UC Merced ID

One account name.
One account number.
Everything UC Merced.

Two identifiers that give you access to all UC Merced services.
UC Merced Campus ID

What is UCMNetID?

Your UCMNetID is the account name associated with you and the first part of your UC Merced email address (e.g., if your email address is rbobcat@ucmerced.edu, then your UCMNetID is rbobcat). You'll use your UCMNetID to access UC Merced services like email, CatCourses, Box, Zoom, your Degree Audit, your financial account, and much more. Sign in at the top of this page to access your UCMNetID account, where you can manage your specific contact, access, and security details.


What is M.ID?

The M.ID is a unique account number associated with you. Unlike your UCMNetID, which can change in certain circumstances, your M.ID will never change. For students, the M.ID may appear on your CatCard and is your Student ID number. You'll use it when filling out forms or identifying yourself on campus.

A note for UC Merced employees: You can find your M.ID number on your UCMNetID account page, along with your UCPath Employee ID. Please note that your UCPath Employee ID is still required for HR and Payroll related matters.

Together UCMNetID and M.ID ensure a secure and seamless experience when accessing digital and physical UC Merced platforms and services.

Are you a parent or guardian of a UC Merced student?

Sign up as a contact with the UC Merced Alert system.