The Meaning Behind The Song: Pretty When You Cry by Lana Del Rey - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Pretty When You Cry by Lana Del Rey


The Meaning Behind The Song: Pretty When You Cry by Lana Del Rey

Title Pretty When You Cry
Artist Lana Del Rey
Writer/Composer Lana Del Rey, Blake Stranathan
Album Ultraviolence
Release Date June 13, 2014
Genre Pop, Baroque Pop, Dark Pop, Pop-Rock, Singer-Songwriter, Psychedelic Rock, Alternative Rock, Alternative Pop
Producer Lana Del Rey, Blake Stranathan, Lee Foster

“Pretty When You Cry” is the seventh track from Lana Del Rey’s album Ultraviolence. Released in 2014, this hauntingly beautiful song showcases Lana’s signature moody and melancholic style.

The lyrics of “Pretty When You Cry” convey a sense of vulnerability and emotional turmoil. Lana sings about feeling like a beautiful mess, pretty when she cries. The opening lines, “All the pretty stars shine for you, my love, Am I that girl that you dream of?” hint at a complicated and tumultuous relationship.

Throughout the song, Lana questions the authenticity of her connection with this person. She reflects on the little moments when they said she was their girl, but wonders if it’s all just empty words. Lana’s distinctive voice, combined with the atmospheric instrumentation, creates a haunting ambiance that perfectly captures the emotional intensity of the lyrics.

In the chorus, Lana repeatedly asserts her own beauty when she cries. This can be interpreted as her reclaiming her power and embracing her vulnerability. Instead of viewing her tears as a weakness, she sees them as a display of her true self and finds a certain kind of beauty in her pain.

Listening to “Pretty When You Cry,” I am reminded of my own experiences with heartache and emotional struggles. Like Lana, I have often found solace in music during difficult times. This song speaks to the raw emotions we all experience in relationships and the complexities of love that can leave us feeling both beautiful and broken.

One aspect of Lana’s music that I particularly appreciate is her ability to convey a range of emotions within her songs. The bridge of “Pretty When You Cry” is a perfect example of this. Lana sings, “Don’t say you need me when, You leave and you leave again, I’m stronger than all my men, Except for you.” These lines capture a mixture of strength, vulnerability, and the pain of a love that is both toxic and addictive.

As Lana mentioned in an interview, the recording of “Pretty When You Cry” was a spontaneous and raw process. The vocals were freestyled, capturing the emotion of the moment. This adds to the authenticity and honesty of the song, and it allows listeners to connect with Lana’s emotions on a deeper level.

Overall, “Pretty When You Cry” is a hauntingly beautiful song that explores complex emotions and relationships. Lana Del Rey’s raw and vulnerable approach to songwriting makes her music relatable to many who have experienced heartbreak and the painful yet beautiful journey of self-discovery.


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