Dark Union: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance by Ivy Davis | Goodreads
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Dark Union: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

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He was a playboy… until he had to marry me.
Massimo De Luca, part of the Italian mafia.
He’s only known a life that was fun.
Whereas I have only known a life full of pain and despair.
When Massimo and I are put into an arranged marriage, neither of us want it.
Massimo doesn’t want to put aside his womanizer ways.
And I’m struggling with my past, which has made me uncomfortable around men.
We are the exact opposites.
I’m not sure how we’ll ever make this marriage work.
If Massimo can’t accept me and my past,
Our marriage will fail before it even has a chance to start.

Dark Union is the second book in The De Luca Mafia but can be read as a standalone. It has a guaranteed happy ending and NO cliffhangers. Each book focuses on a different couple.

195 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 30, 2024

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Ivy Davis

44 books154 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews
Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,759 reviews1 follower
April 30, 2024
This is a Dark Mafia Romance, and this is the second book in the De Luca Mafia series. I have read the first book in this series before picking up this book. There are some things in this book that could be upsetting to some readers. Ophelia's character was so shy and totally different from Mossimo. I love how Mossimo acted after he found out what Ophelia was hiding. I really hated Ophelia's father. I was hooked from the first page, and I could not put this book down. Great story. I received an ARC of this book. This review is my own honest opinion about the book like all my reviews are.
Profile Image for Amber.
71 reviews4 followers
May 2, 2024
After Massimo's brother, Rocco, taking over the family business (De Luca mafia), Massimo is his right hand man and being the playboy brother is no longer preferred for the face of business; so Rocco sets up a marriage between Massimo and Ophelia, Arkadi Ivanov's daughter. Arkadi is the head of the Russian mafia, Bratva.

Ophelia is a very quiet, closed off woman who has been raised to be submissive, seen and not heard, and a dedicated housewife. She's not to be defiant, outspoken, or opinionated. Her life has been dedicated to training to be the perfect wife for her husband. She's miserable, and her father's unofficial adopted son, Nikolai, has been SAing her for years, and sadly, she's kept quiet because she knows saying anything will result in her punishment.

Massimo, your typical playboy, is not ready to settle down, especially with a woman has quiet and submissive as Ophelia. He wants a woman with an opinion, a backbone, and a spirit - none of which Ophelia possesses. Massimo slowly realizes that he's going to have to work hard to earn Ophelia's trust and encourage her to break out of her hard shell she's been groomed into. He's attracted to her, but can physical attraction be the only thing holding their marriage together when Ophelia won't even let Massimo touch her?

Dark Union is a story about a young female overcoming grooming, submission, and abuse to discover herself - her opinions, her independence, her body, and more. Massimo may have been a playboy prior to his marriage, but he becomes a dedicated husband, protective and possessive. Massimo and Rocco have some big decisions to make regarding his marriage to Ophelia because Arkadi may have married his daughter out to benefit his Bratva, Rocco and Massimo don't play well with men who undervalue, disrespect, and abuse women.

If you're looking for a series that will take you for a thrilling ride with each brother - the De Luca Family is where it's at. Ivy Davis can write a mafia story so enthralling and engaging. I'm looking forward to book three, Emilio's story. Getting to know the entire De Luca family through Ivy Davis' mind is worthwhile and exciting.
April 27, 2024
ARC Review 

***Spoilers Ahead***

The book does a great job setting up Massimo's character and  how Rocco's marriage influences how he currently treats woman. While his actions aren't changing, it was interesting to see the wheels turning in his head. Shows just how connected the brothers are. 

"I'm full of myself through and through" Got to love a self aware character 🤣. 

Massimo "worrying" about all the woman in New York missing him when he gets married made me laugh out loud. And I just knew his new wife was going to humble him. I was fully prepared to enjoy every minute of it.

Dante reaching out to Massimo was a great plot device. Especially since Gabriella seemingly has developed feelings towards him. Now there is a connection that will help them get together. However Massimo is playing with fire and in reality his actions would be seen as a betrayal. 😬

Ophelia saught freedom and Massimo had too much. I actually liked this combination, because it allows the couple heal and explore each other's needs. While the set up to her and Nik's situation was a little too light hearted for my taste. 

I will say, even though Massimo is a Playboy, the fact that he doesn't consider cheating on Ophelia was quite romantic. And I'll admit unexpected. 

