Holy Grail...

Never mind the wish-granting vessel. Don't you think it's lacking in transience and simplicity?
Its sparkle isn't even close to elegant...
Monkey'd probably love that.
Yeah, he'd love to keep that in his breast pocket.

The Holy Grail, huh… Wishing devices and the likes aside, how to say it, doesn't the form lack rustic simplicity? Even if you put flowers in that golden sparkly thing it feels wrong. Only someone like Monkey would rejoice about this, wouldn't he? Ah, yeah. If it was Monkey, he'd gladly put it in his pocket!

During an Event 「何か催しておるようじゃな。よし、早速物見遊山に出かけるとしよう。なーに、わしがおれば大抵の事は片が付く! ドーンと任せておけい!」

It looks like something's going on.

Okay! Let's head out on a little jaunt.
Don't worry. Most things will get settled as long as I'm around. Leave it to me!

Looks like something's being held. Okay! Let's immediately go out for a pleasure jaunt! What, if I'm there most things will be settled! Just leave it to me!

Birthday 「そなたの誕生日とな! よかろう! 今宵はとっておきの儂の熱盛Dancing in the どこかで見た気がする寺! で、朝まで無礼講じゃ! なに、手勢はたいしていらんじゃろ。謀反とかそうそうあるもんじゃないしのう」

So it's your birthday?

Very well! Tonight, I'm going to perform my special Atsumori in that familiar-looking temple!
We're going to go all-out until morning!
Don't worry. We won't need that many guards.
Rebellions don't happen that often anyway.

So it's your birthday! All right! Today I'll perform my special Atsumori Dancing in the temple I feel I've seen somewhere else! So, we'll party hard until next morning! What, we don't really need our troops. Insurrections don't happen so frequently.


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Level Up 1 「俺の血が沸き立っておる! 我が身を焼かんとする魔王の血がな!」

My blood's boiling.

The blood of the Demon King is trying to burn my body!

My blood's boiling! It must be the Demon King's blood burning my body!

Level Up 2 「まずいな、このまま行くと奴が……ああ、なんでもない。こっちの話だ」

This isn't good... At this rate, they're gonna...

No, never mind. I'm just talking to myself.

This is bad, at this rate that guy will… Ah, it's nothing. I'm just talking to myself

Level Up 3 「わっはっはっはっはっは! こうなると俺を止めることは出来んぞ!」

Wahahaha! Nothing can stop me now!

Wahahahahaha! Now that it's come to this you can't stop me!

1st Ascension 「おおっと、俺の出番か? そうだなあ、信長ってのも紛らわしいし、吉法師きっぽうしとでも呼ぶがいい。よろしくな! なに、あいつも消えたわけじゃないから心配するな」

Whoa, is it my turn?

Calling me Nobunaga's confusing, so just call me Kippoushi! It's a pleasure!
The other one didn't disappear, so don't fret about that.

Oops, is it my turn? Let's see, Nobunaga would be confusing, so you can call me Kippōshi. Nice to meet you! What, it's not as if that one disappeared so don't worry

2nd Ascension 「そろそろ違う俺が騒ぎ出したか……覚悟しとけよ。あいつは俺らの中でもとびきりだからな」

Seems like the other me's starting to make a ruckus.

Brace yourself. That one's even more extra than the rest of us.

A different me is already starting to make noise. Prepare yourself. That's the best of among us

Battle Start 1 「これより敵陣を突っ切る! この俺に付いて来い!」

From here we're going to rush into enemy territory! Follow me!

I'll start cutting across the enemy front! Follow me!

Battle Start 2 「うつけの戦、とくと味わってもらおうか!」

You're sure to get a taste of the fool's battle!

Should I let you have a taste of a fool's battle?!

Battle Start 3 「俺がこの乱世をぶっ潰し、まだ見ぬ世を開く!」

I'm going to destroy this turbulent period to open up a new age!

I'll crush these turbulent times, and found a yet unseen world!

Battle Start 4 「こいつは面白き戦になりそうじゃ!」

This battle's getting interesting!

Looks like this will turn out to be a fun battle!

Skill 1 「わっはっはっはっはぁ!」



Skill 2 「笑わせるな!」

Don't make me laugh!

Don't make me laugh!

Skill 3 「是非もない!」

Can't be helped!

It can't be helped!

Skill 4 「見えたぞ、敵の要が!」

I see the enemy's weakness!

I saw it! The enemy's vital point!

Attack Selected 1 「よぉーし!」

All right!


Attack Selected 2 「いい見立てだ」

Good choice!

Good decision

Attack Selected 3 「そう来たか!」

So it's come to this!

So it came to this?!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「こいつは俺でも己を御しきれん。覚悟しろよ」

Even I can't hold this down. Brace yourself.

Not even I can control this one. Prepare yourself!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「見せてやるか。うつけが進む天下の行く末を!」

I'll show you what a world led by a fool looks like!

Should I show you? The fate of the world led by a fool!

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「この俺が魔王とは面白い!!」

Me as the Demon King is hilarious!

Me being a Demon King's fun!

Noble Phantasm Selected 4 「いくぞぉぉ!」

Let's gooo!!!

Let's go!

Attack 1 「死ね!」



Attack 2 「ぶちかませ!」

Hit them hard!

I'll smash you!

Attack 3 「だらららららららぁー!」



Attack 4 「失せろ!」


Get lost!

Attack 5 「鉄砲隊! てぇーい!」

Musket troops, fire!

Firing squad, shoot!

Attack 6 「うりゃあ!」



Extra Attack 1 「よっしゃあ! くたばれーー!!」

All right! Dieee!!!

Alright! Go to hell!

Extra Attack 2 「ひの、ふの、三段撃ち!!」

One, two...

Three line formation!!!

One, two, three line volley!

Extra Attack 3 「ぶっ放せ、信長玉ぁ!!」

Open fire!

Nobunaga buuullet!!

Shoot, Nobunaga Bullet!

Extra Attack 4 「これが俺のとっておきだぁーーー!!」

This is the card up my sleeve!

This one's my trump card!

Noble Phantasm 1 「『波旬変生はじゅんへんじょう三千大千天魔王さんぜんだいせんてんまおう』!! 俺の体に流れる血よ。全てを焼き尽くせ!!」

Pāpīyas Reborn, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!!!

