Running the perfect campaigns on LinkedIn can take a lot of time and resources, which is why tools for LinkedIn exist.

With the help of LinkedIn tools, I have gained over 24K followers. These tools will help you assert your authority and grow your brand, just like I did.

Disclosure: This content may contain a few affiliate links, which means if you click on them, I will get a commission (without any extra cost to you).
shane barker linkedin profile

In this article, I’ll help you discover 20 of the best LinkedIn tools to help you achieve better results on LinkedIn.

What Makes the Best LinkedIn Tools?

The best LinkedIn tools are tools that help you build a professional LinkedIn profile, engage your audience with meaningful content, and help you find and network with other brands and professionals.

Some features that make the best LinkedIn tools including:

  • Lead prospecting to identify and target future customers
  • Schedule automation to help you schedule and post content on your LinkedIn feed
  • Analytics like campaign progression and engagement
  • Automate drip campaigns to potential customers
  • Collect and build an email list
  • Personality assessment of employees and future employees

Why Do You Need LinkedIn Tools?

LinkedIn tools are important because LinkedIn itself is an excellent platform to grow your professional network with over 600 million professionals using the social media platform.

LinkedIn tools are simply there to help you use LinkedIn to its full potential.

You need LinkedIn tools to:

Build Your Brand

Building your brand is important if you want to be successful. Some people spend weeks building a website, and then even more time fine-tuning it for optimal engagement.

A personal website also costs money. Quite a lot if you want it to be successful.

That’s where LinkedIn comes in. With a professional photo, well written LinkedIn summary, and a profile that shows off your experience and expertise, you’ll find similar success, with fewer resources wasted.

A great-looking and well-written profile on LinkedIn shows potential customers and partners that you are professional, encourages them to take your brand seriously, and helps you build reputability.

Add to that a LinkedIn tool or two, to speed up the process at minimal cost, then there’s no reason not to have a great LinkedIn profile.

Get Your Name or Business Ranked High on Google Search Results

So, you’ve got your name out there, but what do people see first when they search your name on Google?

google search result shane barker

Take a look at the above image. A quick search for “Shane Barker” on Google has my website at number 1, an Instagram-featured snippet, and then my LinkedIn profile.

For business professionals, Instagram might not be their first choice to contact someone, which is where LinkedIn comes in. This allows people interested in working with me to quickly find me on LinkedIn.

Research Employees and Potential Customers

If you’re in need of professionals, LinkedIn has plenty of professionals in all fields to help your brand. It also offers a way for you to have a look at potential employees’ professional backgrounds.

LinkedIn provides background information like:

  • Professional background
  • Education
  • Age
  • Location
  • Previous employment
  • Skillsets

You can also use LinkedIn lead generation tools to find potential customers and providers. These tools search for LinkedIn contacts that might be interested in your brand.

This could be due to their age, gender, location, and/or interests/skills.

Get in on the Latest Industry News

Similar to other social media platforms, LinkedIn has a feed, where people you follow post content.

Your brand profile will most likely be in contact with other people and brands that are of similar niches, which should then populate your LinkedIn feed with posts pertaining to said niche.

This means you’ll always be up-to-date with the latest hot gossip from competitors, news outlets, and followers.

shane barker linkedin post example

Network With Other Like-Minded Professionals

LinkedIn is easily the most important social media platform for networking with industry professionals.

Building a network of reputable sources, providers, customers, and even employees can all be done through LinkedIn. There are even management tools to help you find customers and employees on LinkedIn.

How to Choose the Best LinkedIn Tools

Choosing the best LinkedIn tools will highly depend on what you need them to do. There are a few all-in-one solutions, but for the most part, these tools have been programmed to perform certain tasks.

That’s why I’ve split the list into four categories, namely:

1. LinkedIn Automation Tools

These LinkedIn tools are there to help automate certain aspects of LinkedIn or your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

This could range from automating messages, scheduling of content and posts on your feed, finding leads, and building an email list.

2. LinkedIn Engagement Tools

Engagement tools help you better engage with your audience, potential leads, and other business professionals.

These tools usually track how well a campaign is performing by the number of clicks, likes, comments, impressions, and the reach of your campaign

3. LinkedIn Marketing Tools

LinkedIn marketing tools help you boost your profile page’s reach by helping you manage marketing content, find new and engaging topics and content to use, help find new potential leads, and manage/automate campaigns.

