Perla Batalla - House of Cohen

In 2015, Grammy nominated singer Perla Batalla began pondering songs to include in a followup 

CD to her 2007 tribute release to friend and mentor Leonard Cohen. As a longtime singer 

and touring band member with the legendary songwriter, Perla knew there was much of 

Cohen’s body of work she still wanted to perform and record. 

Batalla’s first Cohen CD, “Bird on the Wire” was produced with Leonard’s blessing; he attended 

the recording session, weighed-in on material, arrangements, and uncharacteristically 

participated in a photo session at his Los Angeles home to promote the project. (Says Perla, “ 

Leonard was having so much fun - at the last minute he ran to his closet for a silk ascot to look 

more suave in the photos!”) 

Cohen's passing in November 2016 reaffirmed Batalla’s mission of sharing the lesser-known 

songs of Canada's poet laureate to a younger public mostly familiar with the well-covered, 

“Hallelujah”. She also wanted to dispel the too common mischaracterization of Cohen as “The 

Godfather of Gloom”. The man she knew was more often than not, motivated by sly humor and 

absurdity. Perla Batalla in the House of Cohen features selected songs and rare personal 

anecdotes that serve to reveal Cohen’s lighter side (like Mr. Cohen’s deep affection for the .99 

Cent Store and his delight at dining on hot dogs at Home Depot). 

The evening reveals the timelessness of Cohen's art through Perla Batalla’s signature crosscultural 

style, to convey her sincere respect and deep love for the music, the poetry, and most of 

all for her dear friend, Leonard Cohen. 

“In this show, there are times when I ask my audience to sing with me," Batalla says. "I feel that 

the coming together of voices has the power to touch Leonard’s spirit and his lifelong devotion 

to art and the mysteries of the human heart. Live music is about being in the moment, and I 

always have this secret expectation that as we lift our voices up together we will feel Leonard all 

around us…and we usually do..” 

The show is in two acts, each approximately 45 minutes. Perla can be accompanied by: 

• Piano 

• Piano, guitar/oud 

• Piano, bass, guitar/oud 

• Or a larger group, depending on venue and affordability

For bookings contact Rachel Cohen at 310-701-9191 /

"For those uninitiated to the glories of the songs of Leonard Cohen this is a wonderful introduction....for the rest of us it is simply heavenly" Sing Out! Magazine

"Perla Batalla's Bird on the Wire brings the house down!"-The Guardian

"Batalla's versions of “Suzanne” and “Bird on a Wire” were beautifully and carefully considered, making two of Cohen’s best-known songs sound fresh.." -Variety

"Batalla tells an engaging story with each song she sings" -Don Heckman, LA Times

"Onstage, offstage, digital or analog, I love Perla Batalla"  -Leonard Cohen

“Beautifully conceived and executed, Bird on the Wire is a rewarding listening experience I find myself returning to frequently...for those uninitiated to the glories of the songs of Leonard Cohen this is a wonderful introduction.
For the rest of us it is simply heavenly.
–Sing Out Magazine

Perla Sings Cohen