From A Rising Hockey Star To Being Accidentally Shot And Then Making A Comeback - Sandeep Singh's Story Is One Of Perseverance

From A Rising Hockey Star To Being Accidentally Shot & Then Coming Back - Sandeep Singh's Story Is One Of Perseverance

Somak Adhikari
Somak Adhikari
Updated on Jan 04, 2023, 11:31 IST- 2 min read
Sandeep Singh never gave up

In 2018, the movie Soorma hit the big screens and the name of Sandeep Singh became popular in the entertainment circle. But the biopic, while well made, is nothing compared to the struggle faced by the man himself. Yes, Sandeep Singh, the man who led our country at one point, and believe it or not, there was once doubt if he would ever walk again.

Sandeep made his debut in 2004 for India. He was just 18 years old and seen as the next big thing in Indian hockey. His mastery of the drag-flick, is one of the most difficult but effective shots in the game. It seemed he was on his way to success very early on, but fate had other plans, at least for the moment. 

Sandeep Singh never gave up


In 2006, he was seriously injured in a shooting accident. This happened just before the World Cup. As a result he was paralysed and restricted to a wheelchair. At one point it was not clear if he will ever walk again. But he fought back to get on his feet and a year later he was back in the Indian team. 

In the 2007 Challenger series, Sandeep helped India win bronze and in 2009 he scored the most goals in the Azlan Shah Cup which India took home. In 2010, India finished with silver in the Commonwealth Games and Sandeep had a role to play.

In the qualifying phase of the 2012 Olympics, he scored 16 goals. He was also skipper of the side in the 2010 World Cup. Due to his specialisation of the drag-flick, he got the name Flicker Singh. 

Sandeep last played for India in 2012 but he is still active on the list and holds the rank of DSP in the Haryana Police. His efforts to make it back from such a big injury truly shows how much grit he had.

Even now, his name is hailed as one of the greatest comebacks in sports history. Not only did he make it back into the side, but led the team with distinction and scored crucial goals. Just shows if you persevere, you can beat the deadliest of odds. Nobody thought he would walk again, he went on to play again.
