The Meaning Behind The Song: Thunder by Imagine Dragons - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Thunder by Imagine Dragons

The Meaning Behind The Song: Thunder by Imagine Dragons

Imagine Dragons is an American rock band formed in 2008. They are known for their pop-rock sound and thought-provoking lyrics. One of their most popular songs, Thunder, was released in 2017 and quickly became a fan favorite. The catchy chorus and upbeat rhythm made it a hit on radio stations worldwide. But what is the meaning behind the song? In this article, we delve into the lyrics to uncover the hidden messages.

Verse 1

Just a young gun with a quick fuse
I was uptight, wanna let loose
I was dreaming of bigger things
And wanna leave my old life behind

The opening lines of Thunder introduce the protagonist as a young person full of energy but struggling with finding a sense of purpose. The quick fuse may refer to a short temper or anxious nature, common in young people finding their place in the world. The desire to let loose is a call for freedom from the constraints of everyday life.


Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun’, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun’, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

The chorus of Thunder is infectious and quickly gets stuck in the head. The repetition of “thunder” has a deeper meaning. Thunder is a metaphor for the turmoil and chaos that the protagonist feels inside. The thunder represents the inner struggles that many people face, which is often hidden from the outside world.

Verse 2

Kids were laughing in my classes
While I was scheming for the masses
Who do you think you are?
Dreaming ’bout being a big star

The second verse starts with the protagonist’s struggle in school. They feel misunderstood and underappreciated, while their classmates do not take them seriously. The protagonist feels like an outsider, someone who is different from others and is scheming something great. The idea of dreaming about being a big star is a call for recognition and affirmation of the protagonist’s worthiness.

Chorus 2

Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun’, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun’, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

The second chorus is a repetition of the same lines as the first. The focus is on the “thunder” once again, emphasizing that the internal struggles are constant and unrelenting.


Feel the thunder
Lightning then the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning then the thunder
Thunder, thunder

The bridge changes the tone of the song, bringing the protagonist out of their internal struggles. The lightning represents a moment of clarity and inspiration. The thunder, then, becomes a call to action. Through the lightning and thunder, the protagonist finds the motivation to pursue their dreams and overcome their insecurities.

Chorus 3

Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning then the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning then the thunder, thunder

The third chorus is a repetition of the second verse, with a slight change in wording. The focus remains on the thunder but with a more positive spin. The thunder is no longer a representation of the protagonist’s troubles but instead signifies a feeling of empowerment.


Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun’, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun’, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

The outro is a repetition of the chorus, ending the song on a high note. The emphasis on the “thunder” is continuously repeated, reinforcing the central message of the internal struggle and the ultimate victory.


Thunder by Imagine Dragons provides insight into the mind of a young person struggling with finding their place in the world. The thunder metaphor is used to represent the protagonist’s inner turmoil and external struggles. The repetitive chorus reinforces the idea of constant internal battles. However, the bridge and final chorus bring a sense of hope and a call to action, empowering the protagonist to pursue their dreams. Overall, Thunder is a powerful anthem for anyone who has struggled with insecurities and self-doubt but has ultimately found the courage to follow their heart.

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