“Sexual Misconduct” Claims: The Battle at Anonymous Content - Puck

“Sexual Misconduct” Claims: The Battle at Anonymous Content

Keith Redmon
Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Matthew Belloni
November 7, 2021

Back in June, I reported on the abrupt ouster of Oscar-nominated manager-producer Keith Redmon from Anonymous Content, the Laurene Powell Jobs-backed company behind projects like True Detective and The Revenant, which Redmon produced. Redmon had blown up at a colleague on a Zoom call, and when confronted about it by Anonymous C.E.O. Dawn Olmstead, he was said to have directed some choice words at her, prompting his quick termination after nearly two decades at the company.   

Since then, a behind-the-scenes war has ensued between Redmon and his former employer. Redmon was recently hired by Teddy Schwarzman’s Black Bear Pictures to launch an international division, and he took with him some Anonymous clients, including Revenant co-writer Mark L. Smith. He also still shares others with his former employer, like Oscar-nominated filmmaker Morten Tyldum. Redmon went after an Anonymous employee too, hiring away Kathryn Thal as a V.P.

The bad blood—and Redmond’s behavior over the years at Anonymous under its co-founder, Steve Golin, who died in 2019—has been a subject of chatter in the representation community since he was hired by Schwarzman. So I reached out to Anonymous for an explanation, and it responded with quite the statement. A spokesperson for the company confirmed that Redmon was terminated in June for cause, due to what it called a troubling pattern of unacceptable behavior. Then it added:

“The company recently completed a comprehensive investigation and uncovered multiple incidents of sexual misconduct by Redmon, some physical in nature. Anonymous has no tolerance for harassment or toxic behavior.”

It declined to elaborate on the specific misconduct its outside investigation is said to have uncovered. Redmon’s lawyer, Michael Plonsker, has a different view of the situation. “Keith Redmon is saddened and shocked that Anonymous Content would make these clearly false and defamatory allegations,” Plonsker said in a statement to me. He then explained the dispute as follows: 

“After Mr. Redmon disagreed with senior leadership on the strategic direction of the company following the tragic passing of its founder, Steve Golin, Anonymous trumped up charges for a ‘with cause’ termination, claiming Mr. Redmon had disagreements with new management and ‘raised his voice.’ Anonymous has tried to take Mr. Redmon’s clients, projects, credits, stock and profit participations. It has not and will not work.”

Plonsker then took aim at Anonymous’ claims of sexual and physical misconduct:   

“Now, rather than simply allowing Mr. Redmon to fairly compete, Anonymous has made another misguided decision, falsely attacking Mr. Redmon personally and professionally in the worst of ways, with new trumped up charges so egregious that they demand immediate action. Mr. Redmon has the greatest respect for the Golin family and the various partners and employees at Anonymous with whom he had the true honor of working closely over the last 18 years. However, Anonymous and all those working in concert with them will be held responsible for all damages Mr. Redmon suffers.” 

Schwarzman, via a Black Bear spokesperson, said he is looking into the allegations. “We have not received any information on Anonymous Content’s internal investigation, nor have we previously been made aware of any allegations of this nature against Keith Redmon,” the Black Bear rep said in an email. “We take any and all allegations of misconduct incredibly seriously, and will immediately endeavor to determine the facts and act accordingly.”

In this dispute, the gloves appear to be off.