The burnt toast scene, gosh, what a beautiful moment. And it showcased just how crappy Ophelia's childhood was. Glad Massimo was able to comfort her in this moment, allowing her to realize mistakes are apart of life. 

I was a little disappointed that Ophelia questioned if Massimo would hit her after going after Nik. And I wished he wasn't a reappearing character. Him being a shadow in her past is understandable, and having to overcome the mental trauma of the situation. But whenever he would magically appear somewhere, I would literally say to myself "why are you still alive" 🥴😭. Especially when we get lines like "I can't even walk around the Met without having a panic attack." 

Ophelia's parents can go to hell honestly 🙃.

Ophelia and Massimo's first time together was so sweet. For once in her life Ophelia was allowed to be in control. And this moment was so empowering for her. Plus a humbling moment for Massimo. 

Yeahhhh the Dante "plot twist" was unnecessary in my opinion. Of course I never believed he had changed. But it doesn't seem realistic to befriend Massimo. Maybe getting close to Gabriella to get to Rocco. But I can't imagine Massimo moving past her kidnapping.  These Mafia men seemed to forget how to mafia 😅.

And I just can't get on board with Ophelia still wanting to take care of Nik, after Massimo got shot. Before she didn't want him to get hurt, now that he has gotten hurt I don't see a point in her crusade to protect him. But at the same time I'm glad she was the one to serve out justice and get her revenge in the end. 

This book ended abruptly, to the point I was kinda confused. I feel it needed more. Hopefully there will be a bonus epilogue.
Profile Image for Melissa Houpt.
177 reviews4 followers
April 10, 2024
Dark Union is Mossimo and Ophelia’s story and the second in the De Luca series. Mossimo is the playboy of the 3 brother’s and the next in line to get married. To say he was unhappy when Rocco told him of his upcoming arranged marriage is an understatement. Ophelia was raised to be the perfect submissive wife. She’s also terrified of men due to unwanted advances in her past. I loved how Mossimo grew to be even more empathetic and how he stood by his wife. He helps her gain her confidence where she finally starts standing up for herself. I really enjoyed their love story and how it developed. I’m excited to see what the rest of this series has to offer.

3 reviews1 follower
April 26, 2024
I recently finished Massimo and Ophelia’s story. I loved this book. Straight off the bat, there was spice. The plot was gripping. The only thing that annoyed me, which also annoyed Massimo, was Ophelia holding onto her trauma. As someone who has experienced trauma - even I was annoyed. In the end, she overcomes those obstacles and the forever playboy who is Massimo, end up being goals. Love this book and intrigued to see who Ivy shows us next!
178 reviews2 followers
May 2, 2024
Dark Union is an Arranged Mafia Marriage Romance. This is written by Ivy Davis and is her 2nd Book of The DeLuca Mafia Family. This is Massimo and Ophelia's story. Massimo DeLuca has grown up in the mafia family. His father was the leader in New York for a long period of time, then Rocco the oldest brother took over as leader. Massimo has two brothers, (Rocco and Emilio) a baby sister (Gabriella). Massimo is considered the playboy and enjoys being single. Rocco Deluca informs Massimo he has spoken with Arkadi Ivanov head of the Russian Mafia and has arranged a marriage. Massimo will marry Arkadi's daughter Ophelia Ivanov. This will make the family more powerful by working together and because of this marriage. Of course Massimo is totally against it.
Ophelia has been raised to be seen and not heard, to make a good housewife. She is a shy, innocent young woman, who has been traumatized by a man close to her father. Ophelia hasn't confided in anyone and doesn't want her new husband to touch her. Massimo and Ophelia start having simple dates together and start being comfortable with each other. This story has suspense, secrets, violence, patience and healing.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Lauren .
627 reviews
April 11, 2024
This is a Dark Mafia Romance, and this is the second book in an interconnected series. This is Massimo De Luca’s story, a notorious bachelor within the mafia ranks. Known for his love of freedom and a new woman each night, Massimo embodies the quintessential mafia playboy. However, his carefree days are numbered when his brother Rocco, the mafia boss, decrees it's time for him to settle down—a notion Massimo greets with disdain.

Enter Ophelia, a stunning young mafia princess with a past shadowed by trauma. Raised to be the epitome of the unseen and unheard wife, her life has been anything but easy. The constant unwanted advances from a trusted family friend have left her wary and withdrawn, making the prospect of marriage to Massimo, a man known for his formidable reputation, downright terrifying.

