Beyoncé's "Cuff It" Lyrics Meaning - Song Meanings and Facts

Beyoncé’s “Cuff It” Lyrics Meaning

It has been ascertained that by some analyses that “Cuff It” is a sex song, even though only one passage really – that being the third verse – is overtly erotic. However, what does become apparent by the time all is said and done is that the vocalist is addressing a romantic interest. 

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Beyonce's Cuff It at

And what she is looking forward to more holistically is the two of them enjoying a night of romance, albeit of the raunchy variety. A night’s romance complete with booze, some wildin’ out and, as alluded to earlier, thumping sex.

Yes, to some degree this does read like one-night stand type of thing. This is because the Queen B puts forth that she “feel(s) like falling in love” on this particular night. Honestly this doesn’t particularly sound like the type of thing you would say in reference to someone you’re already in an established romance with. 

But another way that statement can be interpreted is as the narrator wanting to re-fall in love with her significant other, with them enjoying let’s say an evening of carefree revelry reminiscent of the earlier days in their relationship.

“Cuff it”

So in terms of Beyoncé instructing this individual to “cuff it”, that is a pretty-ambiguous metaphor. However, it is one which, all lyrics considered, can definitely be interpreted in a sexual context. But whether she is referring to getting kinky with handcuffs or whatever is left up to the listener’s imagination. This is because in the aforementioned third verse (where that phrase is mentioned) as raunchy as the passage may be, it isn’t overly specific.

Lyrics to Beyonce's "Cuff It"

Facts about “Cuff It”

There’s a couple of old school dance classics sampled into this track:

  • Chic’s “Good Times” (1979)
  • Teena Marie’s “Square Biz” (1981) 

The former was co-written by industry mainstay Nile Rodgers. Late 20th century songstress Teena Marie (1956-2010) penned the latter with Allen McGrier.  As such Rodgers, Marie and McGrier are also acknowledged as authors of “Cuff It”.

Then, the other writers of this song are likewise its co-producers:

  • Beyoncé
  • Rissi Ristorp
  • Nova Wav (Brittany Coney and Blu June)

The Dream and another singer who traces his heyday back to the late 20th century, Raphael Saadiq, also receive co-writing and co-production credits on “Cuff It”.

Columbia Records originally made “Cuff It” public on 29 July 2022 as part of Beyoncé’s “Renaissance”. 

A couple of months thereafter, they proceeded to issue it as the LP’s second single after this particular track caught on amongst social-media circles. 

“Cuff It” ended up topping the UK Official Trending Chart. The tune also gave Beyonce a top-10 hit in the United Kingdom.

FYI, other well known songs found on “Renaissance” include:

Cuff It

62 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    This song is about nothing but drugs

    • Anonymous says:

      100% correct. Don’t know how you can see it any other way. It’s vulgar TBH. Drugs, prescription drugs, seeing stars, seeing spaceships, seeing God. Getting high. Sex….. nothing less

    • kosmic says:

      Super disappointed. Whether its about sex or drugs or both… Its sad to think a superstar like B feels the need to debase herself just to keep up with this new crop of trashy female singers.

  2. Anonymous says:

    GARBAGE FROM BEYONCE. NOT SURPRISED!! At her OLD age promoting sex and drugs is what she has turned into. Don’t forget B you are a mom now.

    • Anonymous says:

      EXACTLY you are no young Meg the Stallion or Cardi B

      • WKK says:

        Ms.B. I’m certain that you have a reason for all of these expletives. I’ve always admired you for not taking this road, keeping your lyrics somewhat clean, double, hidden message acknowledged, in order to sell the unit. I definitely understand…I’m hoping in the future you return to your wholesome music…You are a QUEEN without a doubt.!!!DO NOT STOOP TO the level of recent female rappers please. Just my opinion

        • Anonymous says:

          I absolutely agree! I dislike this song so much! It makes me cringe especially when my 3 daughters are with me😣

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah right, I’m so sure. Queen B is probably thinking about the error of her ways after your judgemental dressing down.

      • SMH says:

        She’s married to Jay Z, what do you expect? There is no moral growth with that man.

    • Pissed off mom!! And still sexy as hell !!! says:

      F– that!!! Just because she’s a mom doesn’t mean she still can’t be the vibrant sexy woman she is!! You just shamed all moms by saying “ now you have kids – your sexy side is dead!! “ I say f— that!!! That’s why women are so sexually repressed in this country. Thoughts like that!!!

    • LP says:

      When I first heard this song I barely could make out the lyrics except for the obvious, “I feel like falling in love.”It has a catchy beat and sort of brings back an old school vibe. Now that I have actually seen the lyrics, I have to agree and conclude that this song is about sex and drugs. Do Beyoncé and her producers/writers actually call this “art?” This is nothing but vulgarity and exploitation at its worse in their desperate attempt to sell this to impressionable youth. Beyoncé is pathetic, albeit filthy rich.

