Few comedic actors have oeuvres as expansive, diverse, and consistently positively-reviewed as Bill Murray. After rising to prominence in the 1970s through stints on The National Lampoon Radio Hour and Saturday Night Live, Murray soon broke into movies and blossomed into one of the most exciting (and hilarious) leading men of the ‘80s.

Part of what makes Murray such a living legend is that he has proven time and time again that he is more than just a comedic actor. He’s had many successful turns as the lead and in supporting roles in a number of critically-acclaimed romances and dramas. Although Murray has acted in his fair share of duds, his prolific filmography includes more classics than it does snafus. In the list below, we’ve collected the versatile actor’s top 25 highest-rated films, ranked in order of their “freshness” according to Rotten Tomatoes!

25 Caddyshack (1980) – 72%

Bill Murray as Carl Spackler in a scene from Caddyshack
Warner Bros.

One of the funniest comedies of the 1980s, Caddyshack tells the story of a down-on-his-luck teenager who lands a summer job as a caddy at a pretentious country club. While there, he becomes ensnared in a web of eclectic characters with conflicting personalities, and all sorts of wacky hijinks ensue. One such eclectic character is groundskeeper Carl Spackler, played by Murray, who seems to be more than a little unstable, and takes his job of keeping the gophers out of the green a little too seriously.

Directed by the late, great Harold Ramis, Caddyshack may be crass, but it's got more than enough iconic quotes, ingenious slapstick, and wild moments to justify its respectable score of 72% on the Tomatometer.

Related: 10 Quintessential Comedy Movies from the 80s You Have to Watch at Least Once

24 Meatballs (1979) – 73%

Bill Murray in Meatballs
Paramount Pictures

Meatballs is one of comedy craftsman Ivan Reitman’s greatest films, as well as the first film to feature Murray in the starring role. Murray plays a camp counselor at a rundown summer camp, and is faced with rallying his unruly campers to win victory over a rival camp in the annual summer games.

Although the film is reminiscent of other entries into the summer camp comedy subgenre and seems a little cliché as a result, it has plenty of clever tomfoolery and charisma (courtesy of Murray) to set itself apart.

23 Ghostbusters (2016) – 73%

Bill Murray in Ghostbusters 2016
Sony Pictures Releasing

Loved by some, maligned by others, the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot nevertheless ranks as one of Murray’s best-rated films on Rotten Tomatoes. It follows a team of paranormal researchers who are tasked with putting a stop to a ghostly invasion of New York City, getting into a smorgasbord of silly situations along the way.

Directed with an energetic flair by Paul Feig and loaded down with zany characters, the movie may not be able to touch the classic original, but it’s plenty of fun when taken on its own merits. Featuring an ensemble cast of distinguished women actors, Ghostbusters 2016 limits Murray’s role to a small cameo appearance.

22 Mad Dog and Glory (1993) – 77%

Mad Dog and Glory
Universal Pictures

Mad Dog and Glory is a comedic crime drama about a reserved police officer who winds up saving a crime lord's life. In return, the crook offers the cop a week with a beautiful young waitress. The cop and the waitress soon fall in love, which makes things tough when the crime boss asks her to come back to him. With a cast of incredible performers, including Robert De Niro, Uma Thurman, and, of course, Murray, Mad Dog and Glory is a delightful romantic dramedy that should be more well-known.

The film received a score of 3.5 stars out of 4 from Roger Ebert, who praised the understated script, noting that “Some of the best moments come quietly and subtly, in a nuance of dialogue or a choice of timing. The movie is very funny, but it's not broad humor, it's humor born of personality quirks and the style of the performances.”

Related: Why Quentin Tarantino Hates Bill Murray Movies, Explained

21 St. Vincent (2014) – 78%

St Vincent
The Weinstein Company

One of Murray’s finest forays into a non-comedic role, St. Vincent is a drama about a busy single mother who is forced to entrust the care of her young son to their grumpy, self-indulgent neighbor. An unexpected bond is formed between the two, and soon the young boy begins to see the strange man as a sort of hero. Murray plays the oddball neighbor to perfection, and makes this a sentimental flick well-worth checking out.

