Timezone and DST in the United Kingdom
Big Ben: Westminster Clock Tower

Timezone and DST in the United Kingdom

Timezones are always calculated by their difference to UTC, the "Universal Time Coordinated". In the United Kingdom there is only a single timezone at UTC+1. For example, New York is currently at UTC-4 in Eastern Time, so the time difference between New York and the United Kingdom is five hours.

They have a nationwide clock change from standard time to daylight saving time, where the clocks are switched forward by one hour in summer.

The next clock change in United Kingdom will be on October 27th, 2024 at 02:00 to standard time. The clocks are then set back one hour. This means that it gets light earlier in the morning and darker earlier in the evening.

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Current time in all regions of the United Kingdom:
June 2024

Only 1 nationwide time zone

Standard time:UTC +0Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Daylight saving time:UTC +1British Summertime (BST)

Throughout the United Kingdom, a single time zone, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), applies during the winter months. GMT corresponds to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+0:00), which is the worldwide reference for timekeeping. However, during the summer months, people switch to British Summer Time (BST), which corresponds to UTC+1:00.

These times also apply in the United Kingdom dependent territories of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, but not in Gibraltar, where Central European Time is observed due to relations with Spain.

Daylight saving time in the United Kingdom

The changeover to British Summer Time occurs, as it does throughout Europe, on the last Sunday in March, when clocks are advanced by one hour, making evenings longer and taking advantage of natural daylight. It goes back to GMT standard time on the last Sunday in October. Daylight saving time was first introduced in 1916, but at that time there was initially a changeover in four steps of 20 minutes each. During the Second World War, there was even a "British Double Summer Time" in Great Britain, i.e. the time was changed 2 hours forward in summer. The longer daylight hours in the evening allow for more outdoor activities and should reduce energy consumption. Several experiments with the extension of summer time followed. From 1968 to 1971, the country even kept UTC+1 time all year round.

Establishment of Greenwich Mean Time

Since the late 19th century, Greenwich Mean Time has been the universal time. Only in 1972 it was renamed into the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Greenwich is a suburb of London through which the prime meridian passes. Even if, Great Britain was a famous seafaring nation and well-known for its navigation, it is however only coincidence that Greenwich of all places is the zero point of the today's time calculation.

For the dateline, a north-south line on the globe was searched for, which was as far away as possible from any civilization. This line was found in the Pacific Ocean between Russia and Alaska. And exactly on the opposite side of the globe is Greenwich, so consequently the time UTC+0 was set.
Big Ben: Westminster Clock Tower

The next clock changes in the United Kingdom

Unlike in North America, the clocks in the United Kingdom do not change on the same day. Instead of the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in November, the United Kingdom has different dates for the time change.

DateLocal timeChange
Mar 31, 20241:00 am+1 hour to daylight saving time
Oct 27, 20242:00 am-1 hour to standard time
Mar 30, 20251:00 am+1 hour to daylight saving time
Oct 26, 20252:00 am-1 hour to standard time
Mar 29, 20261:00 am+1 hour to daylight saving time
Oct 25, 20262:00 am-1 hour to standard time
Mar 28, 20271:00 am+1 hour to daylight saving time
Oct 31, 20272:00 am-1 hour to standard time
Mar 26, 20281:00 am+1 hour to daylight saving time

Changes in Daylight Saving Times

In the United Kingdom Daylight Saving Time has been established on 05/21/1916.
All countries with Daylight Saving Time

Time zones in the dependent territories

Time differences to London

Los Angeles
-8 hours
Mexico City
-7 hours
-7 hours
-6 hours
New York
-5 hours
Buenos Aires
-4 hours
-1 hour
0 hours
0 hours
+1 hour
+1 hour
+2 hours
+2 hours
+3 hours
+4.5 hours
+6 hours
+7 hours
+7 hours
+7 hours
+8 hours
+9 hours
+11 hours
United Kingdom: Sunrise + sunsetTimes for sunrise and sunset in the United KingdomTimes of sunrise and sunset for the most important cities in the United Kingdom and the avg. length of daylight per month
Countries with DSTAll Countries with DSTA summary of all countries that currently observe Daylight Saving Time with further info on introductions and upcoming changes.
United Kingdom: Public HolidaysPublic holidays in the United Kingdom 2024-2028Statutory and inofficial holidays in the United Kingdom for 2024 to 2028
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This page was first published in April 2015 and has been continuously updated since then. Last modified: June 2024