The king welcomes Kira Davis, a writer, podcaster, filmmaker, and serves as the deputy editor of Red State. Her latest book is titled Drawing Lines: Why Conservatives Must Begin to Battle Fiercely in the Arena of Ideas.

Kira has built a brand on reaching out to the other side, on giving people space to be wrong, the space to discuss, the space to tolerate. Unfortunately, the people controlling the public conversations right now will have none of it. We’re seeing the lengths they will go to and the lies they let stand in service of crushing 50 percent of this nation. They seek unity through complete elimination of the other side. There are times for compromise and times to draw a line in the sand; the latter has arrived. Kira says it’s time for Christians and Conservatives to draw our lines.

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  1. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    I enjoyed your conversation with Kira; I didn’t know she does all that stuff! But I often see her on Fox, and she’s bright and funny and a good spokeswoman for conservative ideals. Plus I love the fake flower she always wears!

    Hope you’re feeling better, Jon.

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