20 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) – 81%

Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

The Royal Tenenbaums is a brilliant comedy-drama about a separated and highly-dysfunctional family coming back together and reconciling their differences. Considered by many to be director Wes Anderson’s masterpiece, the movie combines a variety of cinematic influences with Anderson’s signature absurdist approach, making for an unforgettable experience.

Murray’s supporting role in the film is one of his best, and the movie is bolstered by other great performances by Gene Hackman, Anjelica Huston, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Ben Stiller.

19 What About Bob? (1991) – 82%

Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss in What About Bob
Buena Vista Pictures

What About Bob? is a wacky dark comedy about an unstable mental patient, Murray’s titular Bob, who follows his egotistical psychiatrist to a vacation home, where he wins the affection of the doctor’s family. Soon, Richard Dreyfuss’ Dr. Marvin begins to lose grip of his own sanity. Director Frank Oz lends his usual comedic genius and keen eye for the absurd to this nutty movie, and the chemistry between the two leads is absolute perfection.

18 Quick Change (1990) – 84%

Bill Murray and Geena Davis - Quick Change
Warner Bros.

Quick Change is a crime comedy movie about a trio of bank robbers who, after pulling off a perfect heist, encounter heaps of trouble as they attempt to make their getaway. The directorial debuts of co-directors Howard Franklin and Murray, the film boasts high-stakes and hilarious hijinks courtesy of the three amazing leads: Geena Davis, Randy Quaid, and, of course, Murray. Unfortunately, Quick Change was a colossal box-office bomb, but received high praise from all who saw it.

17 Get Low (2009) – 85%

Sony Pictures Classics

Get Low is a drama about a mysterious Tennessee hermit who comes out of hiding to announce to the people of his town that he intends to throw a funeral party for himself. As the film builds to the climactic event, the eclectic cast of characters – played by an all-star ensemble that includes Robert Duvall, Murray, and Sissy Spacek – work to make the party go off without a hitch, and uncover a slew of strange secrets along the way. Heartfelt, weird, darkly humorous, and loaded with marvelous performances, Get Low has all the makings of a modern classic.

16 On the Rocks (2020) – 87%

Bill and Rashida drinking on On the Rocks show
Apple TV+

On the Rocks is a dramatic comedy about a woman who suspects her busybody husband of cheating, and goes to her aloof playboy father for advice. Despite lots of ill-advisement from her father, the two reconnect and form a bond stronger than they ever had before. Directed with style by Sofia Coppola, On the Rocks is a deceptively simple drama bolstered by complex relationships and carefully crafted characters.

15 Broken Flowers (2005) – 87%

Broken Flowers
Focus Features

Broken Flowers is a comedy-drama about a rich, old retiree with a history of having various lovers whose quiet life of isolation is disrupted by the arrival of an anonymous letter. The letter claims to originate from one of his former lovers, and alludes to the fact that he has a 19-year-old son that he has never met.

Encouraged by his energetic neighbor to investigate, Murray’s Don Johnston sets out on a quest to meet this mysterious son of his. Quirky and full of surprises, this Jim Jarmusch-directed flick features snappy dialogue and unexpected situations, bolstered by great performances.

14 Stripes (1981) – 88%

Columbia Pictures

Stripes is a rowdy war comedy film from Ivan Reitman, which stars Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Sean Young, Warren Oates, and John Candy, among many other ‘80s comedy staples. The movie sees Murray’s John Winger, a down-on-his-luck taxi driver, enlisting in the army after his girlfriend dumps him.

Soon, Winger finds himself rallying together a squad of outcasts behind enemy lines, giving way to a scene after scene of irreverent chaos. In other words, Stripes is a Bill Murray classic!

13 Zombieland (2009) – 89%

Bill Murray as a zombie in Zombieland
Sony Pictures Releasing

Zombieland is a fun horror comedy about a mismatched group of survivors attempting to get by in a zombie-populated wasteland. Featuring a star-studded main cast that includes the likes of Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Woody Harrelson, and Abigail Breslin, Murray still manages to make a memorable impression with his brief cameo appearance.

