How To Use "Bunch Of Crooks" In A Sentence: Diving Deeper Skip to Content

How To Use “Bunch Of Crooks” In A Sentence: Diving Deeper

How To Use “Bunch Of Crooks” In A Sentence: Diving Deeper

Focusing on describing a group of dishonest individuals, the phrase “bunch of crooks” immediately comes to mind. However, using this expression effectively in a sentence requires a certain finesse. In this article, we will explore the proper usage of the term “bunch of crooks” and provide you with valuable insights on incorporating it into your everyday language.

So, how exactly should one use “bunch of crooks” in a sentence? The key lies in understanding the context and employing it appropriately. This phrase is typically used to convey a sense of strong disapproval or criticism towards a group of people involved in dishonest or illegal activities. It serves as a concise and impactful way to express your disdain for their actions.

Now that we have established the essence of using “bunch of crooks” in a sentence, let us delve further into the various scenarios where this expression can be effectively employed.

Definition Of Bunch Of Crooks

When we hear the phrase “bunch of crooks,” an image of a group of deceitful individuals immediately comes to mind. This colloquial expression is used to describe a collection of people who are involved in dishonest or illegal activities. The term “crooks” refers to individuals who engage in fraudulent behavior, deceitful practices, or unlawful actions for personal gain.

Historical Evolution:

The exact origins of the term “bunch of crooks” are difficult to trace, as it falls under the umbrella of idiomatic expressions that have evolved over time. However, it is safe to say that the concept of identifying a group of individuals as “crooks” has been prevalent throughout history. From ancient times to the present day, societies have encountered instances where individuals conspired together to deceive or exploit others.

Different Meanings in Different Contexts:

While the phrase “bunch of crooks” generally refers to a group of dishonest individuals, its specific connotations can vary depending on the context in which it is used. Here are a few examples:

1. Political Context:

In the realm of politics, the term “bunch of crooks” is often employed to criticize a group of politicians who are perceived as corrupt or engaging in unethical practices. It highlights the public’s distrust and disillusionment with those in power.

2. Criminal Context:

In a criminal context, a “bunch of crooks” can refer to a gang or organized crime syndicate involved in illegal activities such as fraud, money laundering, or drug trafficking. It emphasizes the collective nature of their illicit operations.

3. General Usage:

Beyond specific contexts, the phrase “bunch of crooks” can be used more broadly to describe any group of individuals who are engaged in dishonest or deceitful behavior. This can include scenarios where a group of people collaborates to defraud others, swindle unsuspecting victims, or exploit loopholes for personal gain.

How To Properly Use Bunch Of Crooks In A Sentence

When it comes to incorporating the phrase “bunch of crooks” into your sentence, it’s essential to follow certain grammatical rules to ensure clarity and coherence. This phrase, often used informally to describe a group of dishonest individuals, can be employed in various ways depending on the context and intended meaning.

Grammatical Rules

1. Subject-Verb Agreement:

When using “bunch of crooks” as the subject of a sentence, it is crucial to maintain agreement between the subject and the verb. Since “bunch” is a collective noun, it is treated as a singular entity, requiring a singular verb. For example:

  • “The bunch of crooks is causing havoc in the city.”
  • “A bunch of crooks has been apprehended by the authorities.”

2. Adjective Placement:

When using “bunch of crooks” as an adjective phrase, it typically precedes the noun it modifies. This helps to clearly indicate the nature of the individuals being referred to. For instance:

  • “The police uncovered a bunch of crooks involved in the elaborate heist.”
  • “She encountered a bunch of crooks during her travels.”

Parts Of Speech

The phrase “bunch of crooks” primarily functions as a noun phrase, serving as the subject or object of a sentence. However, it is worth noting that the individual words within the phrase can also function as different parts of speech:

Word Part of Speech Example
bunch noun “He picked a bunch of flowers for his mother.”
crooks noun “The detective arrested several crooks involved in the robbery.”

While “bunch” and “crooks” can function independently as nouns, their combination as “bunch of crooks” creates a more specific and impactful expression.

In conclusion, using the phrase “bunch of crooks” in a sentence requires adherence to grammatical rules, such as subject-verb agreement and proper adjective placement. Understanding the potential parts of speech within the phrase can further enhance your linguistic prowess. So go ahead and incorporate this colorful expression into your writing, but remember to do so with precision and finesse.

