How to Stop Ads on Facebook Feed in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to stop ads on Facebook feed in 2024

Facebook ads are not only annoying but also intrusive and oftentimes irrelevant. Additionally, many are uncomfortable with how Facebook compromises user privacy to serve targeted ads. And the spread of fake news or misinformation via Facebook ads is a concern, too. Not to mention that at the end of the day, it’s not the ads people want to see on their feed but posts from their Facebook friends and pages they follow.

These Facebook ads are the primary source of revenue for the free platform and, in 2023 alone, it generated a whopping $131 billion in ad revenues. So, it’s fair to say they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

If you are over it and desperate to find out how to block ads on Facebook, we’ve got your back. Below, we’ll share how to stop ads on Facebook using a top ad blocker, along with other handy methods.

How to get rid of ads on Facebook in 2024

  1. Choose a reliable ad blocker. We recommend Total Adblock, now 80% OFF
  2. Download and install the ad blocker
  3. Set up Total Adblock on your browser
  4. Head over to settings and enable the ad-blocking features
  5. Enjoy ad-free Facebook!

Why you might want to block ads on Facebook

Many people tend to block ads on Facebook because they find them annoying. While that’s a very valid reason, there are also other very compelling reasons why you might want to stop ads on Facebook:

Types of ads blocked: Pop-ups, in-video, banners, trackers, and more
Features:Whitelisting, filters, tracker blocker, and more
Compatibility:Browser extensions, apps
Security: VPN, antivirus
  • Protect privacy. Facebook is notorious for collecting invasive user data – including browsing history and personal information – and using it to target you with ads. Blocking these intrusive targeted ads helps protect your privacy.
  • Enhance security. Hackers are known to use ads to distribute malware. By blocking ads on Facebook, you greatly minimize the risk of infecting your device with malware and falling victim to phishing scams.
  • Boost speed. Bloated ads can greatly impair browsing speeds. Hence, stopping ads on Facebook could be the answer to a better and faster browsing experience. This, in turn, helps to reduce data usage and extend battery life.
  • Improve user experience. Facebook ads tend to clutter up the feed and distract from the browsing experience. A reputable ad blocker prevents annoying pop-ups and disruptive ads from covering up the content that you’re actually interested in.
Avoid intrusive ads and trackers on Facebook with Total Adblock
If you're looking to boost your online privacy and avoid targeted Facebook ads, Total Adblock could be your solution. It effectively stops pop-ups, in-video ads, and trackers not only on Facebook but also on popular platforms like YouTube.
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4.7 /5

Best Facebook ad blockers for 2024

  1. Total Adblock – overall best Facebook ad blocker in 2024
  2. NordVPN – reliable Facebook ad blocker to clean up your feed
  3. Surfshark – affordable ad blocker to stop Facebook ads

How to stop ads on Facebook with an ad blocker: detailed guide

Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to get rid of ads on Facebook with an ad blocker:

  1. Find Total Adblock in the extension store find-total-adblock-chrome-store
  2. Click to add Total Adblock to your browser add-total-adblock-to-browser
  3. Set up Total Adblock on your browser setup-total-adblock-on-browser
  4. Go through the settings and enable all the features you need total-adblock-settings-new
  5. Enjoy browsing Facebook ad-free

Total Adblock is the best Facebook ad blocker because it also stops trackers, dangerous files, and malicious websites. With it, you’ll be able to block Facebook ads on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari browsers as well as major devices. And all of this comes for a very budget-friendly price of $1.59/month.

How to choose an ad blocker to block Facebook ads

Using an ad blocker is one of the best ways you can avoid Facebook ads. However, not any run-of-the-mill provider will be effective. So, here are some factors to consider when picking a robust ad blocker to remove ads on Facebook:

  • Strong ad blocking capabilities. Ensure your chosen ad blocker has been proven to effectively remove all sorts of ads, including pop-ups, banners, and others. Using a 30-day money-back guarantee can help you test the service by yourself.
  • Reputation. As adware is one of the most powerful ways for a hacker to get into your device's system or steal your online identity, it’s important that the ad blocker you choose has no unsolved privacy violation cases from the past.
  • Extra features. Ad blocking alone isn’t enough to ensure unbreakable protection. Hence, look for providers that include extras, like a VPN, antivirus, password manager, credit monitoring, and more security tools.
  • Compatibility and ease of use. Make sure that the ad blocker you’re eyeing is compatible with your devices and browser. Additionally, the app interface should be intuitive, simple, and easy to navigate.
  • Price. Ad blockers prices vary wildly depending on the providers. There are many affordable options out there that are great at blocking ads on Facebook.

