Who are the Mulligan Brothers

Who are the Mulligan Brothers

The Mulligan Brothers Co. started in the crawl space of the Mulligan home. Three brothers Jordan, Luke & William Mulligan started with a dream of inspiring a billion people. 

Jordan Mulligan , Luke Mulligan , William Mulligan "The mulligan brothers" Growing up.


Working less than minimum wage labouring jobs the three brothers saved every pay check to purchase their first computer to start editing motivational videos. Originally videos were created for the brothers to workout to but an audience quickly grew using the videos for motivation and inspiration. 


Growing up the Mulligan Brothers would often be found with a home video camera filming stunt videos, comedies & short films. Growing up in a working class neighbourhood quickly directed us away from the film industry but the passion for it remained. 


After their initial success on YouTube with Mulligan Brothers Motivation the brothers believed that success in the film industry might be possible now. With the dream of making inspiring documentaries they started a production company and studio house and started producing mini documentaries. 


With the goal of inspiring a billion people they needed to produce content in different and unique ways. Documentaries are one of the most powerful inspirational tools and with that knowledge a new goal was born. Mulligan Brothers now target the film industry to create real change all around the world.


At Mulligan Brothers we believe the most impact we could have on the world is through inspiring documentaries and content. Some of the greatest minds in the world were inspired by someone before them. 


Mulligan Brothers is now a well established YouTube network housing 5 Motivational and inspirational YouTube channels, delivering Inspiration in different ways, like education , motivation and documentaries. The network has reached well over half way to the billion people inspired. 


Jordan Mulligan filming with Luke Stoltman for Stoltman Brothers Documentary

Mulligan Brothers is now the parent company to its very own Film Studio. In 2018 the three brothers put down the cameras to pick up their tools one last time to build the Mulligan Brothers Studio in their hometown of Nottingham England.  It is currently in production of its first project to break into the film industry in 2022. This film studio will aid in our goal to Inspire Change for good in the world. 


Inspire change.