'Aliens' star Al Matthews has died, aged 75

‘Aliens’ star Al Matthews has died, aged 75


Al Matthews,  best known for portraying Gunnery Sergeant Apone in Aliens, has died at the age of 75.

The actor was reportedly found dead at his home in the Spanish resort of La Zenia, Alicante after a neighbour rang emergency services.

Although best known for portraying Sergeant Apone in James Cameron’s iconic sci-fi movie, Matthews also portrayed the fire chief in Superman III and General Tudor in The Fifth Element (1997).

In 2013, he returned to his most famous role to voice Sgt Apone in the video game Aliens: Colonial Marines (2013).


Matthews also had an extensive small screen career in the UK, having starred as the father of Benny Green on Grange Hill. His song ‘Fool’ reached number 16 in the UK Singles Chart in 1975.

The Brooklyn born star also served as a Marine in the Vietnam War before finding fame. During his time in the forces, he achieved thirteen combat awards and decorations, including two prestigious purple hearts.


Although a cause of death is yet to be revealed, it’s believed he died from natural causes.

His last role came in The Price Of Death, a 2018 Western that reportedly remains in post-production.

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