JROTC - North Central High School

1801 E 86th St

Indianapolis, IN 46240

Main: (317) 259-5301

Attendance: (317) 259-5355


Welcome to the North Central High School JROTC Website.

National Chain of Command

JROTC Chain of Command

Cadet Handbook
–  Rank Structure
–  Uniform
–  Placement
–  Ribbons
–  Cords
–  Drill and Ceremony
–  Map Reading
–  Facilities
–  Army Values

Army Structure

Phonetic Alphabet


–  Color Guard
–  Rifle

Send Us an E-mail:
1st SG Brown- trbrown@msdwt.k12.in.us 
Major Collins-Bowens – tcollinsbowens@msdwt.k12.in.us

“The US Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps and the Department of the US Army do not provide this website, do not endorse anything appearing on it, nor exercise any editorial control over its contents. The school system is solely responsible for its contents and hyperlinks.”