4. LinkedIn Sales Tools

These tools have been designed to drive sales by managing sales funnels, prospecting leads, automating email lists and contacts, as well as helping improve your sales campaign by providing important analytics.

Depending on your needs, you might need a tool or two to get the most out of your LinkedIn profile.

Some important features to consider when choosing the top LinkedIn tools are:

  • Price vs. features. When choosing a tool, make sure that you weigh what is being offered against the price. Also, make sure to compare tools with similar features and their prices
  • Analytical feature set. Find examples of what a tool’s analytics look like, and what metrics it’s able to measure and present
  • Lead prospecting. Not all LinkedIn tools have this feature, but if you are especially concerned about B2B sales, then it’s important to identify potential customers through lead prospecting
  • Contact list storing. These contact lists will differ from tool to tool, but the basics are that it’s able to store some information about potential and current leads, whether it be customers or providers. These lists could also involve building an email list, which could then later be used when setting up sales funnels
  • Automation. Automation features also differ from one tool to the other. Some automation tools will help with contacting potential leads by setting up automated messages and emails. Some automate lead generation by using filters to weed out potential leads through their information on LinkedIn

List of 20 Best LinkedIn Tools

Let's take a look at 20 of the best LinkedIn tools that can help you drive better results from your marketing efforts.

Best Automation LinkedIn Tools

Automation LinkedIn Tools help you automate certain functions within LinkedIn and your social media campaigns. This could be lead generation, automating drip campaigns, automating messages/emails, or scheduling and posting content.


Dripify is a multi-functional LinkedIn automation tool that helps with prospecting, automating drip campaigns, and getting in-depth campaign analytics.

dripify linkedin automation dashboard

It features an easy-to-use dashboard that allows you to create a sequence of events and actions to take place when a new lead is found.

You can also add variables like their name and occupation to customize automated messages for better engagement.

dripify lead generation statistics dashboard

The statistics dashboard helps you visualize important data about your current lead generation campaign.

The inbox puts all your contacts into one convenient place and the leads dashboard allows you to quickly find any previous leads and their information.

dripify contact list
Key Features
  • Marketing automation
  • Campaign management
  • Generation and nurturing of leads
  • Analyzing LinkedIn activity
  • Messaging tool to help manage your inbox and send automated messages
  • Team management
  • Elaborate dashboard
  • Advanced safety algorithm
  • Integrates with most popular tools
  • Basic: $39/month
  • Pro: $59/month
  • Advanced: $79/month

To learn more about Dripify, check out my full review here.


Demand is one of the largest demand generation platforms you can find. Its purpose is to help brands identify and get the perfect customers.

This is done through automation on LinkedIn, identifying visitors to your page, and technology signals that could signal potential customers with similar interests.

demand linkedin automation dashboard

Image via

Automate your follow-up process to make the most of the leads you find with an easy-to-use automation flow chart.

It also integrates with plenty of platforms like HubSpot and Salesforce.

Key Features
  • Integrates with Slack for real-time notifications
  • Prospect automation
  • See where your visitors are coming from and who they are
  • Messaging automation with customizable parameters
  • Email automation with customizable parameters
  • Over 300 million contacts in their growing database
  • $99/month/user with unlimited leads

Brandwatch – Best Social Media Management Tool for LinkeIn

Brandwatch is a social media suite that sells two different tools, both of which are helpful for growing your LinkedIn account.

Brandwatch’s Social Media Management Solution is a social media automation tool. This tool helps you manage your content calendar across all social media platforms, including LinkedIn.

brandwatch schedule planner

Image via

It also allows teams to work together on campaigns, through one platform. The smart social inbox shows you the latest messages across all linked platforms.

brandwatch social media inbox

Image via

It also boasts a thorough analytics tool to measure the performance of your content on social media platforms.

Key Features
  • Work together as a team together on one platform for all social media marketing campaigns
  • View important metrics of campaigns
  • Automate your content calendar
  • Get all your messages in one, easy to manage inbox
  • Contact their sales team for a quote


IFTTT, which stands for “If This, Then That,” helps you automate certain tasks between various third-party apps.

You can connect this tool to email or Slack, to notify you when a LinkedIn connection changes their jobs or a company you follow lists a new job opening.

You can even connect LinkedIn to third-party apps. This will help you share your Facebook or Instagram “at work” posts to your network when you use a specific hashtag.

