MCU fans are excited about the possibility of a new Hulk emerging soon, a development that seems likely after the twist in Episode 7 of She-Hulk: Attorney At Law. In it, She-Hulk’s new lover. Josh, is revealed to be working for Intelligencia, the evil group known for creating Red Hulk in the comics. And with Josh having taken some of She-Hulk’s blood while she slept, all the hints point to the creation of the villainous Hulk.

How formidable Red Hulk will be in comparison to the normal Hulk remains to be seen. In the MCU, Bruce Banner’s version has impressed in numerous ways, including helping to reverse the Thanos snap. In the comics, does plenty to win fans over too, but a major thing that always makes him interesting is his dialogue. As both the Smart Hulk and Savage Hulk, the Avenger has come up with some rather interesting remarks.

“Fish-Man Tries To Show How Strong He Is, But Nobody Is As Strong As Hulk.”

Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #118

Namor fights Hulk in Incredible Hulk #118

When Lady Dorma brings an injured Hulk to Atlantis to care for him, Mistress Fara lies to Namor The Submariner that the queen is having an affair with the Avenger. A fight thus ensues.

Since he isn't one of the smartest Marvel characters, Savage Hulk always has a limited vocabulary, but he sure does come up with the perfect words to describe the man who happens to be the ruler of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis. Given the high number of superheroes that are named after animals, Fish-Man could work as an alternative name for Namor too. As for powers, Hulk isn’t wrong about Namor being weaker. Apart from his amphibious abilities, Namor only has the usual strength, speed, and agility powers whereas Hulk can do so much more.

“Why Does Head Always Hurt When Hulk Tries To Think?”

Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #129

Hulk gets beatedn in Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #129

During his fight with the Glob, Hulk tries to come up with creative ways to defeat the villain but fails. He then laments his migraines.

Being Savage Hulk is advantageous for Hulk as he can always punch his way through anyone and anything. But there are some serious limitations, notably the fact that thinking is a challenge. It’s these kinds of limitations that have made the MCU version of the character resort to keeping his Smart Hulk status most of the time.

“I'm Joining The... The... Hey! What Are You Calling Yourselves?”

Avengers (Vol 1) #1

Hulk joins the Avnegers  in Avengers (Vol 1) #1

Tired of always working along and clashing with everyone, including the authorities, Hulk decides to join Iron-Man, Thor, Wasp, and Ant-Man. But he has no idea what their group is called.

The Avengers are one of many teams Hulk has joined in the comics but it’s under the group that he has had his greatest moments. The question Hulk asks is an important one because it leads to the birth of the name: The Avengers. Before Hulk brings it up, it’s revealed that the group didn’t have a name. When Wasp suggests “Avengers” as a name, Ant-Man declares that they’ll stick to it.

“Little Man Leaps Around Like Frog! Why Doesn't Little Man Fight Like Hulk?”

Amazing Spider-Man #119

Hulk fights Peter Parker in Amazing Spider-Man #119

Spider-Man heads over to Canada when he learns that Hulk is causing havoc there. During their fight, Hulk becomes angry at how Spider-Man keeps dodging him.

There’s nothing Hulk enjoys more than fighting and destroying things, so it makes sense for him to get frustrated when Spider-Man opts to dodge his attacks rather than engage him. And when Hulk asks why, Spider-Man becomes rather honest about it, making it clear that he has no intention of getting snapped in half.

“Hulk Like It… Hulk Will Keep It.”

Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #142

Hulk claims the Statue of Liberty in Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #142

After returning to New York, Hulk decides to sleep in the arms of the Statue of Liberty. And when asks to live it alone since it belongs to the public, Hulk declines.

Since Hulk’s intelligence is low, he sees the Statue of Liberty as nothing more than a trophy that he can possess. Woe unto anyone who tries to tell him otherwise. True to his word, Hulk gets to keep the Statue of Liberty until a mission forces him to leave America.

“Ho Ho Ho. You've Been A Very Bad Dimwit This Year.”

Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #378

Hulk punches Rhino in Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #378

The Grey Hulk tries to stop Rhino from causing destruction during the Christmas season. Upon meeting him, he promises him a Christmas gift, which is smashing.

Watching Hulk imitate Santa Claus before giving Rhino a whopping definitely counts as one of the most hilarious Marvel Comics moments. Traditionally, Rhino is one of Spider-Man’s animal-themed villains but pitting him against Hulk turns out to be a good decision by the writers since the two go on to have a very entertaining duel that’s a mixture of fisticuffs and insults, At one point, Rhino even tells Hulk that he liked him more when he only knew a maximum of 10 words.

“Strange Will Help Hulk… Or Hulk Will Smash!”

Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #297

The Hulk smashing through a wall

When Hulk goes into his savage mode and causes so many losses, he realizes the only person that can help him is Doctor Strange. And according to him, Strange won’t have a choice in the matter.

It’s a quote that’s still in line with the what-Hulk-wants-Hulk-gets line of thinking. He isn’t aware that as one of the most powerful sorcerers in Marvel comics, Doctor Strange can easily use his abilities to avoid any kind of physical attacks. And that’s exactly what happens when Hulk heads over to the sanctum and tries to get rough with Strange.

“X-Men. X-Terminators. Well, It Really Doesn't Matter. 'Cause Now You'll Be X-tinct!

Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #336

Hulk fights the X-Terminators in Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #336

When Hulk encounters Cyclops and his X-Terminator colleagues for the first time, he recognizes them as former X-Men members. Thinking they are up to no good, he vows to beat them up.

It’s yet another creative remark from Hulk that makes a case for why he should remain smart forever. But on this occasion, the Avenger fails to back up his words with actions. It doesn’t take too much effort for the X-Terminators to trap him in ice and continue going about their normal business.

“Hulk Likes Beans.”

Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #190

Hulk eats beans in Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #190

After Mactavish pulls Hulk out of the Loch, he offers him fish to eat. However, Hulk declines, insisting he wants beans, so Mactavish takes him to his home, so his wife can prepare supper for them.

It’s a great dietary choice since beans are recommended for anyone hoping to build or maintain muscles. Hulk develops his love for beans in Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #182 when he is offered the meal by Crackerjack Jackson. And from that time, he never looks back. His words also highlight his tendency to always insist on getting his way. Any other hungry person would have taken whatever was being offered to them, but Hulk doesn’t hesitate to be choosy even when others are being charitable towards him.

“Don't Worry About It, Hotshot. You Stay Where You Are. I'll Come Up!”

Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #349

Spider-Man fights Hulk in Incredible Hulk (Vol 1) #349

Joe Fixit, aka, Grey Hulk, and Spider-Man argue over whether Charlie of Warzone Commandos should be killed. Angry, Spider-Man advises Hulk to stay where he is, or he’ll hurt. Well, Hulk has other ideas.

Hulk’s “giant leap” is one of his greatest powers, and he never hesitates to use it. Since Spider-Man won’t come down from the top of a building to fight him, Hulk makes the quick decision to take the fight to him. But as is always the case with every other fight involving Hulk and Spider-Man, it’s all about dodging and failed attacks.

NEXT: Every The Incredible Hulk Video Game, Ranked From Worst To Best