O blood running through my body...burn everything!!!

"Papiyas Reborn:Hajunhenjō ・ Demon King of Three ThousandSanzen Daisen Great Thousand HeavensTen Maō"!! O blood flowing through my body! Incinerate everything!



Noble Phantasm 2 「うつけと侮ったな。それが貴様の命取りよ! 『波旬変生はじゅんへんじょう三千大千天魔王さんぜんだいせんてんまおう』!!」

Dismissing me as a fool is what's going to end you!

Pāpīyas Reborn!
Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!!!

You mocked me as a fool. That will cost you your life! "Papiyas Reborn:Hajunhenjō ・ Demon King of Three ThousandSanzen Daisen Great Thousand HeavensTen Maō"!!

Noble Phantasm 3 「もう俺は止まらんぞ、何があろうとな! 顕現せよ! 『波旬変生はじゅんへんじょう三千大千天魔王さんぜんだいせんてんまおう』!!」

No matter what, I'm not going to stop!

Reveal yourself!
Pāpīyas Reborn, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!!!

I can't be stopped anymore, by anything! Manifest! "Papiyas Reborn:Hajunhenjō ・ Demon King of Three ThousandSanzen Daisen Great Thousand HeavensTen Maō"!!

Noble Phantasm 4 「燃やし尽くせ、我が血我が骨我が命! うおおおおおおお!! 『波旬変生はじゅんへんじょう三千大千天魔王さんぜんだいせんてんまおう』!!!!」

Burn it all down, my blood! My bones! My life!

Pāpīyas Reborn, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!!!

Burn, my blood, my bones, my life! Woooooooo! "Papiyas Reborn:Hajunhenjō ・ Demon King of Three ThousandSanzen Daisen Great Thousand HeavensTen Maō"!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「いってぇぇぇぇぇ!?」



Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「どおおおおおおーっ!?」



Regular Damage 1 「いてっ!」



Regular Damage 2 「その程度かよ!」

Is that it?

That's the best you can do?!

Defeated 1 「うつけがうつけとして死ぬるてか……」

A fool dies a fool...

A fool will die like a fool, huh…

Defeated 2 「俺は、俺の戦をした……。なれば是非もなし……」

I fought my couldn't be helped!

I did my battle… Then, it can't be helped

Defeated 3 「ふっ、指一本動かんとは、我が事ながら不甲斐ない……」

Hmph. I'm ashamed I can't even move a single finger.

Fu, not being able to move a finger, is disappointing even for me…

Defeated 4 「さらばだ、我がともがらよ……」

Farewell, my comrades...

Farewell, comrade of mine

Battle Finish 1 「俺の天下にお前らは要らん! 疾く消え失せるがよい!」

You have no place in my plans for conquest. Begone!!!

I don't need you in my world! Vanish quickly!

Battle Finish 2 「尾張のうつけ、織田吉法師とは俺の事よ!」

The Fool of Owari, Oda Kippoushi, that's me!

The fool of Owari, Oda Kippōshi, is me!

Battle Finish 3 「わっはっはっはっはっはぁ! この勢いで突き進めぃ!」

Wahahaha! Let's use this momentum to tear through them!

Wahahahahaha! Keep charging with this momentum!

Battle Finish 4 「え? 勝った? マジか? いやー、勢いってのは時に天地を返すよなー」

Eh? We won? Seriously? I guess going in by force turns the tide sometimes.

Eh? I won? Seriously? No, might as well overturn heaven and earth with this momentum

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「お前も俺をうつけと侮るか? 構わんぞ別に。お前が侮るのは、俺を侮るお前の心だからな。真に恐るべきは、己を侮らぬ者よ。……さて、お前はどうなんだ?」

Are you going to write me off as a fool too?

I don't care, because it's your heart writing me off.
The people you should really fear are the ones who never write anyone off.
So, which one are you?

Are you going to scorn me as a fool too? I don't really care. Since what you scorn is your heart that scorns me, after all. What should be truly feared is the ones who don't scorn themselves. …Let's see, what about you?

Bond Lvl 2 「むうー……暇だなぁ。おい、なんか面白い事でもないか? ……ん? んー、退屈だ退屈。どうもこの身体は力を持て余す。何なら国盗りの一つでも任せてもらえれば、気も紛れるんだがな」

Ugh, I'm bored. Hey, isn't there anything fun to do?

Hm? Yeah, I'm bored. This body has too much energy. Maybe if you'd let me take over a country, that might distract me.

Hng~, boring. Hey, is there nothing fun to do? …Hm? Hmmm, I'm bored, bored. This body has too much energy. If you let me sack one country, I could get distracted

Bond Lvl 3 「魔王か……実のところ、俺は奴とはいささか遠き所にある故、どこまでアレが己なのかは計りかねる。お前も努々アレに魅入られんようにな。ま、俺もアレのナリには目を奪われる故無駄かもしれんがな、わはははははは! 我ながら恐ろしい魔王よな!」

The Demon King, huh...

To be honest, I'm a far cry from that one, and it's hard to tell how much of that is actually me.
Try not to be taken in by that. Well actually, it captivated me as well, so my warning might fall on deaf ears.
Wahahahaha! That Demon King's sure to be feared, I gotta say!

Demon King, huh… Actually, since I'm at a somewhat distant place from that one, I can measure how much that is me. Enough so that you'll never get charmed by that. Well, it may be useless because I got captivated by that too, though! Wahahahahahahahaha! A fearsome Demon King, even if I'm the one saying it!

Bond Lvl 4 「おい。この俺よりアレの方がお前の力になると思うが、何ゆえ俺を保ち続ける? ……いや、別に何という事はないのだが、道理に合わぬ事は気になるタチでな。……ん、なんじゃ? 楽しいから、だと? ──ぶっ、はははははははは!! うつけを使うはうつけの性か!」

Hey, I think that other me would be more helpful to you, so why would you keep me?

I'm not really complaining, it's just that things that don't make sense bother me.
Hm? What? Because it's fun...?
Wahahahahaha! A fool would use a fool, I suppose!