As Screen Rant describes, “It was Bill Murray playing himself and faking like he was a zombie to get around unharmed. What made it ridiculous was that Murray chose to role-play with them, first with Ghostbusters equipment and then as a pretend zombie, where he took a bullet for his troubles.”

12 Tootsie (1982) – 90%

Columbia Pictures

Tootsie is a satirical rom-com about a dedicated New York actor (played by Dustin Hoffman) with a reputation for being difficult to work with. When work opportunities start drying up for him, he transforms himself into an actress named Dorothy, and starts getting loads of parts. Complications ensue when Dorothy begins to develop feelings for co-star Julie.

Elevating its ridiculous premise with delightful performances and brilliant direction from Sydney Pollack, Tootsie also features a memorable supporting role from Murray.

11 Little Shop of Horrors (1986) – 90%

Bill Murray in Little Shop of Horrors
Warner Bros.

Little Shop of Horrors is a horror comedy musical masterpiece that combines the best parts of Roger Corman’s 1960 original and the popular off-Broadway musical of the same name. Rick Moranis stars as a timid flower shop worker who discovers a plant that lives by eating human flesh. Murray tackles the hilarious cameo role of masochist Arthur Denton, who was portrayed by Jack Nicholson in Corman’s original B-movie.

10 Rushmore (1998) – 90%

Bill Murray getting a haircut
Buena Vista Pictures

Rushmore is one of Wes Anderson’s earliest films, and a classic coming-of-age comedy about a pair of prep school students who become embroiled in a fight for the affections of a beautiful teacher. The film marked the first collaboration between Anderson and Murray, who would go on to work together in numerous films.

While Jason Schwartzman excels in his acting debut, Murray arguably steals the show as the quirky father who’s got tons of questionable advice.

9 Isle of Dogs (2018) – 90%

Isle of Dogs
Fox Searchlight Pictures

Isle of Dogs is another comedy from Wes Anderson, telling the story of a group of dogs who are exiled to “Trash Island,” brought to life through gorgeous stop-motion animation. Full of deadpan humor and heartfelt tenderness, Isle of Dogs is a smorgasbord of visual delights and clever writing, made perfect by a terrific voice cast that includes Murray, Edward Norton, Bryan Cranston, and Scarlett Johansson.

8 The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) – 92%

Bill Murray sitting in a car with perfume
Fox Searchlight Pictures

Yet another comedic gem from Wes Anderson, The Grand Budapest Hotel tracks a murder mystery plot that unfolds within the confines of a luxurious European ski resort. Blending Agatha Christie-esque detective tropes with Anderson’s usual stylish predilections, The Grand Budapest Hotel is an intoxicatingly charming character study with a lot of complexity hiding under its shiny visuals.

7 Ed Wood (1994) – 93%

Bill Murray in Ed WOOD
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

One of Tim Burton’s best movies, Ed Wood tells the fictionalized biographical story of the life of cult filmmaker Edward Davis Wood Jr. Johnny Depp does an incredible job bringing the titular character to life, and Burton directs the comedy-drama with an obvious reverence for the real-life filmmaker’s strange contributions to B-cinema.

Murray performs wonderfully in the supporting role of John “Bunny” Breckinridge, a drag queen and close friend to Ed who is pivotal in the making of the famous low-budget head-scratcher Plan 9 from Outer Space.

6 Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) – 93%

Fantastic Mr. Fox
20th Century Fox

Two more by Wes Anderson tie at 93% on the Tomatometer, the first of which is Fantastic Mr. Fox. This goofy stop-motion animated movie follows the clever Mr. Fox on a mission to save his family and friends from the tyranny of a trio of evil human farmers. With a sly sense of humor that appeals to both kids and adults, Fantastic Mr. Fox is a terrific comedy and a feast for the eyes that has only gotten better with age.

Related: Every Wes Anderson Movies, Ranked