English to Hindi Translation | Free Hindi Translation

English to Hindi Translation


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Total Character (Without Space) : 0


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Total Words : 0
Total Character : 0
Total Character (Without Space) : 0
Note: Maximum Character Limit is 5000.
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Hindi to English Translation

If the language is the communication barrier stopping you from expressing yourself or understanding others, then worry no more. Our English to Hindi translator accurately and quickly translates texts.

You can either manually enter messages in the input box or paste them from another source. You can also directly copy the translated text from the output box and share it. To translate from English to Hindi, you will have to input text in the English language in the Roman script.

If you want to type in Hindi and translate it into English you can use our Hindi Typing tool. It is possible to have English and Hindi both in a sentence, is such case, Unicode fonts should be used to display both the language. We've put up a huge collection of Hindi Unicode Fonts, to download it click here.

Our English to Hindi translator gives output with highly accurate grammar and doesn't change the meaning of the text.

The text translated using English to Hindi translation can be easily used on any social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, or even email your friends and family.

Other Useful Features

We provide you very simple ways to save your translated text into various formats. You can easily save the Hindi output in Text or Word file.

With our easy sharing options, you can copy the text and share it with any website, social media, WhatsApp, and other apps. The output can be saved in either text or word document.

Pronunciation is a very important part of a language. Along with the text, we also help you listen to the translated text. This is very helpful if you're looking forward to learning the Hindi language. You can listen to Hindi output by clicking on .

If you want to translate Hindi to English click here.

Why choose our website?

There are many websites that provide Hindi to English translation, but many of them have a character limit of 500 or 2000. We provide you with 5000 characters in one request which can be made unlimited times.

We also provide a very easy way to listen to the translated text.

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