Hey. I think that could become your strength more than me, but why do you continue to have me? …No, it's not I have anything against it, but I get concerned about things that aren't logical. …Hm, what? Because it's fun, you say? Bu, hahahahahahaha!! Do you use a fool because you're a fool?!

Bond Lvl 5 「あっはははははははは! 俺はお前と実に馬が合う! 知恵者は知恵者と通ずるというが、うつけはうつけと通ずるという事かのう! ──ふっ。俺は誰にも期待されずに国を背負うたが、お前は誰にも誰にも頼まれずに世を背負うた。お前のその形は、人というものの願いそのものだ。……ともがらよ。お前の道行き、我が血を燃やし切り拓いてみせようぞ!」

Wahahahah! You and I get along really well!

They say wise men associate with other wise men, which means fools associate with other fools!
Hmph. I shouldered the weight of the nation without anyone asking me to, while you are shouldering the entire world in the same manner.
You are the embodiment of humanity's wishes.
My comrade, let's me burn my blood to open the path for you!

Ahahahahahahaha! You and I really get on well! Great minds think alike, or fools think alike! Phew. I carried the country on my back without anyone expecting so, but you carried the world on your back without anyone asking you to do it. That form of yours is the wish of the ones known as humans… Comrade. Let me burn my blood and open a trail for your going!

Dialogue 1 「速さは強さ! 数は力! 銭は血潮じゃあ! 支度はよいか、俺たちの戦を始めるぞ、マスター!」

Swiftness is strength. Power is in numbers. And money is a pool of blood.

Are you ready? Then let's begin our battle, Master!

Speed is strength! Numbers are power! Money is spilled blood! Are you prepared? Our battle starts, Master!

Dialogue 2 「主従なあ……俺はあんま家臣にも人望なかったから偉そうことは言えんのよなあ。……え? でっかいあいつも、もう一人も、大分謀反されてる? ……わっはっはっはっはっはっは! こりゃ血だな! こればっかりは俺にもどうしようもないわ!」

Master and Servant, huh?

I wasn't really popular amongst my own retainers, so I can't really brag about that...
That big one and the other one were also met with a lot of rebellion?
Wahahahaha! It's in our blood, then! Guess I can't do much about that!

Master and servant… I wasn't quite popular with the retainers, so I can't talk about such important-looking things… Eh? The huge one, and the other one, were betrayed a lot too? …Wahahahahahaha! It's in our blood! I can't do anything about this!

Dialogue 3 「俺はサーヴァント。お前はマスター。わっはっはっはっはっは! 誰にも膝を折らなんだこの俺がサーヴァントとはな! なに、うつけを使うお前の苦労も如何ばかりと思うてな! 安心せい、お前の見立て、俺が証明してやろう!」

I'm a Servant and you're a Master. Wahahahaha!

I've never bent my knee to anyone before, and now I'm a Servant!
I was just thinking how much trouble you're going to have in using a fool like me. Don't worry. I'll prove your good judgment!

I'm a Servant. You're the Master. Wahahahahaha! To think I, who wouldn't bend my knee to anyone, am a Servant! What, you must be thinking about all the trouble that's going to be for you to use a fool! Don't worry, I'll prove your good judgment!

Dialogue 4
(Oda Nobunaga)
「ん? お前、アーチャーの俺か。なんか俺より背も小さいし、形もなよっとしとるなあ。……ん? 俺の格好が傾きすぎだと? いやいや、お前のマントにその形もどうなんじゃ?」

Hm. So you're the Archer me.

You're shorter than me, and you look weak.
Eh? I look too much like a kabuki actor?
Oh come on. What about that cape you're wearing?

Mm? You, you're the Archer me? You're somewhat shorter than me, and your figure's slender. …Mm? My looks are too dandy? No no, what about the shape of your mantle?

Dialogue 5
(Oda Nobunaga (Berserker))
「おい俺! その得物、滅茶苦茶格好良いではないか! ……なに? 得物じゃなくて、楽器? 魔王の歌を聞け? ……わっはっはっはっはっは! 俺ながら何を言っているのか全く分からん! じゃがその魂の形は実に格好良いぞ、俺!」

Hey, me! That weapon looks totally cool!

What? It's not a weapon, but an instrument? Listen to the Demon King's song?
Wahahahaha! I have no idea what you're talking about...and that's ME saying that!
But the shape of that soul's definitely cool, me!

Hey me! That specialized weapon is extremely cool, isn't it?! …What? It's not a specialized weapon, it's a musical instrument? Listen to the Demon King's song? Wahahahahaha! I don't get it at all even if you're me! But the shape of that soul's really cool, me!

Dialogue 6
「茶々か。壮健そうで何よりよ。……なに? 伯母上なのか伯父上なのかはっきりしろだと? どうも皆によく聞かれるのだが、それは肝要な事なのか? どちらであろうと俺は俺、第六天魔王・織田吉法師よ」

It's you, Chacha. I'm glad to see you look well.

What? I need to make it clear whether I'm your aunt or uncle?
Everyone keeps asking me about that, but is it really that important?
Either way, I'm me, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven Oda Kippoushi!

Chacha, huh? Good to see you're doing well. What? "Make it clear if you're my aunt or my uncle"? Everyone asks me that all the time, but is that important? Whichever it is, I'm me, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven: Oda Kippōshi

Dialogue 7
(Mori Nagayoshi)
「勝蔵ではないか。どうしたそんなところで。……え? 自販機からジュースが出てこないからブチ壊すところ? ……うーん、止めはせぬが、一応聞いておく。勝蔵、お前、銭は入れたのか? ……うん、入れてない? だよなー」

Why if it isn't Katsuzo. What are you doing here?

Eh? The vending machine didn't dispense your juice so you're going to punch it open?
Hmmm, I'm not going to stop you, but let me ask you this: Katsuzo, did you put money in?
Nope, you didn't.
I knew it.

Isn't that Katsuzō?! What are you doing over there? Eh? Juice won't come out from the vending machine so you're going to break it? …Hmmm, I won't stop you, but I'll ask you once. Katsuzō, did you put money in? …Um, you didn't? Of course not

Dialogue 8
(Iskandar or Alexander)
「アレキサンダー大王──若くして大陸に覇を志した征服王か。いや、実に気持ちの良い英霊よ! 俺も本能寺で死んでなけりゃあ、大陸で一暴れしたかったのう! そうじゃ、征服王。今宵は俺と一献語り明かさぬか?」

Alexander the Great, the King of Conquerors who sought to dominate a continent at a young age.

