How Much Do Dentures Cost? - Insurance & Payment Plans
Updated on February 7, 2024
5 min read

How Much Do Dentures Cost?

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Dentures are removable false teeth that replace missing teeth. The cost of dentures varies from a few hundred dollars to more than $4,000.

Many factors affect how much you will pay for dentures. Like any other dental treatment, the cost can vary from one practice to the next.

In this article, we cover the factors that affect the cost of dentures and several methods to help you pay for them.

How Much Do Dentures Cost Without Insurance?

The average cost of dentures in the U.S. is around $1,300 for someone without insurance. Dental insurance plans usually pay for up to 50% of denture costs.

Here are the price ranges for different tiers of dentures for someone without insurance:

  • Low-cost dentures — $300 to $500 per denture or $600 to $1,000 for a complete set
  • Mid-priced dentures — $500 to $1,500 per denture or $1,000 to $3,000 for a set
  • Premium dentures — $2,000 to $4,000 per denture or $4,000 to $8,000 for a set

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Most dental insurers consider dentures a major procedure and will cover 50 percent of the cost. You will pay the remaining balance out-of-pocket.

People with dental insurance can expect to pay between $250 and $2,000 per denture or $500 to $4,000 for a complete set.

Check with your dental clinic for your specific costs. They can provide you with a treatment plan along with an estimate and discuss any out-of-pocket costs for dentures.

Factors That Affect Denture Cost

Here are some factors that can influence the cost of dentures:

Denture Size

Dentures come in different sizes. The more teeth need to be replaced, the more expensive the denture will be. This is why full dentures are generally more expensive than partial dentures since they replace more teeth.

Dentist Location

The part of the country you live in and the cost of living in that area also influence denture costs. Dentists located in busy cities typically charge more than those in suburban areas.

Denture Material

Denture bases are usually made of acrylic resin. Some may have an underlying metal mesh to enhance the strength of the denture, increasing the cost.

The artificial teeth in dentures are made from acrylic resin or porcelain. While acrylic teeth are lighter and less expensive, they wear down faster. In contrast, porcelain teeth are heavier but more expensive.

Use of Implants

Implant-supported dentures are more expensive than removable dentures. Permanent dentures are supported and stabilized by multiple dental implants. Implant-supported dentures cost more because they require surgery to place the implants.

Additional Costs

There may be additional services that can increase the total cost of dentures. Additional denture costs may include:

  • Tooth extractions, if needed
  • Cost of immediate (temporary) dentures
  • Follow-up dentist visits for adjustments

What Are the Different Types of Dentures?

The type of dentures also affects how much you’ll pay for them. Common types of dentures include:

  • Full DenturesAlso called complete or conventional dentures, full dentures are best for people missing all of their teeth
  • Partial DenturesRemovable dentures that replace the upper or lower teeth
  • Immediate DenturesImmediate dentures are temporary and are best for people who want their teeth extracted and dentures delivered on the same day
  • Permanent denturesDentures that look and feel just like natural teeth; best for people who prefer a non-removable option

Removable and Fixed Partial Dentures

There are two main types of partial dentures: removable and fixed.

Removable partial dentures are best for people with some remaining teeth who prefer a removable appliance. On the other hand, fixed partial dentures are for people willing to commit to a non-removable option.

How Much Do Different Dentures Cost?

According to Authority Dental, here are the average cost and cost range of different dentures:11

Denture TypeAverage CostCost Range
Complete dentures$1,800$1,000 – $3,000
Partial dentures (resin base)$1,500$800 – $2,700
Immediate dentures$1,900$1,000 – $3,500

Alternative Ways to Pay for Dentures

Besides paying for the dentures upfront, dental practitioners may offer payment plans to make the procedure more affordable.

Other ways to pay less when getting dentures include:

Discount Dental Plan

Also called dental savings plans, these are an affordable alternative to traditional dental insurance. Discount dental plans give you access to a network of dentists who provide discounted rates to plan members.

With a dental savings plan, you can expect to pay as little as $625 for a full upper denture. Speak with your dental office about which discount plans they accept.

Payment Plans

Some dental practices offer financing options for dentures, including payment plans or credit cards. An in-house payment plan allows you to pay off your bills in increments.

Some offices offer financing through a medical credit card like CareCredit. You may use this to cover dental treatment costs.

Dental Schools

Dental schools offer reduced-cost dental care, including dentures. Student dentists perform the procedures under the direct supervision of licensed, experienced dentists.

Government Programs

Many government programs offer grants for dentures for people, including:

  • Seniors
  • People with disabilities
  • Low-income households

Dental grants and government-funded programs include:

  • Give Back a Smile program — Offers assistance to survivors of domestic abuse
  • Dental Lifeline Network — Provides free dental treatment to people with disabilities, older adults, and people with underlying medical conditions

Donated Dental Services (DDS)

Donated Dental Services (DDS) is a program where dentists volunteer to provide dental care for free to eligible applicants. Application processes and eligibility may vary from one practice to another.

What Are the Benefits of Dentures?

Dentures offer many benefits for people struggling with missing teeth. These include:

  • Restoring a person’s smile
  • Helping with chewing and biting
  • Restoring speaking and enunciation
  • Supporting facial muscles to maintain jaw and chin tone
  • Boosting a person’s confidence

Dentures also make it easier to keep your gums clean since they can be easily removed. This lowers your chance of developing gum disease and other oral health problems.

Overall, dentures address the aesthetic and functional aspects of missing teeth while being a cost-effective solution. They help individuals enjoy the benefits of a complete and healthy smile without straining their finances.


Dentures are artificial replacements for missing teeth. Without insurance, dentures can cost as much as $4,000.

Various factors can affect the cost of dentures, such as insurance coverage, location, and denture type. While insurance plans help cover denture costs, other funding sources are available.

Having dentures can be helpful for people struggling with missing teeth. It can also help maintain your face shape and restore your smile. While it may seem like an expensive investment, getting dentures can prevent you from paying for costly oral health procedures.

Last updated on February 7, 2024
11 Sources Cited
Last updated on February 7, 2024
All NewMouth content is medically reviewed and fact-checked by a licensed dentist or orthodontist to ensure the information is factual, current, and relevant.

We have strict sourcing guidelines and only cite from current scientific research, such as scholarly articles, dentistry textbooks, government agencies, and medical journals. This also includes information provided by the American Dental Association (ADA), the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
  1. Affordable Dentures.”, 2023.
  2. Marquina, S. “Free Dentures For Seniors Near Me.” Grant Supporter, 2020.
  3. Dentures with Medicaid • Cost and Coverage.”
  4. Dentures.” Healthdirect, Healthdirect Australia, 2023.
  5. Donated Dental Services (DDS).” Dental Lifeline Network.
  6. Faris, S. “Does Medicaid Pay for Dentures?” Pocketsense, Leaf Group LTD., 2018.
  7. Lee, D. “How Much Do Dentures Cost?” Bankrate, 2017.
  8. Need Affordable Dental Care? Join a Dental Savings Plan!”
  9. How Much do Dentures Really Cost Without Insurance?” Cigna Dental Plans.
  10. “U.S. Population: Do You Use Dentures?” Statista Research Department, 2023.
  11. Harchandani, N., and Sheng, H. “How much do dentures cost in 2023?” Authority Dental, 2023.
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