Leo Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Leo Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Leo Weekly Horoscope From June 10 To June 16

Balancing your myriad personal and professional obligations is always a juggle for you, ambitious, Leo. But on Tuesday, June 11 you might feel as stretched and twisted as a balloon animal. A testy square between go-getter Mars in your career corner and shadowy Pluto in your relationship house throws your artful juggling act off-balance. There IS a way to find equilibrium, Lion, but it might surprise you. It’s not about giving more and more of yourself to your boss and S.O. or family. (That would leave nothing left for YOU.) Try a different tack and put your own needs first. It’s instinctive for you to play the role of regal provider, but that can lead to resentment, especially when the giving gets lopsided. And work, as you know, can be a bottomless pit of demands. The more you give, the more they need, and somehow the pressure only seems to mount.
Enough already! Put your summer sandal down and assert yourself. Then, trust that when you set boundaries (and mean it), the people who truly care about you will honor them. Who knows? They might finally get the hint that you have needs, too. Of course, not everyone will get onboard with the new program. Some could act out in unexpected (and totally uncool) ways, so be ready for potential shakeups. Growth always requires some letting go, but at least you’ll know who you can count on. And that, as they say, is priceless.
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