Mandarin Chinese Character Name Generator -

Mandarin Chinese Character Name Generator

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Welcome to Chinese name generator, a tool to find Chinese nicknames (小名, Xiǎo míng) and names (姓名/名字, Xìng míng/Míng zi)! The name-finding tool is suitable for both Chinese and foreigners. With this free online name predictor in hand, you’ll be able to find tens of millions of Chinese male and female names. It’s easier than ever to get a Chinese name!! The website can also generate gender-neutral (unisex, 中性, Zhōng xìng) names and nicknames, the nouns that can be used by either male or female. You can also predict the surnames and given names with of either one or two characters. Similarly, the surnames (姓, Xìng) can also be one or two characters. What’s more, the Chinese name generator website also provides pinyin and English meanings for your quick references.

You can find a collection of thousands of Chinese names and nicknames in the paperback (print) books from the following lists:

Well, the Chinese parents spend a considerable amount of time to decide the names and nicknames of their children, partly because Chinese titles are a very important part of traditional Chinese cultural heritage. For those interested in Chinese language and culture, especially the students of Mandarin Chinese, it’s important to understand and appreciate the beauty of Chinese names. For the newbies, I wish to emphasize that the Chinese words, including names, are written in the form of Characters. These characters have been evolving for thousands of years. The earliest record of the Chinese characters has been traced to the Shang Dynasty (商朝, Pinyin: Shānɡ Cháo, 1700-1045 BC). These characters have been passed down from generation to generation and carry deep meanings.

No wonder, in China, a person’s name is not only a synonym for an individual’s life, but also a symbol of their personality and social characteristics. A person’s name is influenced by social and cultural factors. The meaning of a person’s name is inseparable from the influence of social and cultural factors.

Chinese names follow the standard pattern of “Given Name + Surname”, i.e. the given name is followed by the surname. Each of the given name and surname can be of one or two characters. That is to say, the length of Han Chinese names usually varies from two to four characters.

Chinese names are a combination of surnames and first names. Surnames belong to the family, and hence, they are innate. These surnames are specific to the parents or other relatives. In terms of surname, most people usually carry the father’s surname. However, there are also plenty of people who carry mother’s surname. The surname essentially reveals a blood and family relationship.

Traditionally, Chinese people emphasize the importance of passing down their lineage and promoting the prosperity of their families. They hope that their descendants can reproduce and honor their ancestors. This concept is aptly summarized by the well-known quote of Mencius (孟子, Mèng zǐ, ~372 BC to 289 BC), a famous Chinese philosopher of the Confucian school:

  • 不孝有三, 无后为大 (Pinyin: Bùxiào yǒusān, wú hòu wéi dà):  The so-called “unfilial piety” has three aspects (不孝有三), and having no offspring (son) is the greatest of them (无后为大).
  • 无后为大 (Pinyin: wú hòu wéi dà): Having no male heir is the gravest of the three cardinal offences against filial piety.

To put things into perspective, let me share with you some example of the Chinese names.

In the name Li Bai (李白, Pinyin: Lǐ Bái, 699-762 AD) — a famous poet from the Tang Dynasty (唐朝, Pinyin: Tánɡ cháo, 618-907), Li is the surname and Bai is the given name. Li Bai is a two character Chinese name. Although the history of surname Li is out of the scope of this website, you should be able to understand that this surname was used in the year 618, about 1400 years ago. Further, a huge number of Chinese names are composed of only two characters.

Three character names are also quite popular in China. For example, the name of Chinese president is Xi Jinping (习近平, Pinyin: Xí Jìnpíng). This is a three character Chinese name. In this name, Xi is the surname and Jinping is the given name.

It’s worth noting that there are plenty of two character surnames in Chinese language. For example, in the name Sima Qian (司马迁, Sīmǎ Qiān), the author Historical Records (史记, shǐ jì), Sima is the surname and Qian is the given name. Name of Sima Qian’s father was Sima Tan (司马谈, Sīmǎ Tán), another example of three character Chinese name that contains a two-character surname.

Further, although four character names are not very common these days, it’s totally normal to have a four character Chinese name. One of the most famous examples of four character name is Sima Xiangru (司马相如, Pinyin: Sīmǎ Xiāngrú, 179-118 BC), a famous Han Dynasty litterateur (汉代文学家, Hàndài wénxué jiā). In this name, Sima is a surname, and Xiangru is the given name.

Let’s hope you will enjoy using this online Chinese name generator.

Best wishes to learn Chinese names, languages and culture. 🙂

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