The Meaning Behind The Song: Limbo by What Lies Below - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Limbo by What Lies Below


The Meaning Behind The Song: Limbo by What Lies Below

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Limbo What Lies Below Unknown Unknown Unknown Rock/Metalcore Unknown

When it comes to music, lyrics hold a significant power in conveying emotions and telling stories. The song “Limbo” by What Lies Below is no exception. With its intense and thought-provoking lyrics, it captures the struggles of feeling lost and trapped in an uncertain state of existence.

“A whole year lost, drowned out and left alone to figure it out.” These opening lines immediately set the tone for the song, expressing a sense of isolation and confusion. The narrator feels disconnected from the world, struggling to find their place and make sense of their own thoughts and emotions.

As the song progresses, the lyrics delve deeper into the narrator’s internal struggle. “You cannot stop thinking about me, what the fuck do you want? You’re a toy, couldn’t face myself, couldn’t phase it out.” These lines portray a battle within oneself, unable to escape the constant thoughts and self-criticism.

The line “It grew a part of me, no more, no less, rounds of pain, taken like shots, straight to the brain” hints at self-destructive tendencies. The pain becomes an integral part of the narrator’s identity, almost like an addiction or a cycle they can’t break free from.

Despite the heavy and bleak tone, there are moments of hope and self-reflection in the lyrics. “Maybe I’m not who I thought I’d be, or maybe all I’ve ever wanted is to be free.” These lines suggest a desire for change and growth, a yearning to break free from the confines of their own mind.

“The godfather of oblivion, brought back to panic, it won’t contain, it’s racing, cemented in the ground lies a past me, said to win, prescribed to fail, I’ve never known a person that’s so damn frail.” These lines illustrate the struggle with anxiety and the weight of past failures. It feels as if the narrator is constantly battling against themselves, unsure if they can overcome the limitations they feel.

The repetition of “Everything is so separated, just hear me, every year is just a recreation” emphasizes the theme of being stuck in a perpetual loop. Each year feels like a repetition of the last, with no forward progress or lasting change.

Personally, I resonate deeply with the emotions conveyed in “Limbo.” It speaks to the moments in life where we question our purpose and identity. I’ve experienced periods where I felt trapped in my own thoughts and found it difficult to break free from negative patterns. It’s a song that reminds me of the importance of self-reflection and finding the strength to push through difficult times.

As with any song, the true meaning behind “Limbo” may vary for each listener. It’s a testament to the power of music to evoke emotions and connect people through shared experiences. Whether it’s finding solace in the darkest of times or celebrating moments of triumph, music has a way of touching our souls and reminding us that we are not alone.

The song “Limbo” by What Lies Below is a powerful and introspective piece that delves into the complexities of feeling lost and trapped. Its raw and honest lyrics provide a glimpse into the struggles of the human experience. No matter where you are in life, this song serves as a reminder that you are not alone in your journey through the uncertainties of existence.

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