The beginning of Massimo and Ophelia's relationship is anything but smooth. Massimo's initial inability to grasp Ophelia's reticence and her struggles to communicate her fears lead to tensions. But as Massimo confronts the need to develop empathy and Ophelia finds her own voice, their partnership starts to flourish.

This story beautifully captures their journey from a rocky start to a harmonious partnership, illustrating how two seemingly incompatible people can grow to understand and support each other. Their transformation and blossoming love become a testament to the unlikely magic that can arise from patience and mutual respect in the unlikeliest of circumstances. As they navigate the treacherous waters of mafia politics and personal demons, Massimo and Ophelia's story becomes a compelling saga of redemption and love.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Dee.
3,992 reviews50 followers
May 2, 2024
Part of The De Luca Mafia series with a dangerous sexy and the one who captured his undivided attention you might want to make sure to double check that you are buckled up, dangerous men, alpha’s personified, possessive, oh, gorgeous, brooding all the makings of a story consisting with three D’s (dark, delicious, and dirty) 😊. There will be suspense, betrayal, death, darkness, secrets reveled, violence, hope, forgiveness, and maybe even love along the way. Mossimo sexy as all get out playboy of the three brothers have always known that he will get married one day never assumed it would be sooner than he think, he is ruthless, dangerous on a good day, deadly every day, a jerk when things don’t go is way and this marriage is no different he is angry which isn’t good for him or anyone around him trying to fight it every step of the way with every intention to make his bride pay. Ophelia is sweet lives with a father who has kept her in a cage so to speak he wasn’t even a nice keeper in fact cruel at times so being raised to be a submissive wife has been ingrained into her, she is shy for the most part tries to make herself small although that never stopped the advances from men which make a little jumpy, and when she learns she is getting married and to whom she isn’t okay with it but she is just a pawn to her father. All she has ever wanted was freedom to live her life but being tied to the playboy of the family she feels like she is in a world of hurt. Then we have Nik a piece of work and I really wanted to see him get what he deserves, and I really hope her father get what he deservers but will they, will her husband protect her, show her that she can trust him, can they build a marriage or just stay as arranged, and can she get her very own HEA?
1,014 reviews5 followers
May 9, 2024
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. This is my own opinion and was not influenced by anyone.

Dark Union is book 2 of the De Luca Mafia series. This is the 2nd son, Massimo. He is the playboy who loves to party. When his brother Rocco tells him he is to marry Ophelia, he thinks it is a horrible matchup. Ophelia is so timid. She was raised by her parents who don't like emotion and they treat her like a lower class of human. Females have one role in the Bratva and she was raised to be the perfect wife.

Massimo undergoes such a change when he tries to bring Ophelia out of her shell. This story is about abuse. Ophelia is mentally abused by her parents, who call her a liar and dismiss her every thought. This is hard to read. Nik, her father's second in command, has been abusing her for years. She does whatever she can to avoid him. When he finds out about Ophelia's upcoming wedding, Nik amps up his plans.

The relationship that develops between this couple has them both opening up and learning how to love for the first time. When Ophelia decides to take on Nik by herself, Massimo has to decide what he wants before it is too late. Back too are the rest of the family. The siblings' interactions are fun and as we all have brothers and sisters like them, just not scary mafia men.

I throughly enjoy the world Ivy Davis has created. I read this book in one night. The characters make the story. Dark Union adds well to the overall series but could be read as a standalone. Ready for the next brother Emilio.
Profile Image for Sandra.
148 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2024
Massimo is the fun 2nd older brother of the De Luca family. He is all about the love especially with the ladies. He is the one who is happy with one night stands and his single lifestyle. That's until Rocco his oldest brother tells him that he has arranged a marriage to Ophelia, the daughter of the head of the Russian mafia Arkadi Ivanov to form an alliance. Ophelia has had a very sheltered 'cold' upbringing. In her father's eyes all she is good for is to be a dutiful, subservient daughter and now wife. Ophelia has been abused by Nik who works for her father. Arkadi sees Nik' like a son' and puts him above her. She had kept quiet about the abuse and therefore thinks all men will treat her like her father and his employee. Massimo therefore has the wrong impression of Ophelia on meeting her, he sees her as cold, distant and skittish. will he ever have a truly happy marriage?