This is a perfect LinkedIn automation tool for marketers who want to automate LinkedIn to achieve improved results.

Key Features
  • Use applets to connect two or more applications with each other, each with unique triggers and actions
  • Use ingredients, custom fields, to spice up your actions by customizing the code
  • Integrates with over 700 of the most popular apps and social media platforms
  • Works with voice activated software like Alexa and Google Assistant
  • You can get 25 applets for free.
  • Pro plan: $2.50/month
  • Pro+ plan: $5/month


Dux-Soup is one of the best LinkedIn automation tools for lead generation.

Its main goal is to help you create a personalized, microtargeted LinkedIn lead generation campaign.

Create a set of custom triggers and delays to help Dux-Soup automatically connect with leads, engage with them, and eventually close the deal.

dux soup dashboard

To personally search for new leads, connect with each, and chat with them will take much too long. Automating this process allows you to save time and money.

The Tag Search Tool allows you to find profiles according to specific tags added by you.

dux soup tag search tool
Key Features
  • Easily find new leads with the Tag Search Tool
  • Maintain customer data and takes notes whilst scrolling through LinkedIn
  • Automatically views prospects, endorses skills, and sends personalized messages to them
  • Ability to set up automated drip email campaigns
  • Pro Dux: $11.25/month
  • Turbo Dux: $41.25/month

Best LinkedIn Engagement Tools

LinkedIn engagement tools help you improve engagement performance throughout your campaigns.

These tools tend to offer important insights, whether it be through social listening, analytics of content performance, or analyzing behavioral patterns of customers.

Brandwatch – Best Consumer Intelligence Tool for LinkedIn

Brandwatch’s Consumer Intelligence tool, which has the Consumer Research tool. This tool uses advanced AI to deliver insights into any topics or niches you type in.

This type of tool is often called a social listening tool. The AI is given a topic, keyword or niche, and offers a complete in-depth analysis of consumer opinions across all social media platforms, including LinkedIn.

It’s also able to integrate with platforms like Hootsuite. Acting as a social listening app, it’s then able to gather valuable information about any topic or brand that was posted on social media.

Key Features
  • AI powered search and image analysis
  • Custom classifiers with machine learning to filter searches the way you want
  • Large database of consumer data with over 1.4 trillion posts dating as far back as 2008
  • Fast, reliable, and scalable
  • Integrates easily with popular platforms like Hootsuite
  • Contact their sales team for a quotation

SocialPilot – Best Social Media Management Tool for LinkedIn

SocialPilot is a social media management platform that allows you to quickly create, schedule, and manage posts on all your social media accounts.

It also comes with an in depth analysis of your content’s performance.

social pilot dashboard gif

Their LinkedIn management tool offers you in-depth LinkedIn marketing metrics with the option to export them to PDF.

This will help you determine whether your campaigns have been successful or if engagement wasn’t great, and you need to rethink your strategy.

With this management tool, you can automate and schedule posts for all your social media accounts including LinkedIn. The dashboard looks great, with a simplistic and easy to use interface.

SocialPilot also offers white label solutions to make the platform your very own, with customizable colors, logos and name.

Key Features
  • Content calendar automation
  • Analytics and reports with white label features
  • Social inbox that connects to all your social media accounts with real-time engagement
  • Collaborate with content teams through invites and approval workflows
  • White label solutions for customization
  • Professional: $25.50/month
  • Small team: $42.50/month
  • Agency: $85/month
  • White label: $170/month


ContentStudio is another all-in-one social media management tool with some excellent features that could put it under any of the categories.

The reason I decided to put it under engagement, is because of its excellent social inbox.

contentstudio inbox example

The unified social inbox allows you to engage with potential leads across all social platforms. You're also able to label incoming conversations, add private notes to them and create a set of saved replies if you're in a hurry.

In the picture above, you’ll see that you can even link and reply to your Google Business reviews through the inbox.

You’re also able to filter messages by channels, status and type.

Apart from that, the interface of the dashboard and analytics are colorful and make working on the platform breezy.

contentstudio scheduling and planner automation

ContentStudio also boasts an autopilot feature for posting evergreen campaigns and RSS feeds.

The statistics and reports look great and professional.

Key Features
  • Automated publishing
  • Content management and statistics
  • Multi-account management
  • Multi-user collaboration
  • Post scheduling
  • Social media monitoring
  • Starter: $25/month
  • Pro: $49/month
  • Agency: $99/month

Crystal – Best LinkedIn Automation Tool

Crystal is the world’s largest personality assessment platform. It helps you understand the personality differences in yourself, your coworkers, and your customers.