He's truly a satisfactory Heroic Spirit.
If I didn't die at Honnoji, I would've wanted to run amok across a continent too.
Hey, King of Conquerors, want to have a nice chat while we share drinks tonight?

Alexander the Great, the King of Conquerors that aimed to dominate the continent. No, he's a really pleasant Heroic Spirit! Hadn't I died at Honnō-ji, I'd have wanted to go wild once at the continent! Right, King of Conquerors. Why don't we have one cup and talk all the night tonight?

Dialogue 9
(Billy the Kid)
「ビリー・ザ・キッド、早撃ちの名手? つまり、鉄砲の英霊というわけか! これはしたり! そなたの腕前、この俺にも披露してはくれんか? 聞けば弾を放って百発百中というではないか! 雑賀の者でもそうはいかんぞ!」

Billy the Kid, the great quick shot? So he's a Heroic Spirit of guns!

Oh damn!
Would you demonstrate your skills for me?
I hear you never missed a mark.
Even the shooters of Saika couldn't do that.

Billy the Kid, the quick draw expert? So he's a Heroic Spirit of the gun?! Good heavens! Won't you display your skill to me? I've heard that you're infallible when you shoot your bullets! There wasn't anyone like that even among those of Saika!

Dialogue 10
(Reach 3rd Ascension)

Demon King Nobunaga... That is my ultimate destination.

Well, I guess that may not necessarily be true. After all, we are both hollow entities that should never have manifested to this world in the first place.
We might also have existed in a different world, or maybe not at all.
There's no point in fretting about my own end.
Just make sure you be careful around that thing.

Maō Nobunaga… In other words, that's the destination I'll arrive too, right? No, it's not limited to that. Anyhow that and I are hollow beings that shouldn't have manifested in this world. That's why it may happen in every world, or it may happen. Well, even if you're concerned about your deathbed it can't be helped. Anyways you should be careful about that

Dialogue 11 「権六か……なに、権六が信勝に付いたは是非もなき事よ。なにせ俺は母上にも嫌われていたしな……ああ、もうこの話は止めだ止め!」

Gonroku, huh?

It couldn't be helped that Gonroku sided with Nobukatsu.
After all, Mother didn't love me either...
Argh. No more talk about this!

Gonroku, huh… What, it couldn't be helped that Gonroku stuck with Nobukatsu. Anyhow even Mother hated me… Aaah!, let's stop talking about this, let's stop!

Dialogue 12
(Nagao Kagetora or Uesugi Kenshin)

Echigo's Nagao Kagetora... Yeah, I know her.

The dragon of Echigo and the tiger of Kai... Both were difficult opponents in the war.
So what am I going to do about her? It's simple, I just need to beat her in something other than in battle.

Nagao Kagetora of Echigo…. Yeah, I know her. The Dragon of Echigo and the Tiger of Kai, you'd have to make a huge effort to beat both of these guys in a war. …So, the thing is what should you do, but you just have to beat them at something that isn't war then, and that's it.

Dialogue 13
(Oda Nobukatsu)
「貴様、信勝か? どうしてこんなところにおる? いやあ、俺の知る信勝とは、どこか違うような……。なんじゃ、なんで寄ってくる? おいやめろ! なんで着物を脱がすんじゃ!? 中には何も入っとらんわ! な、何? あるかないか確かめるじゃと? 何をじゃ!? や、や、やめい! ええい、やめんかー!」

Are you Nobukatsu?

Why are you here?
No, you're different than the Nobukatsu I know...
Hm? What the... Why are you getting all close?
Hey, quit it. Why are you trying to undress me!? I don't have anything underneath this!
What? You want to see if I "have one" or not!?
Have WHAT!?
St-stop! STOOOOP!!!

Bastard, are you Nobukatsu? Why are you here? Well, you're somehow different from the Nobukatsu I know… What, why are you coming near? Hey, stop it! Why are you stripping me of my kimono?! There's nothing inside! W-what? You have to check if there's something or not? What the hell?! S-S-Stop it! Eei, I said stop!

Something you Like 「好きなものか。やはり鉄砲じゃな鉄砲! 撃てば当たらず、濡れれば撃てず、あげくに身持ちはクソ高い! こいつは俺と実によく似ておる! じゃがその身に秘めた力は時代を変えた。お前も俺のように俺を使うとよい。……ん? ところでそのでっかい火縄銃はなんなのか、だと? ……むはははははははは! 確かになんじゃろなこれ! とりあえず『魔王ガン』とでもしとこうかの!」

What I like?

Guns, obviously. Yep. Guns.
They might miss, and you can't shoot them if they get wet, and they're so damn expensive!
Guns and I are quite the same. The power within both can change at times.
You should use me just as I use them.
Hm? What's with the matchlock, you ask?
Wahahaha! You're right: What is this!?
Let's just call it the Demon King gun for the time being!

Things I like? Obviously guns, guns! They may not hit if you shoot, they won't shoot if they get wet, and maintenance's so damn expensive! They really resemble me! But the power hidden in their body changed the times. Use me just as I use them. ….Mm? By the way what's that huge matchlock, you ask? Muhahahahahahahahaha! Really, what's this?! For starters let's go with Maō Gun!

Something you Hate 「嫌いなことかー。そうじゃなあ、事を起こすにごたごた抜かしてなんもせん奴は駄目じゃな。己を変えるは己だけよ。己を変えた者だけが世を変えるのだ。事を起こして果てるは、事を起こさず死ぬるに勝る、とな」

What I dislike...

Let's see...I guess I don't like those who just wreak havoc on things but really don't do anything.
The only person who can change you is yourself. Those who change themselves are the ones who can change the times.
Changing something and meeting one's end is better than dying without doing anything. Got it?

Something I hate? Let's see, guys that only quarrel when things have to be done are no good. Only you can change yourself. Only the ones that changed themselves will change the world. Perishing after having done something is better than dying without having done anything, right

About the Holy Grail 「願いが叶う聖杯だと? ほう、鉄砲五千丁でとかでもか? なに、余裕? そうか……斯様なものであるか。──では破却せねばなるまいの。俺が開く世に、斯様なものは毒となろうよ」

A Holy Grail that grants wishes?

