Chris Pratt Joke Kim Kardashian Parks Recreation

Want To Know Why Chris Pratt Is Avoiding Kim Kardashian?

Once upon a time, before he was the studly lead in Jurassic World, Chris Pratt stole our hearts on Parks and Recreation. Andy was a lovable doofus who often ended up with his foot in his mouth (usually obliviously), but what's clear is that the funniest bits of the character came from somewhere inside Pratt himself. A blooper reel from the show's fourth season makes that obvious — but even though it contains a super hilarious Andy moment, it's not Pratt's proudest.  We'll let you watch the scene — in which he makes an off-color joke about Kim Kardashian — for yourself. (All we'll say is that you'll probably never think of "a comeback" the same way again.) Pratt apparently wanted this particular clip left off the extra footage from the show's DVD, because he felt bad about making people laugh at someone else's expense, according to an interview with GQ. "I like to keep my jokes about people safely way behind their backs," said the actor. But, the scene made it to the Internet anyway and has garnered more than two million views at this point. Pratt called the leak a bummer. "She probably doesn't know or doesn't care, I'm sure, but I don't like to make jokes at other people's expense, if I can help it."  It's a gross gag — you'll get no argument from us there. But, our love for Chris Pratt remains untarnished, because he sincerely feels badly about it, and we bet if he ran into Kim Kardashian on the street, she'd probably be cool with it at this point, too. 

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