This LinkedIn engagement tool helps you learn more about the behaviors and preferences of your employees and customers.

You can also use this, one of the best LinkedIn automation tools, to predict the personality of any customer or prospect using their LinkedIn profile.

Having a deeper understanding of their personality helps you to communicate more effectively and strengthen your relationships with them.

Key Features
  • Visits 1000 profiles per day based on your search criteria
  • You can export visited profiles and reach out to them
  • Save visited contacts for 1-3 months
  • Free for 10 profiles
  • Premium: $99/month for 50 new profiles a month
  • Business: Contact their sales team for a custom quotation

Buy Followers Guide

This is quite possibly the best LinkedIn tool. Many businesses purchase LinkedIn followers to enhance their company’s social image.

While this is a popular marketing strategy, you need to know the best place to buy them.

Buy Followers Guide is one of the best LinkedIn tools that connect you with the top companies that sell LinkedIn followers. The followers they bring are totally worth your money and will help you boost your credibility, reach, and engagement.

With reputable high-quality follower profiles, your brand can look even more appealing to potential employees, investors, partners, and clients.

buy followers guide agencies and prices

Image via Buy Followers Guide

Key Features
  • Verified sellers
  • Offers price ranges for small businesses up to larger brands and agencies
  • 30-Day money-back guarantee
  • Turnaround time offered
  • Prices will vary depending on the agency you use.

Best LinkedIn Marketing Tools

LinkedIn marketing tools are tools that help brands and companies promote and sell their products. It can also include improving the public image of a brand and strengthening trust between the brand and potential customers. is a LinkedIn marketing tool that lets you connect your profile to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more. It will then position content in-front of customers who’d be most interested, to get you more clicks.

This Chrome extension also helps you gather extended information about an individual when using LinkedIn. When you’re on their profile, you can see a “green” icon that provides you with their Facebook and Twitter data. chrome extension example

This additional data can speed up the process of you deciding whether they are relevant to your business or not. It is one of the best LinkedIn tools to access the value of the people in your professional network.

Key Features
  • Find social profiles on Gmail
  • Find social profiles on LinkedIn
  • Save and download contact information
  • It’s free
  • is free to use


Planable is all about social media collaboration. It has been designed to bring together teams under one, easy to use platform.

It’s intuitive design streamlines processes that normally took much longer by keeping everything content-related. Planning, scheduling, and publishing can be collaborated on with approval settings.

This means you can easily schedule multiple posts, across all different linked social media accounts at once. You can overview each to makes sure they look great, then hit the post button.

There aren’t any statistics or report options unfortunately, which means you’ll need another platform for metrics, whilst using Planable for creating and posting content only.

Key Features
  • Automated publishing
  • Content management
  • Multi-account management
  • Multi-user collaboration
  • Post scheduling
  • Free
  • Basic: $13/month/user
  • Pro: $26/month/user
  • Enterprise: Contact their sales team for a custom quote

LeadGrabber Pro – Best Lead Generation Tool for LinkedIn

Prospecting new leads can be time-consuming. Especially when there isn’t much info available about the person. That’s where LeadGrabber Pro tool helps out.

leadgrabber pro prospecting
Image via LeadGrabber Pro

Using this amazing LinkedIn automation tool is the best and the fastest way to build lists of targeted professionals. It extracts contact details and stores them in a readable spreadsheet.

This includes finding the business email IDs and phone numbers that you tend to miss.

You can directly export this contact information of your prospects to your CRM platform.

And you can easily get access to the contact details of the decision-maker of a company. This makes it easier for B2B brands to promote their product to the concerned person.

Key Features
  • CXO Lists from LinkedIn Groups
  • Reach CXOs via Coworkers
  • Prospect Lists from LinkedIn Events
  • Reverse Lookup LinkedIn IDs
  • Get Verified CXO Email & Phone
  • One person sales-team: 35,000 credits for $3495/year
  • Small sales team: 60,000 credits for $5495/year
  • Medium-sized sales team: 100,000 credits for $8495/year

Credits can be topped up for $495 per 3000 credits.

