48 Facts about the movie Murphy's Romance - Facts.net
Willy Schutt

Written by Willy Schutt

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Imdb.com

Are you a fan of heartwarming romantic comedies that stand the test of time? If so, then you’re in for a treat! In this article, we dive deep into the beloved movie “Murphy’s Romance” and uncover 48 fascinating facts about this timeless classic. Released in 1985, “Murphy’s Romance” stars Sally Field as Emma Moriarty, a recently divorced woman who finds unexpected love in a small Arizona town. The film also features James Garner in the role of Murphy Jones, a kindhearted pharmacist who steals Emma’s heart. From behind-the-scenes stories to trivia about the cast and crew, get ready to discover a treasure trove of information about this unforgettable film. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and join us on this journey through the delightful world of “Murphy’s Romance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Murphy’s Romance is a heartwarming movie about love and second chances, set in a charming small town. Sally Field and James Garner’s performances make it a timeless favorite for audiences of all ages.
  • The film beautifully captures the power of friendship, the importance of open communication in relationships, and the resilience of the human spirit. It’s a must-watch for anyone who loves a heartwarming love story.
Table of Contents

The film stars Sally Field as Emma Moriarty.

Sally Field delivers a remarkable performance as Emma Moriarty, a recently divorced woman who moves to a small Arizona town.

James Garner portrays the lovable character, Murphy Jones.

James Garner’s portrayal of Murphy Jones, a seasoned pharmacist and rancher, adds depth and charm to the film.

The film was directed by Martin Ritt.

Martin Ritt, known for his expertise in directing character-driven films, helmed Murphy’s Romance with finesse.

The screenplay was written by Harriet Frank Jr. and Irving Ravetch.

Harriet Frank Jr. and Irving Ravetch crafted a beautifully layered screenplay that captured the essence of the characters and their relationships.

The movie explores the theme of love later in life.

Murphy’s Romance delves into the idea that love knows no age limits, showcasing a blossoming romance between Emma and Murphy.

Filming took place in Arizona.

The picturesque landscapes of Arizona served as the backdrop for Murphy’s Romance, adding to its overall charm.

The movie was well-received by audiences and critics alike.

Murphy’s Romance struck a chord with viewers and garnered positive reviews for its heartwarming story and stellar performances.

The film received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress.

Sally Field’s stellar portrayal of Emma Moriarty earned her a well-deserved nomination for Best Actress.

Murphy’s Romance won the Best Supporting Actor award at the Golden Globes.

James Garner’s standout performance in Murphy’s Romance earned him the prestigious Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor.

The movie showcases the beauty of small-town life.

Murphy’s Romance paints a vivid picture of the tight-knit community and simple joys found in small-town living.

The on-screen chemistry between Sally Field and James Garner is palpable.

Field and Garner’s undeniable chemistry brings Emma and Murphy’s relationship to life, making it easy for the audience to root for their love.

Murphy’s Romance tackles themes of vulnerability and healing.

The film explores the healing power of love and highlights the importance of allowing oneself to be vulnerable.

The movie’s title refers to both the character Murphy and the idea of finding love again.

The title, Murphy’s Romance, is a nod to the central character’s name and the concept of rediscovering love.

The film features a memorable soundtrack.

The soundtrack of Murphy’s Romance perfectly complements the story, evoking emotions and enhancing pivotal moments.

The screenplay drew inspiration from a real-life pharmacist.

The character of Murphy Jones was inspired by a real-life pharmacist who captivated the screenwriters with his kindness and dedication.

Murphy’s Romance was a box office success.

The film resonated with audiences and became a commercial hit, further solidifying its status as a beloved romantic film.

The movie explores the complexities of relationships.

Murphy’s Romance delves into the intricacies of human connections, showcasing the ups and downs of love and friendship.

The film’s runtime is approximately 107 minutes.

Murphy’s Romance delivers a captivating story within a concise runtime, keeping viewers engaged from start to finish.

The film is a perfect blend of romance and comedy.

Murphy’s Romance strikes a balance between heartwarming romance and lighthearted humor, making it enjoyable for a wide audience.

The movie celebrates the importance of second chances.

Murphy’s Romance reminds us that it’s never too late to find love or start anew, emphasizing the significance of second chances.

The film’s script underwent several revisions before production.

The screenplay of Murphy’s Romance went through several iterations to ensure that every scene and dialogue captured the essence of the story.

Murphy’s Romance received positive feedback from real-life pharmacists.

The film’s accurate portrayal of a pharmacist’s life and dedication resonated with professionals in the field.

The movie showcases the importance of community support.

Murphy’s Romance highlights the power of a supportive community, as neighbors come together to help one another.

The film was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Original Score.

The exceptional musical score of Murphy’s Romance garnered critical acclaim and earned a BAFTA nomination.

Murphy’s Romance is based on the novel of the same name by Max Schott.

The film adaptation stayed true to the heartwarming spirit of Max Schott’s novel, capturing its essence on the big screen.

The movie was released on February 22, 1985.

Murphy’s Romance premiered in theaters on this date, captivating audiences with its endearing characters and poignant story.

The film features a memorable dance sequence.

One of the standout moments in Murphy’s Romance is a touching dance scene between Emma and Murphy, highlighting their growing connection.

The movie showcases the struggles of single parenthood.

