Watch Better Late Than Never Season 1 Episode 1 - Welcome to Tokyo Online Now
Better Late Than Never Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. Welcome to Tokyo

  • TV14
  • August 23, 2016
  • 150 min

Better Late Than Never is a reality television show that follows four veteran celebrities traveling to different countries exploring new cultures. The four stars are William Shatner, Henry Winkler, George Foreman, and Terry Bradshaw. In season one, episode one, entitled "Welcome to Tokyo", the cast takes an adventurous trip to Tokyo, Japan.

The episode begins with the four stars arriving in Tokyo via bullet train. They are greeted by their local tour guide, Jeff, who helps them navigate the city's busy streets. William Shatner starts off with some complaints, saying that the city is too crowded and he prefers quiet places. However, Jeff takes them to the famous robot restaurant, where the group is entertained by a high-energy robot show, complete with flashy lights and loud music.

Their first cultural experience in Tokyo is to try some sushi. They all go to the Tsukiji fish market, the largest wholesale seafood market in the world. The group tries different types of sushi, and each one reacts differently. William Shatner is hesitant but eventually enjoys the sushi. George Foreman, on the other hand, is not fond of the raw fish but loves the cooked dishes like eel.

The next day, they visit a famous dojo to watch a group of sumo wrestlers train. Terry Bradshaw is amazed by the size of the wrestlers while Henry Winkler is fascinated by their discipline and dedication to their sport. After the training, the wrestlers have a little fun with the cast members by trying to throw them out of the ring.

Throughout the episode, the group also experiences some traditional Japanese activities, including a visit to a tea ceremony, where they learn about the proper way to drink tea and enjoy a traditional snack. They also visit a flower arrangement class, where they learn the art of ikebana.

One of the highlights of the show is when they visit a karaoke bar. The group is excited to try out Japanese karaoke, and each one sings a song. William Shatner sings "Rocket Man," George Foreman sings "Rocky Top," Terry Bradshaw sings "Under the Boardwalk," and Henry Winkler sings "Blue Suede Shoes."

The climax of the episode is when the cast members participate in a Japanese game show. The show features a variety of games, including a game where the men have to catch fish in their mouths and another where they have to guess the right sushi topping. The cast members are hilarious to watch as they try their best to win the games.

Overall, Better Late Than Never season one episode one, "Welcome to Tokyo," is an enjoyable and entertaining introduction to the series. The four stars bring their unique personalities and humor to the show, making the cultural experience fun and enjoyable. The show provides viewers with a glimpse of Japanese culture and traditions, including the food, sumo wrestling, tea ceremony, and karaoke. The cast members' genuine reactions to the new experiences and unfamiliar cultures add to the entertainment value of the show.

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  • First Aired
    August 23, 2016
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    150 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    0.0  (0)