So even like five thousand guns? What? That's easy?
I see... So that's what it does...
Then we must get rid of it.
A thing like that is sure to be poison to my ambition for this world.

A Holy Grail that can grant wishes? Ho, even 5,000 guns? What, way more? I see… In such a manner? Then it must be demolished. In the world I'll found, such a thing will become poison

During an Event 「おーい、なんぞ面白そうなことが始まっとるらしいではないか! さっさと支度せい! 俺はもう辛抱たまらんぞ!」

Hey, something interesting's getting started!

Hurry up and get ready! I'm getting impatient!

Hey, it appears something that looks fun's starting, doesn't it?! Get ready at once! I'm getting impatient!

Birthday 「お前の誕生日てか! なれば今宵は城下に繰り出して、派手に遊ぶとするか! なっはははは! うつけの遊びを見せてやろう!」

So it's your birthday?

Then let's go out to the castle town tonight and paint it red!
Wahahahaha! I'll show you how a fool has fun!

It's your birthday?! Then should we head out to the castle town tonight, and play flashily?! Nahhahahaha! I'll show you whow a fool plays!


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Level Up 1 「はっはっはっはっはっはっは! 我に捧ぐとは貴様、気は確かか?」

Fuhahaha! You're devoting yourself to me? Are you insane?

Uhahahahahahaha! For you to devote yourself to me, are you in your senses?

Level Up 2 「よい。斯様な仕儀も、存外心地の良いものだのう」

Very well...this is certainly a pleasant development.

Good. Such a development is unexpectedly pleasant

Level Up 3 「うむ、魔王たるは斯くあるべしよな」

Hm! Now this is how a Demon King should be!

Um, a Demon King should be like this

3rd Ascension 「我は第六天魔王波旬、織田信長。出迎え大儀である。下天を食らうは覇王の道行き。案内あないせい。人の身で果てなき旅路を行く者よ」

I am the Pāpīyas of the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga.

Your reception is most welcome.
The king takes the path to devour the surface world. You shall guide me, who travels endlessly in human form.

I am the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Papiyas, Oda Nobunaga. The welcoming ceremony. Devouring the world is the going of an hegemon. Guide me. O one who travels endlessly with a human body

4th Ascension 「我行くところ、十界破却の無間地獄。いざ、三千世界に覇を通さん。……なに、難しい事ではない。我と共に生き、我と共に滅するがよい。遠き涅槃の果てまで、人の業を望み続けようぞ──」

Everywhere I go, I destroy the ten spiritual realms to make them into Avici hell. Now, let's spread my domination over myriad worlds. Fear not, it's no difficult feat. Live beside me, destroy with me, until the distant end of Nirvana, we shall continue to desire human karma.

The place I'm going is the Avici hell that destroys the ten spiritual realms. Now, let us diffuse domination over the three thousand worlds. What, it's not a difficult thing. Live with me, and perish with me. Until the distant end of the Nirvana, we shall continue desiring the karma of humans

Battle Start 1 「天魔来たりて六天滅す。我行くは神仏逝きし無人の焦土」

The Demon comes to destroy the six realms... My destination is an empty, scorched earth with neither gods nor Buddhas.

The six heavens perish when the heavenly demon comes. My going is an uninhabited scorched earth from which the gods and Buddha are gone

Battle Start 2 「控えい、下がれい、消え失せい! 天魔轟臨、織田信長が罷りゆく!」

Desist! Step back! Get lost! The thunderous advent of the Demon, Oda Nobunaga has begun!

Refrain yourself, step back, disappear! Thunderous advent of the heavenly demon, Oda Nobunaga is going!

Battle Start 3 「うっはっはっはっはっは! 恐れよ我を! 臆せよ生を! 第六天魔王、信長なる!」

Fuhahahahah! Fear me! All life must tremble! This is the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven!

Uhahahahaha! Fear me! Hesitate about living! I'm the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga!

Battle Start 4 「我は魔王信長───化天を越え変生せし神仏衆生の敵なり」

I am Demon King Nobunaga. I've transcended the realm of desire and returned...the nemesis of gods and humans alike.

I am Maō Nobunaga. The enemy of the gods, Buddha, and living beings that has been reborn surpassing the heaven of pleasure

Skill 1 「是非に及ばず。尽滅あるのみ!」

Nothing can be helped. There can only be annihilation!

Nothing can be helped. There can only be annihilation!

Skill 2 「ふふふ、ふははははははは!」


Fufufu, fufuhahahahaha!

Skill 3 「よいぞよいぞ!」

Good, good!

Good, good!

Skill 4 「この我が、四海ごと飲み干してくれよう!」

I'll drink up the four seas!

Let me drink up the four seas!

Attack Selected 1 「んん?」



Attack Selected 2 「うっはっはっはっは」



Attack Selected 3 「で、あるか」

Is that so!

Is that so?

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「ほう? 我に業を晒せと申すか」

Oh? Are you saying I should reveal my karma?

Ho? Are you saying that I should expose my karma…?

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「良かろう! 我の真なるをその身に刻むがよい」

Very well! Carve my truth into your body!

Very well! Carve my truth in your body

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「いささか気が乗らぬが……是非もなしか」

I'm not motivated, but that can't be helped.

I'm somewhat not motivated, but it can't be helped

Noble Phantasm Selected 4 「興が乗ったわ! 許す!」

I'm intrigued. I'll allow it!

My interest has risen! I forgive you!

Attack 1 「滅せい!」



Attack 2 「打ち払え、魔王剣!」

Drive them away, Demon King Sword!

Purify them, Demon King Sword!

Attack 3 「消えよ」



Attack 4 「ふははははは、死ねい!」

Fuhahahahaha! Die!

Fufuhahahaha! Die!

Attack 5 「ふん!」



Attack 6 「目障りじゃ。はぁ!」

You're an eyesore... Haaah!

You're an eyesore. Hah!

Extra Attack 1 「この程度は堪えてみせい!」

You must endure this!

Endure this much!

Extra Attack 2 「我が業火に抱かれ、逝くがよい」

Feel hellfire's embrace, and die...