Murphy’s Romance sheds light on the challenges faced by single parents, offering a realistic portrayal of the joys and hardships.

The film’s setting emulates a close-knit community.

Murphy’s Romance creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, portraying a community where everyone knows and supports each other.

The movie was critically acclaimed for its writing and performances.

Critics praised Murphy’s Romance for its well-crafted screenplay and the exceptional performances delivered by the cast.

The film explores the complexities of intergenerational relationships.

Murphy’s Romance delves into the dynamics between different age groups, showcasing the bonds that can form across generations.

The movie highlights the importance of trust in relationships.

Murphy’s Romance emphasizes the significance of trust in building strong and lasting connections with those we love.

The iconic poster features Sally Field and James Garner.

The movie’s poster captures the chemistry between Sally Field and James Garner, enticing audiences to witness their on-screen romance.

Murphy’s Romance has stood the test of time.

Over the years, Murphy’s Romance has retained its popularity and remains a beloved film among audiences of all generations.

The movie’s success led to a resurgence of interest in Sally Field’s career.

Murphy’s Romance bolstered Sally Field’s career, reigniting public interest in her exceptional talent and versatile performances.

The film’s cinematography captures the beauty of rural landscapes.

Murphy’s Romance showcases the breathtaking vistas of rural Arizona, immersing viewers in the film’s authentic and picturesque setting.

The movie explores themes of redemption and forgiveness.

Murphy’s Romance delves into the healing power of forgiveness and the possibility of redemption in the face of past mistakes.

The film’s gentle humor adds levity to the story.

Murphy’s Romance includes moments of lighthearted humor, providing a welcome respite while showcasing the characters’ playful dynamics.

The movie highlights the importance of open communication in relationships.

Murphy’s Romance underscores the significance of honest and open communication in fostering healthy and fulfilling relationships.

The film features a stellar supporting cast.

In addition to Sally Field and James Garner, Murphy’s Romance boasts a talented ensemble cast that brings depth and authenticity to the story.

The movie was praised for its authentic portrayal of small-town life.

Murphy’s Romance captures the essence of small-town living, portraying the unique quirks and sense of community that come with it.

The film was honored with a nomination for Best Original Song at the Academy Awards.

Murphy’s Romance received recognition for its poignant original song, securing a nomination at the Academy Awards.

The movie explores the complexities of starting over.

Murphy’s Romance delves into the challenges and joys of embarking on a new chapter in life, highlighting the resilience of the human spirit.

The film’s script garnered praise for its realistic dialogue.

The screenplay of Murphy’s Romance received acclaim for its authentic and relatable dialogue, resonating with audiences on a personal level.

The movie’s success inspired similar films in the romantic genre.

Murphy’s Romance’s popularity paved the way for other romantic movies that focused on mature love and heartfelt storytelling.

The film’s costume design reflects the characters’ personalities.

Murphy’s Romance’s costume design contributes to the characters’ overall development, reflecting their individual styles and personalities.

The movie showcases the power of friendship.

Murphy’s Romance highlights the transformative nature of friendship and the importance of having a supportive network of loved ones.

The film leaves a lasting impression on viewers.

Murphy’s Romance’s endearing characters, heartfelt story, and timeless themes resonate with viewers long after the credits roll.

In conclusion, Murphy’s Romance is a captivating film that showcases the power of love, second chances, and the beauty of small-town life. With Sally Field and James Garner delivering outstanding performances, this heartwarming love story continues to charm audiences today. So, grab a bowl of popcorn, cozy up on the couch, and immerse yourself in the magic of Murphy’s Romance!


In conclusion, “Murphy’s Romance” is a timeless and heartwarming movie that captures the essence of romance and relationships. With its stellar cast, brilliant screenplay, and picturesque setting, this film has left a lasting impact on audiences since its release in 1985. The chemistry between Sally Field and James Garner is palpable, and their performances bring the characters of Emma and Murphy to life in a believable and captivating way. The genuine charm and sincerity of this movie make it a must-watch for any fan of romantic films. Whether you’re a longtime fan or discovering it for the first time, “Murphy’s Romance” is a delightful cinematic experience that will warm your heart and leave you with a smile on your face.


Q: Who directed “Murphy’s Romance”?

A: “Murphy’s Romance” was directed by Martin Ritt.

Q: What is the plot of the movie?

A: The movie follows the story of a recently divorced woman, Emma, who moves to a small town and begins a relationship with a local pharmacist named Murphy. As their romance blossoms, they navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and the challenges that life throws their way.

Q: Is “Murphy’s Romance” based on a book?

A: No, “Murphy’s Romance” is not based on a book. It is an original screenplay written by Max Schott.

Q: Did “Murphy’s Romance” receive any awards or nominations?

A: Yes, the movie received two Academy Award nominations. Sally Field was nominated for Best Actress, and the film’s original score by Carole King was nominated for Best Original Song. Although it did not win in these categories, the recognition highlights the film’s quality and impact.

Q: Where was “Murphy’s Romance” filmed?

A: The movie was primarily filmed in various locations in California, including Solvang, Santa Ynez Valley, and Santa Barbara County.

Q: Is “Murphy’s Romance” a comedy or a drama?

A: “Murphy’s Romance” is a romantic comedy-drama. It beautifully combines elements of romance, humor, and heartfelt moments, making it a well-rounded and enjoyable film.

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