The story follows the struggle that ophelia is dealing with while at parent's home then her marital. How she has been taught how a wife should act to how different she is treat once she is a 'De Luca'. How she fears the touch of a man but with patience and understanding she is able to open up about her abuse and Massimo and the 'De Luca' family' help her through the trauma.

Another great series following the Italian mafia men. Who think they are best off on their own until the love of a good woman proves otherwise.
Profile Image for Joyce M. H..
1,288 reviews17 followers
April 21, 2024
Arranged Dark Mafia Marriage
This is the 2nd book in the “De Luca Crime Family Series.” I have read many of Ivy Davis’s mafia series and I must that I have never enjoyed mafia series as much as I enjoy reading Ivy Davis’s books. She definitely knows how to pull her readers into her books. Her characters are great and her plots are page turning adventure and leaves her readers waiting for the next book to arrive. Massimo is the sexy alpha enforcer and playboy of the DeLuca Italian crime family. Massimo gets the news from his brother Rocco that he is be married to Ophelia. Ophelia is the daughter of the Russian Don and their union is to form an alliance and make the Italian mafia more powerful. Ophelia has lead a very sheltered life and she is rather shy when it comes to men. Ophelia has a secret that she has kept to herself for some time. The more time Massimo and Ophelia spend together he slowly gets her to open to him. As their romantic journey continues to blossom danger is surrounding them.

Can Massimo be able to keep Ophelia safe, what danger is in the air for the couple and is there an HEA in store them that they both desire and deserve?

I received an ARC via Booksprout and I am leaving my review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Rebel.
1,094 reviews
May 13, 2024
I was thoroughly engrossed in Dark Union from the moment I picked it up. Once I started reading, I found it nearly impossible to set aside. This author has consistently delivered captivating stories, and Dark Union is no exception. I eagerly anticipate each new release, knowing I'm in for a treat.

Mafia romances hold a special place in my heart, and Dark Union delivers all the elements I love in the genre. The characters are incredibly well-developed, and the chemistry between them sizzles off the pages. If you're searching for a series that promises a thrilling ride with each installment, look no further than the De Luca Family series.

Ivy Davis has a talent for crafting enthralling mafia tales that keep readers hooked from beginning to end. With each book, she invites us deeper into the De Luca family's world, and I, for one, am eagerly awaiting Emilio's story in book three.

Exploring the intricacies of the De Luca family through Ivy Davis' skillful storytelling is both rewarding and exhilarating. I wholeheartedly recommend Dark Union to anyone in search of a gripping read that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Trust me, this book is a must-read!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Rosemary.
1,422 reviews7 followers
April 17, 2024
Massimo De Luca's life revolved around being the top enforcer for his Don and brother Rocco and his off time working his way through women, one night at a time. He learns that he is to be married to Ophelia, the daughter of the Russian Don to help secure more power for his brother's Mafia. Ophelia has lived a very sheltered life with a cold, unloving father who treats her and her mother like possessions whose only place is the world is as someone to QUIETLY serve his needs. Ophelia has a secret that she is keeping and another one of the reasons she shies away from her new husband. Massimo slowly gets Ophelia to trust him and when he learns her secret, changes begin to happen within their marriage. The girl he thought was so cold and untouchable begins to bloom into a wife he truly wants but danger still surrounds them both and could snatch their HEA from their grasp unless something drastic happens. Great story and I can't wait to get to read the last two De Luca siblings, Emilio and Gabriela's stories which I hope will be released soon. I don't think the danger surrounding the De Luca Mafia is over yet so great reading to come!
1,752 reviews2 followers
April 25, 2024
This is the 2nd story in the An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance Series. We have Mossimo who is the fun loving brother that has one night stands, no relationships and Ophelia whose parents have raised her in a strict home and allowed a member of her fathers mafia to physically abuse her. When Rocco sets up an arraigned marriage neither person is happy so it’s a great surprise to see how Mossimo tries to help Ophelia adjust even when she’s intent on wanting nothing to due with him and just terrified. When it becomes clear to Mossimo what’s really going on with Ophelia he takes a stand to end it but is stopped. Seeing him become a man who shows patience, care, understanding and love to Ophelia she feels safe for the first time in her life. It’s great to see who she slowly opens up to him with all the details of her past trauma and the unfortunate power Nik has over her. When Nik takes his possession of Ophelia too far does their situation become dangerous for her parents and Ophelia and Mossimo does what is necessary to keep her safe. There is a twist at the end you will not see coming! I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Jordan Fiest.
308 reviews9 followers
April 16, 2024
Dark Union is book two of the De Luca Mafia Series. I didn't think this series could get better than the first book, but it definitely has. This book was amazing! It was a major page turner. I couldn't put it down.