Be embraced by my karmic flames, and die

Extra Attack 3 「天魔葬送、火塵と消えよ!」

The Demon's funeral, be scattered like so much dust!

Funeral of the heavenly demon, disappear with the burned trash!

Extra Attack 4 「ふっはっはっはっは、我と共に滅するか!」

Fuhahaha! Perish along with me!

Fuhahahaha! Shall you perish together with me?!

Noble Phantasm 1 「波旬変生。一天四海に覇道を開く。破壊せよ! 三千大千天魔王!!」

Pāpīyas Reborn...the path to domination will open over the heaven and four seas.

Destroy the world!
Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!

Papiyas Reborn. Open the way to dominate the universe. Destroy! Demon King of Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds!



Noble Phantasm 2 「我が往くは神仏衆生が無尽の屍。何人たりとてこの信長を阻む事は能わず。『波旬変生はじゅんへんじょう三千大千天魔王さんぜんだいせんてんまおう』!!」

My path leads to a world where gods, Buddhas, and living creatures all turn into desiccated corpses...

Nobody can stop this Nobunaga.
Pāpīyas Reborn, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!

My going is the endless corpses of gods, Buddha, and living beings. Bring as many as you like, they won't be able to stop me, Nobunaga. "Papiyas Reborn:Hajunhenjō ・ Demon King of Three ThousandSanzen Daisen Great Thousand HeavensTen Maō"!!

Noble Phantasm 3 「うはははははははは……! 我に集うは無辜の嘆きか怨嗟の憤怒か。波旬変生──顕現せよ、三千大千天魔王!!」


The cries of the innocent and anguished empower me!
Pāpīyas Reborn! Reveal yourself, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!

Uhahahahahahahaha! Is what's gathered by me the laments of the innocent, or the rage of grudge? Papiyas Reborn, manifest, Demon King of Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds!

Noble Phantasm 4 「『波旬変生はじゅんへんじょう三千大千天魔王さんぜんだいせんてんまおう』! 世の悉くを灰燼と帰さん! ふふふふふ……ふははははははははは!!」

Pāpīyas Reborn, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!

The world in its entirety shall burn to ash!

"Papiyas Reborn:Hajunhenjō ・ Demon King of Three ThousandSanzen Daisen Great Thousand HeavensTen Maō"!! Return the entirety of the world to ashes! Fufufufufu, fuhahahahahahaha!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「のわああああーーっ!」



Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「是非もなあああし!」

Can't be helped!

It can't be heeeelped!

Regular Damage 1 「ふふっ!」



Regular Damage 2 「それだけか?」

Is that it?

Is that all?

Defeated 1 「うむ、実に面白き刹那であった。……さらばじゃ」

Hm, it was an amusing moment. Farewell!

Um, it was a really amusing instant. …Farewell

Defeated 2 「なんと……我も落ちたものよ……」

What a surprise...I sure have fallen...

What a surprise, I fell too…

Defeated 3 「夢幻の如くなり、か。なに、我たれば言うておかねばな……」

Like an illusory dream... Well, I would have to say something like that.

Like a fleeting illusion, huh. What, I have to say it because it's me

Defeated 4 「是非もなし……」

Can't be helped...

It can't be helped…

Battle Finish 1 「ふははははははは! 我行くところ、あまねく灰燼と帰すがよい」

Fuhahaha! Everywhere I go shall burn to ash!

Uhahaha! All the places where I go must return to ashes

Battle Finish 2 「ふん、その方程度が我が歩みを止めるなど、叶わぬことと知れ」

Hmph...know that such a pathetic attempt could never stop me.

Hm, know that you won't be able to stop my steps with that

Battle Finish 3 「殺せ、殺めい、鏖殺せい。我こそが第六天魔王・織田信長よ!」

Kill them! Massacre them! Slaughter them! I am the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga!

Kill, murder, massacre. I am the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven: Oda Nobunaga!

Battle Finish 4 「我、魔王として現世に君臨せん」

I have descended upon this world as the Demon King.

I shall reign in this transient world as a Demon King

My Room
Bond Level 1 「何じゃ貴様。我に気安く言の葉を放つでない。我が身は移ろい続ける炎のようなものだ。迂闊に触らば、芯が焼き焦げるぞ」

What? Do not speak to me in such a friendly manner.

My body is like a flame that cannot be extinguished.
Touch me carelessly, and your heart will get scorched.

What do you want? Don't speak to me in a friendly manner. My body is like a flame that continues fading. If you touch it carelessly, you will burn to the marrow

Bond Level 2 「ふむ……どうやらこの身、貴様が楔となって此方に留めておるようじゃな。然もあらん。我が身ながら、よくもこのようななりで現界できておるものと感心するわ」

Hm...It appears that this body remains in this world by using you as an anchor. Well, no wonder. I'm actually impressed that I can maintain my manifestation here in this form.

Hum, it seems like this body is kept here due to you being a tie. It stands to reason. Even if it's my body, I admire how it could appear in this form

Bond Level 3 「やはり貴様という楔無くば、我が身は此方に現界出来んようじゃ。礼を言うぞ、マスター。……ん? どうした。わしが殊勝にするは、いささか据わりが悪いか? うははははははは……愛い奴よのう」

I now know that I cannot maintain my manifestation in this world without you as my anchor. I must thank you, Master.

Hm? What's wrong? Does my praise unsettle you?
Fuhahahaha! You are adorable.

Without the bond that is you, it seems my body wouldn't be able to appear here. I thank you, Master. …Hm? What's wrong? Being lauded by me is somehow discomforting? Uhahahahahahaha! What a splendid fellow

Bond Level 4 「近う寄れ。……ええい、怖じるでない。取って食いなどせぬわ。……うむ、それでよい。貴様のその目、何処かで…………いや、詮無き事か。……もうよい。下らぬ戯れじゃ、忘れよ。下がってよいぞ。──いや待て。やはり取って食うも手か……」

...Come closer.

Come on, don't cringe. I'm not going to bite you!
Hm, yes, good.
Those eyes of yours...I think I've seen them somewhere...
No, there's no point dwelling on it.
I've had enough. It was just a fleeting jest. Forget about it. You can step back now.
No, wait a minute. Maybe I should have taken a bite out of you?

