42 Facts about the movie Permanent Midnight - Facts.net
Gerrie Marron

Written by Gerrie Marron

Modified & Updated: 20 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Amazon.com

Are you ready to dive into the dark and fascinating world of the movie “Permanent Midnight”? This gripping and haunting film, released in 1998, offers a unique and unflinching look into the life of a troubled writer battling addiction and self-destruction. Based on the memoir of the same name by Jerry Stahl, “Permanent Midnight” stars Ben Stiller in one of his most memorable and striking performances. The film explores themes of addiction, fame, and the constant struggle for redemption.

In this article, we will take you on a journey through 42 fascinating facts about the movie “Permanent Midnight. From behind-the-scenes trivia to the impact it had on the careers of its cast and crew, we will delve into the depths of this captivating film. So grab your popcorn and prepare to be amazed as we uncover the secrets behind “Permanent Midnight.

Key Takeaways:

  • Permanent Midnight” is a gripping movie based on a true story, shedding light on the dark world of addiction and the power of redemption, leaving a lasting impact on viewers.
  • The film features powerful performances, blurs the line between sympathy and condemnation, and highlights the struggle for forgiveness and personal responsibility.
Table of Contents

Permanent Midnight is based on a memoir.

The movie is an adaptation of Jerry Stahl’s autobiography, which chronicles his tumultuous life as a successful TV writer and his struggles with drug addiction.

Ben Stiller plays the lead role.

In a departure from his usual comedic roles, Ben Stiller delivers a powerful performance as Jerry Stahl, showcasing his versatility as an actor.

The film explores the dark side of Hollywood.

Permanent Midnight delves deep into the underbelly of the entertainment industry, exposing the seedy and destructive nature of fame and success.

Maria Bello gives a standout performance.

As Kitty, Jerry Stahl’s long-suffering girlfriend, Maria Bello delivers a heartbreaking portrayal of a woman trapped in a toxic relationship.

The movie tackles the theme of addiction head-on.

Permanent Midnight provides an unflinching look at the consequences of drug addiction, highlighting its destructive impact on both the individual and those around them.

Owen Wilson has a memorable supporting role.

In a departure from his usual comedic roles, Owen Wilson delivers a poignant performance as Jerry’s best friend and fellow addict, providing moments of levity in an otherwise dark film.

The soundtrack perfectly complements the tone of the film.

The music in Permanent Midnight enhances the dark and gritty atmosphere, amplifying the emotional impact of the story.

The film received critical acclaim.

Upon its release, Permanent Midnight garnered positive reviews from critics who praised its performances, screenplay, and unflinching portrayal of addiction.

Jerry Stahl himself has a cameo in the film.

In a meta twist, the real Jerry Stahl appears in a brief cameo as a doctor, adding an extra layer of authenticity to the story.

The movie explores the blurred lines between reality and fiction.

Through its unique storytelling approach, Permanent Midnight blurs the boundaries between what is real and what is a product of Jerry Stahl’s drug-addled mind.

The film showcases the power of redemption.

Despite the dark subject matter, Permanent Midnight ultimately offers a glimmer of hope and the possibility of redemption for its troubled protagonist.

The screenplay was written by David Veloz.

David Veloz skillfully adapted Jerry Stahl’s memoir for the screen, capturing its raw essence and translating it into a compelling narrative.

The movie addresses the challenges of recovery.

Permanent Midnight explores the arduous journey of recovery, shedding light on the difficult process of healing and rebuilding one’s life.

The film is a mix of drama and dark comedy.

Permanent Midnight successfully balances the dark and heavy subject matter with moments of dark humor, creating a multi-dimensional viewing experience.

The story is set against the backdrop of the 1990s.

With its distinct ’90s aesthetic, Permanent Midnight captures the zeitgeist of the era and immerses viewers in a specific time and place.

The movie explores the allure of self-destruction.

Through Jerry Stahl’s self-destructive behavior, Permanent Midnight shines a light on the seductive pull of addiction and the destructive patterns it creates.

The film portrays the consequences of fame.

Permanent Midnight examines the dark side of fame and success, depicting the toll it takes on mental health and personal relationships.

The movie was an indie production.

Permanent Midnight was produced on a modest budget, allowing for a more intimate and authentic portrayal of the story.

It delves into the complexities of relationships.

The film explores the intricacies of Jerry Stahl’s relationships, highlighting the impact of addiction on love, trust, and human connection.

The movie offers an unapologetic portrayal of drug use.

Permanent Midnight doesn’t shy away from depicting the realities of drug use, providing a gritty and realistic portrayal of addiction.

The film features a strong ensemble cast.

Alongside Ben Stiller and Maria Bello, Permanent Midnight boasts a talented cast that includes Elizabeth Hurley, Fred Willard, and Janeane Garofalo.

The movie provides an insider’s look into the TV industry.

Through Jerry Stahl’s experiences as a TV writer, Permanent Midnight delves into the cutthroat world of television and the pressures of delivering constant content.

It explores the dark underbelly of Los Angeles.

Permanent Midnight presents a gritty and unflinching portrayal of the city of Los Angeles, showcasing its seedy underbelly and the dangers lurking beneath the surface.

The film showcases the highs and lows of addiction.

Through Jerry Stahl’s journey, Permanent Midnight explores the exhilarating highs and devastating lows of addiction, painting a nuanced picture of its complexity.

