Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Manila (CSJL): Tuition & Application |

Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Manila (CSJL)

Letran Manila, 151 Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila
PHP 35,000 to 60,000
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Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Manila (CSJL) |
Asst. Prof. Engr. Carlito Gutierrez
Dean, College of Engineering and Information Technology

Quick Facts & Figures

(Updated as of May 24, 2020)
School Type

Academic Calendar

Ave. Tuition Fee

PHP 35,000 to 60,000

Icon topup
Accepting Top-up Vouchers?


Icon gender admission
Gender Admission


Icon student population
Batch Size


Icon research centers
Research Centers


Icon school organizations 2


Icon food budget
Food/Meal Budget

PHP Starting at Php 50.00


(Updated as of Mar 07, 2020)

Icon wifi

Wifi / Internet

Icon basketball court

Basketball Court

Icon volleyball court

Volleyball Court

Icon tennis court

Tennis Court

Icon badminton court

Badminton Court

Icon computer laboratory

Computer Laboratory

Icon chemistry laboratory

Chemistry Laboratory

Icon auditorium


Icon dormitory


Icon theater


Icon playground


Icon canteen


Icon airconditioned classrooms

Airconditioned Classrooms

Icon audio visual rooms

Audio-Visual Rooms

Icon library


What does Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Manila (CSJL) stand for?

Colegio de San Juan de Letran (CSJL) is located in Intramuros, Manila. It was founded in 1620 by Don Juan Geronimo Guerrero to educate and mold orphans into good Christian citizens. Its mission is to integrate the Dominican preaching with education towards the formation of values while carrying the ideals of DEUS, PATRIA, LETRAN (For God, Fatherland, Letran). It envisions itself as a reputable school of quality education that is centered on a Dominican community that preaches Christ. It also gears its academic programs, research, and community service to form Letranites who are ready for a relevant role in the world.

CSJL has 4 colleges under its Bachelor’s degree program (Business Administration and Accountancy, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Education, and Engineering). It also offers Masters and Doctorate Degrees in Business. Its Senior High School offers Accountancy Business and Management Strand (ABM), Science, Technology and Mathematics Strand (STEM), Home Economics Strand (Food and Beverage (NC II) and Bartending (NC II), Information and Communications Technology Strand (Applications Development (NC IV) and Animation (NC II). 

As part of its unwavering commitment to providing an excellent education for all, the institution has received Level 2 accreditation for the High School department, College of Business Administration and Accountancy, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. It was also given Level 3 accreditation in the Elementary department, the highest possible level of basic education by the Philippine Accrediting Association of School College and Universities (PAASCU).

Colegio de San Juan de Letran Facts:

  • CSJL has produced alumni that made significant contributions to the society including Philippine presidents, heroes, and National Artist.
  • The school’s colors are blue and red: Blue for loyalty and justice and red for bravery.
  • The name of this school was inspired by the major basilica of Saint John Lateran in Rome.


What programs & courses does Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Manila (CSJL) offer?

Choosing the right program can help you set your future goals and visualize where you want to be. Whether you want to be an engineer, a teacher, an accountant, or you want to level up in your profession, making yourself informed with the right choices will surely back you up in the future. Are you ready to map your career with Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Manila (CSJL)? Make the best decision in choosing the right path for you, click through the list of programs offered by Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Manila (CSJL) below:

What are the tuition & fees for students at Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Manila (CSJL)?

Tuition and miscellaneous fees vary by program and course.

Senior High School: PHP 31,000 to 31,500 (Per Term)
Bachelor's degree: PHP 39,000 to 61,000 (Per Term)
Master's degree: PHP 20,000 to 25,000 (Per Term)

For a complete list of details, please send an inquiry here.

Where is Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Manila (CSJL) located?

(Updated as of May 24, 2020)

Letran Manila, 151 Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila
Contact Number
(02) 85277693 loc. 345
Mobile Number

Apply to Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Manila (CSJL)

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