Get closer. …Eei, don't fear. I won't eat you. Um, that's good. Those eyes of yours, somewhere… No, is there no helping it? …It's fine, it was just a pathetic jest, forget it. You may step back. No, wait. Should I actually eat you?

Bond Level 5 「我は魔王信長。化天を越え変生せし、神仏衆生の敵なり。して──其方は何者じゃ? 名ではない、その心根の在り様よ。……いや、敢えて尋ねるまでもないか。其方の在り様、実に我を愉しませ、怒らせる。それは正しく、人そのものよな。ふふ……良い。其方、存分に生き、存分に死するが良い。この第六天魔王・信長が見ておるぞ……」

I am the Demon King Nobunaga. I've transcended the realm of desire and returned as the nemesis of gods and humans alike.

And who the heck are you?
I'm not asking your name. I want to know your heart, your purpose.
No, I guess there's no point in asking this now.
Your way of life manages to entertain and anger me at the same time.
You're truly an embodiment of humanity.
Fufu...listen, you. Live life to the fullest, and die likewise. The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven will be watching.

I'm Maō Nobunaga. I was reborn surpassing the heaven of enjoying emanations, and am the enemy of gods, Buddha, and living beings. And, who are you? Not your name, but the truth of your heart. No, I shouldn't inquire daringly. Your truth, really amuses me, and angers me. That's exactly how people are. Fufu… Good. You, live freely, and die freely. I, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven: Nobunaga, shall watch you…

Dialogue 1 「陣触れじゃ。支度せい。いかな大軍、神仏化生とて、我が敵に非ず。戦とは己が如何に在るか。ただそれだけよ」

Here's my order: prepare yourself.

No matter how big the army, or whether it be gods, Buddhas, or any living creature, they are no match for me.
A battle is what you make of it. That is all.

I order to go to battle. Prepare yourself. Any great army, even a god or Buddha incarnate, shall not be my enemy. War is about how you live. Just that

Dialogue 2 「主従じゃと? そうだのう……奪い、与え、また奪う。……いや、これでは我が得をしておるだけか。なに、物の喩えじゃ。とにかく、我は斯様に彼の者を量る。そちは如何なるやのう」

Master and Servant?

Let's see, I define it as a relationship where one takes, gives, and takes once more...
Wait, that would mean only I benefit here.
Well, it's just an example anyway.
Anyway, that's how I see others as well as relationships. I wonder how it will be with you...

Master and servant? Let's see… Steal, bestow, and steal again. …No, that's just beneficial to me. What, it's just an example. At any rate, I measure that in this manner. I wonder what it will be of you

Dialogue 3 「サーヴァントとマスターか。我を使役するなど、本来であれば不敬不遜の極み。即刻首を刎ねるところであるが、貴様無しに現界も適わぬとあれば、致し方なしよなあ。……何と言ったかのう。……ああ、それじゃ。『win-winういんういん』じゃ。ういんういん。うはははははははは、ういんういん」

Servant and Master, huh?

Normally, it would be the ultimate form of insolence for you to command me. You would lose your head in a heartbeat, but since this manifestation is only possible because of your presence, I suppose it can't be helped.
How do you say this? Oh right. It's a win-win. Win-win?
Uhahahaha! Win-win!

Servant and Master, huh? Making use of me, originally should be the peak of irreverence and hubris. I would lop off your head immediately, but if I can't fulfill my apparition without you, it's no use. What did you say? …Ah, that. "Win-win". Win-win. Uhahahahahahahaha, win-win

Dialogue 4
(Oda Nobunaga)

A duplicate of me, huh?

Hm, looking at my own body is somewhat bizarre.
So I never imagined I was this lovely. Hm, the more I look at her...
Fuhahahaha! More... Come closer!
Hey, what's wrong with admiring my own self?
Whoa! I know it's my face, but that face of yours is rather annoying!

My duplicate body. Hm, gazing at my body is somewhat discomposing. Even so, was I this lovely? Hm, the more I look… Fuhahahahaha! Closer, come closer. ...Well, what. What's wrong with me loving me? Waah, what's with that face? Even if I say so myself, you're making a rather annoying face~

Dialogue 5
(Oda Nobunaga (Berserker))
「あれも我か? ふっはっはっはっはっはっは、流石我だけにこの世で最も我を笑かしよる。さす我じゃ。さす我さす我! はっはっはっはっはっは! ……じゃが、あの得物は中々侘びておるな。格好良いではないか」

Is that me too?

I knew that I'd be the one who would make me laugh most!
Way to go, me. Way to go. Way to go... (Laugh)
But I must say, that weapon is quite elegant.
It's pretty cool.

That one is also me? Fuhahahahahaha! As expected I alone am the one who makes me laugh the most. As expected from me. As expected from me, as expected from me! Hahahahahaha! …But, that specialized weapon has quite the rustic simplicity. Isn't it cool?

Dialogue 6

It's been a while, Chacha. I'm happy to see you're well.

Hm, I've come to think that you probably inherited more of my blood than any other.
It must be, or else you wouldn't have been able to wrap that guy around your finger.

Long time no see, Chacha. It's good to see you're doing well. …Hm. Even so, you may be the one that inherited my blood the strongest. It stands to reason. If so, dominating that one would be logical

Dialogue 7
(Mori Nagayoshi)
「勝蔵か。あ奴め、また何か良からぬ算段でもしよったか? ……いや違うな。算段するくらいなら量れる故まだましじゃ。あれは流石の我とて御すことは敵わぬ。許せ、そして諦めよ。幸いそなたには懐いておるようじゃし、うむ、任せた」

Katsuzo...oh that guy. Did he come up with some nasty new scheme again?

No, it would be better if he did scheme, since that's what we expect.
Even I can't control that guy.
Forgive me, and just give up.
Luckily, he seems to be attached to you, so...I'll leave him to you.

Katsuzō, huh? That one, did he devise something not good again? No, that's wrong. It would still be better if he was devising something since it could be estimated. As expected, that can't be controlled by me. Forgive me, and give up. Luckily he seems to have become attached to you, so, huum, I leave it to you

Dialogue 8
(Okita Sōji (Alter) or Okita Sōji (Saber Alter))

You are...a duplicate of that man-slayer...

