Feet to Miles Converter

Use this converter to easily convert between Feet and Miles (ft to miles).

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    Quick navigation:
  1. How many Feet in a Mile?
  2. Difference between Feet and Miles
  3. How to convert Feet to Miles
  4. ft to miles conversion table

    How many Feet in a Mile?

By definition, 5280 feet equal one mile. Historically, the mile varied in length, until it was fixed with an international treaty in 1959. The internationally recognized symbol for miles is "mi" and for feet is "ft". Still, in some places in the US and the UK "m" is used to denote miles, which can lead to confusion with the SI unit "m", which stands for meter.

    Difference between Feet and Miles

Both feet and miles are units for measuring distances and dimensions, but with very different magnitude. Due to this, miles are usually used to measure distances you would travel in a car, truck, or train, while feet are used for smaller distances like in running or walking, or for measuring the dimensions of large objects such as house, sports fields, yards...

Both units have a long history and varied in definition from time to time and from place to place. The foot, however, is much older than the mile, despite the mile being used as early as the Roman Empire.

    How to convert Feet to Miles

To convert from feet to miles you need to divide the measurement in feet by 5280 to get the equivalent in miles. The conversion is often done with the help of a calculator. Our online feet to miles converter will surely make that easy for you, and it also has a one-click copy button.

Feet to Miles conversion example

Sample task: convert 10000 feet to miles. Solution:

ft / 5280 = miles
10000 ft / 5,280 = 1.893939 miles
End result:
10000 ft is equal to 1.893939 miles

    ft to miles conversion table

ft to miles conversion table
ft miles
1 ft 0.000189 miles
2 ft 0.000379 miles
3 ft 0.000568 miles
4 ft 0.000758 miles
5 ft 0.000947 miles
6 ft 0.001136 miles
7 ft 0.001326 miles
8 ft 0.001515 miles
9 ft 0.001705 miles
10 ft 0.001894 miles
20 ft 0.003788 miles
30 ft 0.005682 miles
40 ft 0.007576 miles
50 ft 0.009470 miles
60 ft 0.011364 miles
70 ft 0.013258 miles
80 ft 0.015152 miles
90 ft 0.017045 miles
100 ft 0.018939 miles
200 ft 0.037879 miles
300 ft 0.056818 miles
400 ft 0.075758 miles
500 ft 0.094697 miles
600 ft 0.113636 miles
700 ft 0.132576 miles
800 ft 0.151515 miles
900 ft 0.170455 miles
1,000 ft 0.189394 miles


1 NIST Special Publication 330 (2008) - "The International System of Units (SI)", edited by Barry N.Taylor and Ambler Thompson

2 International Organization for Standardization (1993). ISO Standards Handbook: Quantities and units (3rd edition). Geneva: ISO. ISBN 92-67-10185-4.

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Georgiev G.Z., "Feet to Miles Converter", [online] Available at: https://www.gigacalculator.com/converters/convert-ft-to-miles-feet.php URL [Accessed Date: 31 May, 2024].