The movie addresses the impact of addiction on creativity.

Permanent Midnight delves into the relationship between substance abuse and creativity, exploring how Jerry Stahl’s drug use both fueled and hindered his creative pursuits.

It highlights the importance of support systems.

Permanent Midnight emphasizes the significance of a strong support system in overcoming addiction, highlighting the role of friends, family, and rehabilitation programs.

The film portrays the cycle of addiction.

Through its honest depiction, Permanent Midnight exposes the cyclical nature of addiction, showing how difficult it can be to break free from its grip.

It raises awareness about the realities of drug addiction.

By shining a light on the harsh truths of addiction, Permanent Midnight aims to increase awareness and promote understanding of the challenges faced by those struggling with substance abuse.

The movie tackles the theme of identity.

Permanent Midnight delves into the fragmented and tangled nature of Jerry Stahl’s identity, exploring how addiction can erode one’s sense of self.

It offers a glimpse into the world of ’90s counterculture.

Through its portrayal of the drug-fueled counterculture of the 1990s, Permanent Midnight provides insight into a unique era of rebellion and self-discovery.

The film presents a cautionary tale.

Permanent Midnight serves as a cautionary tale, reminding viewers of the devastating consequences that can arise from succumbing to the allure of addiction.

It showcases the destructive power of secrets.

Through his double life as a successful writer and a drug addict, Permanent Midnight explores the damaging effects of keeping secrets and living in constant deception.

The movie features powerful and emotional performances.

From Ben Stiller’s nuanced portrayal of Jerry Stahl to Maria Bello’s heart-wrenching performance as Kitty, Permanent Midnight is filled with impactful acting moments.

It confronts the audience with uncomfortable truths.

Permanent Midnight doesn’t shy away from confronting the audience with uncomfortable truths about addiction, forcing viewers to confront their own preconceptions and biases.

The film highlights the struggle for redemption and forgiveness.

Through the journey of its flawed protagonist, Permanent Midnight explores themes of redemption and the possibility of forgiveness, even in the face of past mistakes.

It showcases the power of storytelling.

As a film about a writer, Permanent Midnight celebrates the transformative power of storytelling and the catharsis it can provide for both the creator and the audience.

The movie maintains a sense of realism.

Permanent Midnight avoids romanticizing addiction and presents a raw and realistic portrayal of the consequences it inflicts on both individuals and their loved ones.

It blurs the line between sympathy and condemnation.

Through its complex portrayal of Jerry Stahl, Permanent Midnight challenges the audience’s perception and forces them to grapple with conflicting feelings of sympathy and condemnation.

The film addresses the question of personal responsibility.

Permanent Midnight raises questions about personal accountability and the choices individuals make in the face of addiction and self-destruction.

It explores the depths of human resilience.

Amidst the darkness, Permanent Midnight explores the indomitable spirit of human resilience and the capacity for individuals to find redemption in the most challenging of circumstances.

The movie showcases the power of self-reflection.

Through Jerry Stahl’s introspective journey, Permanent Midnight underscores the importance of self-reflection in confronting one’s inner demons and seeking personal growth.

It leaves a lasting impact on the viewer.

Permanent Midnight is a thought-provoking and emotionally-charged film that leaves a lasting impression, provoking introspection and discussion long after the credits roll.

In conclusion, Permanent Midnight is a thought-provoking film that shines a light on the dark and destructive world of addiction. Through its compelling storytelling and powerful performances, it immerses the audience in a haunting tale of redemption, self-destruction, and the complex nature of human resilience. With its raw portrayal of addiction and the consequences it inflicts, Permanent Midnight serves as a stark reminder of the importance of empathy, understanding, and support for those grappling with substance abuse. Whether you’re a fan of intense dramas or simply curious about the human condition, Permanent Midnight is a must-watch film that will leave you pondering its themes long after the credits roll.


In conclusion, Permanent Midnight is a gripping and thought-provoking movie that delves into the dark and turbulent world of drug addiction. Impeccably portrayed by Ben Stiller, the film tells the raw and emotional story of real-life writer Jerry Stahl and his struggle with heroin addiction. With its powerful performances, intense storyline, and gritty portrayal of addiction, Permanent Midnight is a must-watch for fans of compelling and thought-provoking cinema.


Q: Is Permanent Midnight based on a true story?

A: Yes, Permanent Midnight is based on the memoir of the same name by Jerry Stahl, a writer who struggled with heroin addiction in the 1990s.

Q: Who stars in Permanent Midnight?

A: Ben Stiller headlines the cast of Permanent Midnight, delivering a standout performance as Jerry Stahl. The film also features Elizabeth Hurley, Maria Bello, and Owen Wilson in supporting roles.

Q: What is the main theme of Permanent Midnight?

A: The main theme of Permanent Midnight is addiction, exploring the devastating impact it has on the individual as well as the downward spiral it can lead to.

Q: Is Permanent Midnight a drama or a comedy?

A: While there are elements of dark humor throughout the film, Permanent Midnight is primarily categorized as a drama due to its intense and serious subject matter.

Q: Is Permanent Midnight suitable for all audiences?

A: No, Permanent Midnight contains mature themes, explicit drug use, and strong language. It is recommended for mature audiences only.

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