Examples Of Using Bunch Of Crooks In A Sentence

When it comes to incorporating the phrase “bunch of crooks” into a sentence, it’s important to strike a balance between simplicity and complexity. By doing so, we can effectively convey the intended meaning while showcasing the versatility of this expression. Let’s explore various contexts and nuances where “bunch of crooks” can be employed:

1. Political Context:

  • The citizens were outraged by the corrupt politicians, referring to them as a bunch of crooks.
  • Despite promises of transparency, the administration turned out to be nothing more than a bunch of crooks.
  • In the upcoming election, the opposition party accuses the ruling party of being a bunch of crooks.

2. Corporate Context:

  • After the scandal broke, the media labeled the executives involved as a bunch of crooks.
  • Investors were left devastated when they realized they had entrusted their savings to a bunch of crooks.
  • The whistleblower bravely exposed the company’s fraudulent practices, exposing the entire board as a bunch of crooks.

3. Everyday Context:

  • Walking down the street, I overheard a conversation where someone described a group of pickpockets as a bunch of crooks.
  • When the car mechanic overcharged me for unnecessary repairs, I couldn’t help but think of him as a bunch of crooks.
  • Watching the news, my grandmother muttered, “This world is filled with a bunch of crooks.”

By examining these diverse examples, it becomes evident that “bunch of crooks” can be utilized in various scenarios, ranging from political to everyday contexts. Its ability to convey a sense of disdain, distrust, and moral outrage makes it a powerful phrase that encapsulates the negative perception of individuals or groups involved in dishonest or unethical behavior.

Edge Cases Or Things To Consider

When it comes to using the phrase “bunch of crooks” in a sentence, there are a few edge cases and considerations to keep in mind. Let’s explore some common mistakes people make and the cultural or regional differences that may affect its usage.

Common Mistakes People Make When Using “Bunch Of Crooks”

While using the phrase “bunch of crooks” may seem straightforward, there are some common mistakes people make that can affect the intended meaning or impact of the sentence. Here are a few examples:

  1. Improper context: One mistake people often make is using the phrase without providing enough context. It’s important to clearly indicate who or what the “bunch of crooks” refers to in order to avoid confusion. For instance, saying “The politicians are a bunch of crooks” provides a clearer context than simply stating “They are a bunch of crooks.”
  2. Overuse: Another mistake is overusing the phrase without considering its impact. While it can be an effective way to express disdain or criticism, using it excessively may dilute its effect. It’s important to use the phrase judiciously and reserve it for situations where it truly fits.
  3. Failure to support with evidence: Sometimes, people use the phrase without providing any evidence or examples to back up their claim. To make a stronger argument or statement, it’s advisable to support the use of “bunch of crooks” with specific instances or evidence that illustrate why the individuals or group in question are considered as such.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your usage of “bunch of crooks” effectively conveys your intended meaning and carries the desired impact.

Cultural Or Regional Differences

It’s important to note that the usage and understanding of the phrase “bunch of crooks” may vary across different cultures or regions. While it is a widely recognized idiom in English-speaking countries, its nuances and connotations may differ based on cultural or regional contexts. Here are a few considerations:

  1. Legal implications: In some jurisdictions, using the phrase “bunch of crooks” may have legal implications if it is interpreted as defamatory or slanderous. It is essential to be aware of the legal framework and cultural norms regarding freedom of speech and expression in your specific location.
  2. Translation challenges: When translating the phrase into other languages, the idiomatic meaning may not directly translate. It is crucial to consult with native speakers or linguistic experts to ensure that the intended meaning is accurately conveyed in the target language.
  3. Cultural sensitivities: Different cultures may have varying sensitivities towards the use of strong language or derogatory terms. It is important to be mindful of cultural sensitivities and to adapt the usage of “bunch of crooks” accordingly to avoid causing offense or misunderstanding.

By considering these cultural or regional differences, you can navigate the usage of “bunch of crooks” more effectively and ensure that your message is understood and received appropriately in diverse contexts.

Synonyms Or Alternates To Use

When it comes to expressing the concept of “bunch of crooks” in a sentence, there are several synonyms and alternate words that can effectively convey the same meaning. Each of these terms carries its own nuances and subtle differences, making them suitable for different contexts. Let’s explore four such alternatives:

1. Gang Of Scoundrels

One possible synonym for “bunch of crooks” is “gang of scoundrels.” This term emphasizes the collective nature of a group of dishonest individuals. While “scoundrels” refers to people who are unscrupulous or morally corrupt, the addition of “gang” conveys a sense of unity and collaboration among these individuals. This phrase is particularly useful when describing a group of criminals who work together to carry out illicit activities.

