香港摩天輪 | AIA Vitality 公園 - 不二之選嘅約會聖地👫🏻 Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park - The Perfect Date Spot! 👫🏻 秋風起,涼涼地🍂...真喺啱晒嚟香港摩天輪 | AIA Vitality公園散步、拍吓拖🩷喺維港50米高空睇完呢個百看不厭嘅香港海景,仲可以去到我哋嘅旋轉木馬打卡🎠好浪漫呀! As the autumn breeze sets in, creating a chilly atmosphere 🍂, there's no better place to go for a romantic stroll and spend quality time together than the Hong Kong Observation Wheel | AIA Vitality Park. Take a relaxing walk and enjoy the breathtaking panoramic view of the Hong Kong skyline from 50m high above. And to add a touch of romance, don't forget to visit our charming carousel for an instagrammable moment! 🩷🎠 📸: @miya660401 #HKOW #HongKongObservationWheel #AIAVitalityPark #AIAVitalityHub #DiscoverHongKong #HelloHongKong #NightVibesHongKong #香港摩天輪 #香港好去處 | Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park | Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park · Original audio