Massimo had an outward appearance of a fun playboy, and while yes he was a playboy and he liked to have fun, he seemed to be hiding a softer side. I am glad he was able to bring that out fully for Ophelia.

Ophelia is a very shy girl who struggles being around men, due to someone close to her. I liked how Massimo showed he truly cared about her thoughts and feelings. He was able to get her to become more confident in her own skin and around men. It was truly remarkable to transformation someone can go through when they get the love and support in helping them heal.

These two were perfect together. I loved their chemistry together. Even when Ophelia was scared and worried, she was still attracted to Massimo. I really liked these two together and I cannot wait to read the next book in the series!.
Profile Image for Nicole Deanne Veracruz.
943 reviews6 followers
April 27, 2024
This book was much better than the first book Rocco. Much more believable. There were still some aspects that didn't make sense. And some inconsistencies. Like the first time Ophelia and Massimo were intimate she claimed that he had never laid on top of her. But that was inconsistent because the first time they started making out and went to the bedroom he was laying on top of her and just bracing his arms so he didn't put all his weight on her. It was heartbreaking what she went through with Nik and the fact that neither her mother or father had her back. It was glad that the book actually showed the after effects of the trauma of what she had been through and her working through it rather than just skipping over it. I didn't find her confronting him on her own after he had already broken in and saw her husband very believable. But all in all I enjoyed this book much more than the last one.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
383 reviews
April 29, 2024
Ophelia has been in terror her whole life, from her cold, demanding mafia father, and Nikolai, one of her father's henchmen who molests her. Her mother is no help, having been beat down for so many years. When she's married off to Massimo DeLuca to solidify an alliance, she expects more of the same abuse. Massimo doesn't want the marriage any more that Ophelia. He's been a lady's man and doesn't understand why Ophelia is so cold and fearful around him.

I really liked this story.It took a little while for me to get into it, because Massimo acted like a petulant child at first. It took him realizing that Ophelia must have had trauma in her past to make her closed off and distant. He treats her with respect and patience, bringing her out of her shell. The book has plenty of action and danger, as well as love and romance.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Debbie Brown.
1,727 reviews18 followers
April 21, 2024
The fun-loving brother Massimo De Luca, part of the Italian mafia. His brother the Don has decided he needs to marry strength the family. He's set to marry a shy beautiful Russian Bratva princess Ophelia Ivanov. There both opposed to the marriage, Massimo just wants to have fun and he ends up with a shy submissive wife who's seems cold, and distant. I love how he keeps trying to be her husband, to get to know her, to give her the freedom she's always desired, but he's acutely aware of her being afraid of him. I love this enemy to lovers, forced to marry story. It's fascinating to see them the grow closer and to see Ophelia start to have a life with Massimo, she discovers she has the strength to stand up for herself when she needs too. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
1,056 reviews2 followers
April 13, 2024
4.5 Stars!! This is the second book in the De Luca Mafia family series. There is Massimo who is the playboy of the family who is not happy when his brother arranges and alliance with the cost being that he has to marry. Orphelia who is the daughter of the head of the local Russian mob has had to deal with quite a bit in her short life. She is being harassed by one of her father's men and knows that no one will believe her. When she is forced into marrying Massimo, she assumes he will be the same. He wants adventure, she just wants to be left alone. How will they make it work. This was a good mafia read with a couple of good twists.

I voluntarily wrote this review from reading an advanced copy of this book.
Profile Image for Grinning Cat.
1,358 reviews55 followers
April 13, 2024
MMC/FMC- Massimo and Ophelia
POV- 1st person dual
Genre- Mafia Romance
Heat- Slow Burn (for good reason)
Series? Y
Safety? N
Triggers- S.A., violence, language, explicit erotic content
Tropes- Forced/Arranged Marriage, Do-Si-Do With The Mafioso, Dysfunctional Family FTW
What I thought- this one was hard to read because of the triggers. It’s not my favorite, but I’m giving it four stars because it’s well written and, despite it not being to my personal taste, other people will like it.
Can we talk about the cover? The model appears to be either drunk or constipated. Not a good look.