Leadfeeder – Best B2B Tool for LinkedIn

Leadfeeder allows you to see which companies visit your website and what they’re interested in. This makes it one of the best LinkedIn tools to find B2B prospects that can convert easily.

leadfeeder lead finding examples
Image via Leadfeeder

All you need to do is to connect it to your Google Analytics account. It will tell you when a target company visits your site.

Key Features
  • Identify companies visiting your website and see what they’re looking at
  • B2B lead generation
  • Get email alerts when target companies visit your website
  • Campaign analytics
  • Contact management
  • Real time notifications
  • Real-time analytics
  • The Lite version of the platform is available for free.
  • The Premium package costs $79/month.

LeadFuze – Best Sales Tool for LinkedIn

When it comes to LinkedIn marketing, only a few tools can match what LeadFuze has to offer.

This lead generation tool helps boost your lead generation efforts by helping you find leads from its over 200 million-strong database of professionals.

Build lists of leads and automatically sync leads to CRM's and outreach tools.

As a LinkedIn sales tool, it is able to provide microtargeted leads and provide real and correct information about the lead. It’s also able to build this list out through automating the process, so you can build a list of potential customers quickly.

It’s also able to integrate with CRM tools, whilst checking for duplicate leads and removing them.

leadfuze lead generation example
Image via LeadFuze
Key Features
  • Email scrapper
  • Scheduled alerts
  • Lead source tracking
  • Visitor insight
  • Lead segmentation
  • Lead database
  • Lead capture
  • Reports
  • Unlimited: $397/month
  • Scaling: $497/month
  • They also offer custom packages that are quoted

Best LinkedIn Sales Tools

LinkedIn sales tool are designed to hep drive sales


LinkedFusion is an excellent sales tool that helps you get new leads and track their journey from start to finish.

It’s cloud based, which makes it easy to use anywhere, anytime, on any device.

linkedfusion lead generation dashboard

Its automated process allows you to target leads by time zones and even dedicated IPs. It can prospect leads from LinkedIn and can integrate with platforms like Zapier, Google Sheet, and HubSpot.

With CRM integrations, you’ll be able to manage all prospective leads in one platform.

leadfusion inbox example

The inbox is quite simple, but keeps all your messages and leads in a neatly assembled dashboard.

Key Features
  • Secure prospecting with dedicated exclusive IPs
  • Advanced filtering
  • Bulk messaging to prospective leads
  • Integration with the most popular CRM tools
  • Professional: $65.95/month/user
  • Grow: $95.95/month/user
  • Ultimate: $135.95/month/user

SalesLoft Prospector

SalesLoft claims to be the ultimate sales machine. This is achieved through easy integration of CRM tools, great workflows, automating processes and real-time updates.

SalesLoft has quite a few tools, with a set of tools dedicated specifically to the sales team. Great if you’re looking to generate leads and increase sales through LinkedIn.

In this package you’ll get Cadence, a lead generator and nurturer. You’ll get Deals, an analytics tool with accurate sales pipeline data.

salesloft prospector cadences page

You’ll also get Conversations, a tool that analyzes top performing sales reps and replicates it for other sales personnel to use.

salesloft prospector conversations page

Included with all of these tools is a reporting and analytics tool as well.

salesloft prospector statistics page
Key Features
  • Conversations tool to analyze and replicate top sales reps results
  • Integration with over 160 popular tools and platforms
  • Mobile App Access
  • In-depth analytics and report tool
  • Pricing will depend on the tools you’d like to use. Packages are personalized, to get a quote contact their sales team.


Another excellent LinkedIn sales tool, Datanyze is a leader in techno graphics that provides you with real-time insights into the technology choices of a company.

datanyze extension example

This LinkedIn automation tool is a Chrome extension which allows you to promote and sell your products based on your prospects’ technology choices. You can even discover new prospects, and find their contacts and email addresses.

It makes finding new leads quick and easy, by automating the process when scrolling through LinkedIn.

datanyze contacts page

Using Datanyze can help you make faster conversions with an improved conversation quality. As you browse through LinkedIn, it will also automatically store contact information and display it on your contacts' dashboard as shown above.

Key Features
  • Lead builder
  • CRM integration and marketing automation
  • LinkedIn prospecting
  • Keep track of social activity of lead prospects anytime they engage with things related to your brand/niche
  • Curated icebreakers to make contacting new prospect easier and more effective
  • Export contact lists to CSV
  • Nyze lite: free
  • Nyze Pro 1: $21/month
  • Nyze Pro 2: $39/month

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is an advanced sales tool that helps you find and target relevant people and companies. It also makes it easier for you to track key leads, and reach and engage with your prospective clients.

linkedin sales navigator highlights page

This LinkedIn tool brings you customized lead recommendations to help you discover the right people faster. You can also save these generated leads to your CRM in a single click.

linkedin sales navigator lead finder

With numerous filter options, it’s easy to find the best prospective leads possible, without wasting too much time.