Hm...I knew that man-slayer had a screw loose, but I can't believe she would be able to be stand out from everyone and break through.
Hm. Someone like you might be the one who could end me.

You, are you a duplicate of that manslayer? Ho, I thought that manslayer was at the bottom of the barrel, but to think she'd be able to surpass humans and pierce through until this point. Hum, then it may be someone like you who would make me perish

Dialogue 9 「ん? この刀か。特に銘はない。我がそうであるように、数多の我の得物が集まったようなものだ。そうさな、強いて言うなら、『魔王剣』とでも言おうか。……何? 名前が凡庸? なん……じゃと……」

Hm? This sword? There's no particular signature or maker inscribed on it.

It's an amalgam of the weapons I possessed, much like how I've been formed.
Hm, if I had to give it a name, I guess it could be "Demon King Sword."
What? Too boring?
How...dare you...

Hm? This katana? It doesn't have any signature in particular. Just as I'm like that, the specialized weapons of several mes seem to have gathered. Let's see, if I must choose, should I call it "Demon King Sword"? …What? The name is mediocre? What… the…?

Dialogue 10 「光秀か? さてな。あ奴、果たして真に己が意志で我を討ったのか否や。まあ、いずれにせよ最早詮無き事よ。我はあの日、紅蓮の炎に滅した。ただそれだけの事よ。……いいや、やはりちと口惜しいか」


Hm, I wonder whether killing me was truly his choice or not.
Either way, that's in the past.
On that fateful day, I met my demise within the crimson flames. That's all there is to it.
Okay, I guess it's still irritating.

Mitsuhide? Well. That fellow didn't ever truly attack me of his own will. Well, anyway there's no helping it already. I perished that day among the crimson flames. Just that. …No, it's a bit frustrating after all

Dialogue 11
(Nagao Kagetora or Uesugi Kenshin)

You have the gall to call yourself the avatar of Biten to my face.

No, calling you an avatar might not be enough, considering the divine majesty shrouding you.
Biten and Demon King... Seeing which of us will reign supreme should be quite interesting.

For the avatar of Biten to be in my presence, are you not bragging. No, that Divinity you are clad in, calling you an avatar is already too lenient. Fuhahahaha, Biten and the Demon King, it shall be worth seeing who shall survive.

Dialogue 12
(Oda Nobukatsu)
「信勝か。久しいな。我が道にお前の生は拓けなんだ。恨むがよいぞ、お前にはその道理がある。……ん? どうしたおかしな顔をして。おいなんじゃお前、その手はやめろ、やめんかホントに!」's been a while...

Your life ended when you became an obstacle in my path. You may hold a grudge against me, and you have every right to do so.
Hm? What's with that look on your face?
Hey! What the...!? Don't grab at me!!!
Seriously, stop!!!

Nobukatsu, huh. It has been a long time. My path was cleared open by your life. You may grudge me, you have reasons for it. …Mm? What is wrong for you to make that face? Hey, what's with you, stop those hands, stop it seriously!

Something you Like 「好みしものか? そうだのう、やはり人じゃな。……どうした? 我が斯様に語るは異なことか? 如何に我が神仏衆生の敵とて、彼の者らが憎いわけではない。この身に受ける怨嗟も畏怖も、等しく我を苛み、楽しませもするのだ」

What I like?

Let's see...I guess that'll be people.
What's wrong? Is it that strange for me to say such a thing?
I may be the nemesis of the gods and all living things, but I do not detest them. The fear and grudges this body receives torment me and entertain me at the same time.

Things I favor? Right, it must be people. What's wrong? Is it different from the way I speak? However enemy of the gods, Buddha, and living beings as I am, it's not as if I hate them. The fear and grudge received in this body, equally torment me and entertain me

Something you Hate 「好まぬことか。そうだのう、味の薄い食い物は……何? もう心得ておるのか。では、そうじゃなあ……諦めのよい者も好かぬ。……何? それも心得ておるてか。貴様、我をどれだけ知っておるのだ? いささか面妖じゃぞ」

Things I don't like?

Let's see... I don't like bland foods...
Oh? You already knew that?
Well then, I don't like people who give up easily.
What? You knew that one too?
...Just how much do you already know about me?
It's rather peculiar.

Things I don't favor? Right, food of weak taste is… What? Did you already know? Then, let's see, I don't like people that give up easily. …What? Did you already know that too? You, how much do you know about me? It's rather strange

About the Holy Grail 「ほう、万能の願望器のう。キンキラなのがいささか侘びを欠いておるが、我の身を保つには使えるやもしれん。で? どう使うんじゃこれは。……ん? なんか雰囲気で取り込む感じじゃと? うわー……雑」

Oh, an omnipotent wish-granting device?

That sparkly golden sheen leaves it somewhat lacking in simplified grace, but it may be useful to let me remain in this world.
So, how do you use this?
Hm? You just take it in and go with the flow?
Huh. How crude.

Ho, the omnipotent wish-granter device. Being golden and sparkly is rather lacking of rustic simplicity, but I may use it to maintain my body. Well? How do you use this? Hm? Like being taken in by the atmosphere? Uwaa~, rough

During an Event 「ほう、随分と派手に騒いでおるではないか。面白い、我も乗り込むとするか。その方、太刀持ちを任せる。供をせい」

Oh? It sounds awfully rowdy outside.

How amusing! I should get in on it too.
I'll appoint you my sword-bearer. Accompany me!

Ho, isn't it quite and flashily noisy? Amusing, should I get into it too? I shall let you be the sword-bearer. Accompany me!

Birthday 「そなたの生まれ出ずる日か。ふむ、茶器など今更という感もあるしのう。そうじゃなあ……その方、何か求むるものを申してみよ。ふっはははは。怖じるでないわ。我は悉くを奪うが、悉くを与えもするぞ」

So today is the day of your birth.

Hm...I think giving you tea might be overdone.
Let's see... Tell me something you wish for.
Fuhahahahaha! Fear not. I may be quite the pilferer, but I can also be generous.

So it is the day in which you were born. Hum, I feel it is too late to draw the tea untensils. Let me see… In its place, try saying something you seek. Fuhahahaha. Fear not. I shall steal anything, but I shall also grant you anything.

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