2. Cluster Of Swindlers

An alternate phrase to describe a “bunch of crooks” is a “cluster of swindlers.” “Swindlers” refers specifically to individuals who deceive or defraud others for personal gain. The term “cluster” suggests a gathering or concentration of these deceitful individuals. This synonym can be employed when highlighting a group of con artists or fraudsters who operate in close proximity or share similar fraudulent schemes.

3. Pack Of Rogues

“Pack of rogues” is another suitable phrase that can be used interchangeably with “bunch of crooks.” The term “rogues” denotes individuals who are dishonest, mischievous, or unprincipled. When combined with “pack,” it conveys a sense of a tightly knit group acting in unison to carry out dubious activities. This expression is particularly apt when referring to a group of cunning individuals who engage in illicit behavior with a certain level of audacity or recklessness.

4. Horde Of Fraudsters

Lastly, “horde of fraudsters” can be used as an alternative to “bunch of crooks.” The word “horde” implies a large, disorderly, and unruly group, while “fraudsters” specifically refers to individuals who engage in fraudulent activities. This term is especially appropriate when describing a sizeable assembly of individuals involved in various forms of deceit or financial scams. It conveys a sense of chaos and a significant number of wrongdoers acting collectively.

It is important to note that the choice among these synonyms or alternate terms depends on the specific context and desired emphasis. While all of them convey the general idea of a group of dishonest individuals, the subtle differences in meaning and connotation allow for a more nuanced and precise expression of the intended message.

Related Phrases Or Idioms

When it comes to incorporating the phrase “bunch of crooks” into our everyday language, there are a few related phrases and idioms that can help us convey a similar sentiment or emphasize the idea of dishonesty and corruption. Let’s explore some of these expressions and their meanings:

1. A Den Of Thieves

This phrase is often used to describe a place or group of individuals involved in illegal or dishonest activities. It suggests that the people in question are not only dishonest but also work together in a coordinated manner, much like a den of wild animals.

Example sentence: “The company’s upper management was revealed to be a den of thieves, embezzling funds and manipulating financial records.”

2. Rotten To The Core

This idiom refers to something or someone that is entirely corrupt or morally bankrupt. It implies that the corruption goes deep, affecting every aspect or individual within a particular system or organization.

Example sentence: “The political party’s leadership was rotten to the core, engaging in widespread bribery and nepotism.”

3. Snake In The Grass

This phrase is used to describe someone who appears harmless or friendly but is secretly deceitful or treacherous. It suggests that the person hides their true intentions, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Example sentence: “Be careful with your new neighbor; he seems friendly, but he might be a snake in the grass.”

4. Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

Similar to the previous idiom, this expression refers to someone who disguises their true nature or intentions. It implies that the person presents themselves as harmless or innocent, but underneath their facade, they are cunning and untrustworthy.

Example sentence: “The charming businessman turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, scamming unsuspecting investors out of their life savings.”

5. A Nest Of Vipers

This phrase describes a group or place filled with malicious or venomous individuals who are ready to harm others. It implies that the environment is toxic and dangerous.

Example sentence: “The criminal organization was known as a nest of vipers, with each member more ruthless than the next.”

6. Dirty As A Dog’s Hind Leg

This colloquial expression suggests extreme dirtiness or corruption. It compares the level of dishonesty or immorality to the uncleanliness of a dog’s hind leg, emphasizing the severity of the situation.

Example sentence: “The politician’s dealings were as dirty as a dog’s hind leg, involving bribery, extortion, and blackmail.”

These related phrases and idioms provide us with a range of options to express the idea of dishonesty, corruption, or a group of untrustworthy individuals. By incorporating them into our language, we can effectively communicate our thoughts and feelings on the matter.


In conclusion, using the phrase “bunch of crooks” correctly holds significant importance in effective communication. This idiom not only adds color and vividness to our language, but also serves as a powerful tool to express our disdain or criticism towards a group of dishonest individuals. By understanding the nuances and context in which this phrase can be used, we can effectively convey our thoughts and opinions while maintaining a level of professionalism.

As with any linguistic skill, the key to mastering the usage of “bunch of crooks” lies in practice. Readers are encouraged to incorporate this idiom into their own sentences and conversations, allowing them to become comfortable with its application. By doing so, they will not only enhance their vocabulary but also gain confidence in expressing their opinions with precision and impact.