Dot Major of London Grammar goes solo with new electronic track

London Grammar’s Dot Major goes solo with new electronic music project 

You can pre-save the first release, titled Bear, from Major now.

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Dot Major

Image: C Brandon / Getty

Dominic ‘Dot’ Major of dream pop band London Grammar is embarking on a solo career in electronic music, and is due to release his first track, titled Bear on 15 February 2023.

Major has been the keyboardist and percussionist for London Grammar since their formation in 2009, and says that “electronic music has informed a huge part” of him, for as far back as he can remember.

On social media, Major announced his upcoming release writing: “Hello everybody. Electronic music has informed a huge part of me nearly as far back as I care to remember. In three weeks time a journey of my vision through it begins, starting with Bear. I hope to see you there.”

You can listen to a short preview of the track in the post below, which teases some ethereal and ambient production work:

London Grammar’s most recent release was 2021’s Californian Soil – Major has been a primary songwriter for the band, and his individual Spotify account shows a selection of remixes:

On Instagram, Major also regularly shares his “synth jams” which are featured in a Story highlight, and on his profile such as this one with Oberheim’s OB-X8.

Major’s solo work doesn’t look to be the end of his time with London Grammar though – last year, the band’s Dan Rothman told NME that they’d been working on a new record. He said, “Throughout the pandemic we’ve been working on it, and quite a lot’s been done.  There’s a lot of writing that’s been done, and I think then you sort of get to that position of whittling it down, and getting into the nitty-gritty of production.”

Pre-save Dot Major’s track, Bear.


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