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Profile Image for Áine Foley.
195 reviews3 followers
April 30, 2024
This is the second book in the De Luca Mafia series and it is described as a dark romance, though I personally didn't find it that dark. It was a good book though, Massimo and Ophelia are at opposite ends of the personality spectrum. Massimo is an outgoing playboy and Ophelia has led a sheltered existence, but this didn't mean that she was protected from the world - one of her father's associates was abusing her. The marriage doesn't start well and it takes some time for Ophelia to trust Massimo, but eventually she gets revenge on the man who abused her and has her happy ever after.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Jaime Yates.
395 reviews4 followers
April 29, 2024
Dark Union is the second book in The De Luca Mafia. The author brilliantly brings us the arranged marriage journey of Massimo and Ophelia. Their journey is intense, emotional, intriguing and ultimately so beautiful. It was glad that the book actually showed the after effects of the trauma of what she had been through and her working through it rather than just skipping over it. I love this enemy to lovers, forced to marry story. Dark Union is another fantastic story from this author!! I can't wait for the next book!
Profile Image for YAZ3885.
232 reviews
April 30, 2024
Dark Union is book two of the De Luca Mafia Series. I loved reading this book.This book was amazing and I couldn'tput it down It was a page turner. These two were perfect together and had an amazing chemistry.Massimo is the sexy alpha enforcer and playboy of the DeLuca Italian crime family. Ophelia is the daughter of the Russian Don and has lead a very sheltered life and she is rather shy when it comes to men.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
1,200 reviews15 followers
April 30, 2024
Just ask me how many STARS I would rate this book and I will tell you if I could give it more than 5 stars I would. This book by Ivy could be a great mafia romance movie in my opinion. It has romance, womanizing alpha male and trust issues. Plus, this mafia romance has many twists and dark pasts that will pique your interest to see how things turn out between Massimo and Ophelia's arranged marriage. Get ready to be entranced by this story and once you begin reading it you are not going to stop until the very last word which is THE END.
Profile Image for Merry Jelks-Emmanuel.
7,518 reviews119 followers
May 1, 2024
When Massimo's older brother Rocco tells him that he has arranged a marriage to Ophelia he is not happy. The marriage gives them a strong alliance. Ophelia has been abused by her father's acquaintance and thinks that all men are like her father and Nikko. As they navigate their path her walls begin to fall down, she tells Massimo about the abuse she experiences at the hands of her father's friend. Will Massimo get retribution for her.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
132 reviews
May 3, 2024
Massimo had been the playboy middle brother until his older brother and Don of family decided he would marry the Russian Mafia princess, Ophelia, in an alliance. Ophelia had been terrorized by Nik, her father's second. He had forcibly kissed and groped her, so she was sacred of men. Nik still was determined to have her for himself. They were going into a marriage that neither one really wanted. Can they hold together a marriage in the long term?.

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Profile Image for Wendy Livingstone.
17.4k reviews211 followers
May 6, 2024
This is the second book in this intriguing series, and this is Massimo ad Ophelia’s story.
This is a well written action packed, emotionally charged story, with family, friendships, arranged marriage, alliances, trauma, suspense, danger, intrigue, challenges, secrets, romance, healing, witty banter, humor, violence, and love, which leads to an entertaining, tragic, unpredictable, twisted, and steamy addictive page turner.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
10 reviews
May 19, 2024
The book started out really great a good plot and good writing. I liked that male lead was not abusive. Although for a Mafia book it was a little mild and some of the situations were kind of silly. If she was so shy how could she go after her abuser with the gun, her Mafia husband knew Nick was after her but yet he had no guards. Personally I would have liked a little more angst and Spice, but I will take a little Bland over abuse. If I ever find an author that gets the balance right I'll buy every book LOL
6,242 reviews37 followers
April 9, 2024
Massimo was the playboy of the family, but when his brother arranges his marriage for an aliance to Ophelia, his ways have to change. Ophelia hasn't had it easily and past events make her weary around men. They are total opposites but do either of them want to make a go of their marriage for real? Or will another stand in their way? Well written engaging steamy, desires, mafia, arranged marriage romance.
Profile Image for Kandiemarie.
1,304 reviews3 followers
May 1, 2024
This is book two of the DeLuca Mafia series. An entertaining addition to the series. It's intriguing and exciting. Massimo and Ophelia are wonderful characters with an intense chemistry. Couldn't wait to see if they got their HEA. I look forward to reading Emilio and Caterina's story. Definitely recommend reading this book.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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