Key Features
  • LinkedIn Job Seeker allows you to appear at the top of any list of job applicants
  • Unlimited searches when prospecting
  • Save all your search data
  • See who’s viewed your profile in the last two months
  • Advanced search and filters
  • Lead and account recommendations
  • Integration with other sales tools like SNAP
  • Core: $99/month
  • Advanced: $149/month
  • Advanced Plus: starts at $1600/year

eLink Pro

Generating sales the driving factor behind every marketing campaign you run. If you want to drive more sales for your business, eLink Pro is the perfect LinkedIn sales tool for you.

People are more likely to visit your profile if you visit theirs. The eLink Pro tool helps you automate profile visits. You can visit 800 new LinkedIn profiles per day using it.

Though not everyone will come back to your profile, chances are that some will. Once they’ve visited your page, you can form a connection with them and turn them into leads.

elink pro settings page
Key Features
  • Visit profiles automatically
  • Schedule profile visits for certain times and days
  • Automate LinkedIn connections
  • Automate LinkedIn messages
  • Send mass celebration messages
  • Automate Follows
  • For $29 a month you get eLink Pro's profile viewing and data exporting
  • For $49 a month you’ll also get quick connects, easy profile views, autopilot, and auto messages

Comparison of the Best LinkedIn Tools

Now that we’ve gone through in-depth, let’s get a quick comparison of the top LinkedIn tools with their pricing and key features.

Tool Name


Key Features


Starts from $39/month

  • Marketing automation
  • Generation and nurturing of leads
  • Analyzing LinkedIn activity
  • Advanced safety algorithm


Starts from $99/month

  • Integrates with Slack
  • Prospect automation
  • See where your visitors are coming from
  • Over 300 million contacts in their growing database


Starts from $2.50/month

  • Applets with unique triggers and actions
  • Integrates with over 700 of the most popular apps
  • Works with voice activated software like Alexa and Google Assistant


Contact their sales team for a custom quote

  • AI powered search and image analysis
  • Custom classifiers with machine learning
  • Large database of consumer data
  • Integrates easily with popular platforms like Hootsuite


Starts from $25.50/month

  • Content calendar automation
  • Analytics and reports with white label features
  • Social inbox
  • White label solutions for customization


  • Find social profiles on Gmail
  • Find social profiles on LinkedIn
  • Save and download contact information


Starts from $13/month

  • Automated publishing
  • Content management
  • Multi-account management
  • Multi-user collaboration


Starts from $65.95/month

  • Secure prospecting with dedicated exclusive IPs
  • Advanced filtering
  • Bulk messaging to prospective leads
  • Integration with the most popular CRM tools


Starts from $21/month

  • Lead builder
  • CRM integration
  • LinkedIn prospecting
  • Curated icebreakers

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Starts from $99/month

  • LinkedIn Job Seeker
  • Unlimited searches when prospecting
  • Save all your search data
  • Advanced search and filters

With the comparison list it’s important to note what features are most important for you, and the price of each tool that offers those features. This will help you decide which LinkedIn tool is best for you and your pocket.

Ready to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing with the Best Tools for LinkedIn?

There are a number of social networks with large followings and numerous amazing features. But none of them provide you with such effective B2B networking and marketing opportunities that LinkedIn does.

Thankfully, you have these awesome tools for LinkedIn to help you market your brand the right way. They can help you generate quality leads and drive sales.

If you use any other LinkedIn tools that helped you with your marketing efforts, please share them with us in the comments below.


  1. Henry Weekes says:

    The best list of LinkedIn tools that can help us improve our marketing efforts. Thanks.

  2. LinkedIn is an excellent resource for professionals. And this list of LinkedIn tools will definitely help a lot with marketing. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for putting this list together. I’ve had a look at a few of these tools already and actually just started working with a tool, it’s a really great modern automation tool.

    1. Shane Barker says:

      That’s amazing Lisa, I’m glad my list of best LinkedIn tools was helpful for you. And you’ve started using it, that’s awesome, let me know how it goes.

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