BBC Wales - History - Campaign for Bilingual Road Signs

Campaign for Bilingual Road Signs

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1960's Welsh Language Society campaign to deface and remove English only road signs.

In the 1960's the Welsh Language Society (Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg) decided to instigate a campaign to deface and remove English only road signs in order to force local authorities and government to instil bilingual signs. The campaign, a source of disquiet at the time due to its simplicity and visibility, was ultimately successful and led to bilingual road signs throughout Wales.
From: The Story of Welsh On the Brink
First broadcast : 05 February 2003

Teachers' notes

Age Group : 11-14,14-16

Subject : History

Topic : Twentieth century world

Keywords : Culture and beliefs, history of the Welsh language, Bilingual roadsigns, Language policy, Bilingualism

Notes : Are there bilingual signs in your area? Why were bilingual signs the cause of protests in the 1960s? Why did people object to the protests by the Welsh Language Society? How successful was the campaign in securing bilingual signs?

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