Other methods of blocking ads on Facebook

Ad blockers are the most straightforward way to stop adware from threatening or bothering you. However, if an ad blocker isn’t a feasible option for you, there are alternatives out there. This includes adjusting your Facebook ad preferences, hiding ads, and using a Brave browser. Continue reading to learn other ways on how to stop sponsored ads on Facebook.

1. Control ads via Ad preferences on Facebook

Facebook’s Ad preferences let you control the ads that you see while on the platform. Here’s how you can log into your Facebook accounts and tweak your ad preferences:

  1. Click on your profile picture on the top right. Then, select Settings & privacy fb-settings-privacy
  2. Click Settings and then select Ad preferences from the left menu fb-smeta-accounts-centre
  3. Here, you can see the advertisers you’ve seen recently, and you can choose to hide their ads. Alternatively, you can also manage the data used to show you ads under Ad settings. You can also go to Ad Topics and disable types of ads you’d like to see less fb-ad-preferences

2. Hide ads on Facebook feed

While you can’t banish ads from Facebook entirely, you do have the option to hide an ad or all ads from a particular advertiser. Simply click on the three dots in the top right of the ad and follow the on-screen prompts.


But keep in mind that you would need to do that each time you come across an annoying content source with ads.

3. Use a browser that blocks ads (Brave)

Brave is a free browser that comes with a built-in ad-blocking feature – Shields. According to Brave, the Shields feature blocks ads and third-party trackers by default. Switching to Brave from your default browser could help to stop ads on Facebook.

4. Report inappropriate ads

You may occasionally stumble upon inappropriate ads on your Facebook feed. The definition of such ads varies from false news and spam to offensive, violent, and sexually inappropriate ads. There could be more than one reason why you’re being shown such ads, but what matters is that you can always report them.

Facebook’s Report ad feature also affords you some control over the ads that appear. Click on the three dots next to the ad, select the Report ad option, and choose the reasons for reporting.


This will help Meta, Facebook’s parent company, to build a profile of what ads shouldn’t be shown to you.

You can download an ad blocker extension to block ads on Facebook or find these tools in robust antivirus or VPN services, too. There are both free and paid versions out there to suit all budgets. Some of the most reliable options include Total Adblock.


With them, not only your Facebook ads will become only a memory but also adware on other websites or apps too. Not to mention the trackers’ blocking that these ad blockers do too.

Block particular Facebook ads

Facebook shows numerous ads on your Facebook feed, whether they’re targeted or not so much. While you can’t remove Facebook ads altogether, you do have some control over what type of ads you’re seeing on your news feed.

There’s a list of ad categories on Facebook. This includes topics like alcohol, parenting, social issues, politics, and some others. So, if you don’t want to see anything, for example, alcohol-related, you can adjust your preferences by going to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Ads > See less.

How Facebook's targeted advertising works

Facebook’s targeted advertisement works by leveraging the user data that the platform has collected to display ads that you’re more likely to be interested in. This explains why its targeted ads are so eerily accurate – even when Facebook (supposedly!) isn’t listening in on your conversation.

Here are the main pillars of Facebook’s targeted ads:

  • Data collection. Facebook collects data such as your browsing and search history, demographics, location, and browsing behavior outside of the platform. This, later on, is sold to third parties or used for in-house Meta purposes.
  • Audience targeting. Advertisers can strategically target audiences based on criteria like age, gender, interests, and location. There’s also an option to utilize Facebook’s Lookalike Audience feature, which helps ads reach people who are similar to their existing customers.
  • Ad creation and placement. Advertisers can greatly customize their ads to tailor to their target audience. Everything from the format to where their ads are shown on the page can be tweaked.
  • Ad delivery. The platform’s algorithm considers factors like behaviors, interests, and engagement to decide which ads to show you.

The bottom line

To sum up, Facebook ads aren’t only annoying but can also be invasive, irrelevant, and a security risk. However, since ads are how free platforms like Facebook sustain their operations, the companies won’t be getting rid of them anytime soon.

Luckily, there are easy fixes for this problem. For starters, a well-rounded ad blocker like Total Adblock can easily block ads on Facebook. Other alternatives include adjusting ad preferences on Facebook, hiding ads, and reporting ads.

More ad blocking guides from Cybernews:


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