    • Anonymous says:

      So Moms don’t want to have hot sex???

  3. MDW says:

    Wow! Pretty harsh comments. Hell I’m over 50 and haven’t f’d up the night in a while. Hmmmm. I need a Prescription… Black Lights… I’m getting f–ked up tonight!! Lol Thanks Bey

  4. Claire says:

    This song reeks of sex and drugs.

  5. Mikey says:

    Anonymous 1 and 2 sound like 2 incels. Lighten up and cuff it tonight.

  6. BootyCall says:

    It’s clearly about two middle aged people using vi-gra and booze to have sex. C’mon now.

  7. KMC says:

    I dont understand why ppl hating on this song. Lowkey im 15 and I love this song and so what ur old u can still have Seggs.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Leave it to the younger generation Meg the Stallion Cardi B…

    • A voice of reason says:

      Cardio b is also a mom. These people are artists.
      Priests, pastors, popes Rabbis, Al Sharpton are in charge of morality.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The song is too vulgar, it’s all about sex and drugs give me a break SMH 🤦‍♀️

  10. Grown and Cuffing says:

    It’s really about going out and having fun. Lots of people wait till the weekend to get fuk up and if you’re an adult and handles yours. Nothing wrong with it as long as you do no one no harm unless it’s the one your cuffing 😂

  11. Drinking says:

    She talks about drinking y’all

    • Princess says:

      Enjoy your life as long as you are able and you can because this life is not promised to anyone Use it before you lose it. Live,Laugh and Love.

  12. The Melody says:

    I like the beats… the melody.. the message is for grown folks who’s into a one night stand with sex and drugs. Not for me cause I want to be in love forever with that one person not just for one night. But whatever rocks your boat…

  13. JC says:

    I was shocked about the lyrics to cuff it. It hurts my heart. I see the dance challenges and thought I heard the f word, so I looked up the lyrics.
    The vulgar language is out of control.
    Our community is better than this.
    Help us Jesus, help us Lord.

  14. JC says:

    The foul language and song content is out of control.
    I’m done, so done.
    It hurts my heart to see what’s happening these days.
    Help us Lord……help us.

  15. DV says:

    She didn’t have to go this route. With the power she has and the world so messed up she could have had more positive messages. Wow….

  16. Love It says:

    Honestly, it simply sounds like she’s referring to ri-ing her husband! And I like it! If it’s too much don’t listen and if you’re too young… yo axx shouldn’t be listening!

  17. Fine Beat says:

    The beat is fine. But when I looked up the lyrics …Their just too vulgar. I am a Beyonce Fan, but the lyrics on this one is two much. I understand she is trying to sale records, but she did not have to go this route. Please B don’t lower your standard for anyone nor anything.

    • BW says:

      I am huge Beyonce fan. I enjoy her music. I have Apple music and opted for the clean version of Renaissance. I appreciate the option to have a clean version.

  18. SMC says:

    Everyone has gone to the right regarding what this song is about and they need to make a U-Turn to the left regarding its meaning.

  19. Alt says:

    Relax’s just a song. Nice beat! Grown people should have fun. She is not encouraging anyone to drink or do drugs.

  20. c says:

    Y’all are soooo f—ing sensitive lmaoooooo………. it’s A SONG. don’t listen if you don’t like the lyrics dumb kids.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Really Beyonce???????? Sad, you are a mother using that type of language the (F-BOMB). You need to think about what you’re teaching your daughters and other young girls. You are suppose to be a roll model setting the standards so young girls will demand respect. Our world already disrespect females, you’re in a position to make them strong but I guess you have to have respect for yourself before you can teach it to other, SADDD, WOW!

  22. Anonymous says:

    To: KMC
    You just proved several points. You’re JUST 15 yrs old and you think it is OK; destruction of human morality and desensitizing the youth that has had no experience with decency, only a perverted world point of view, WOW, SADDD!

  23. A Commenter says:

    I love this song. The beat, the words. Reminds me of when we would go to the club; flashing lights, black lights. Getting a drink getting high and going on the dance floor and dancing…. just having big fun. From the comments it seems like none of these people know what it’s like to go to work 5 days a week and when Saturday comes, Yes we want to F- up the night and enjoy ourselves. Great tribute to the late 70s early 80s. She really capture the feelings we had during that time. Go Bey@

  24. Sandy says:

    Umm..I take it your children have never and will never hear the “F” bomb right? And honestly, profanity is profanity, no matter which word. If people didn’t plan on getting drunk, then there wouldn’t be a thing called a designated driver.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Shocked and disappointed by these lyrics. This woman is allegedly a role model? For who?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Lighten up! No way anyone can hear it without wanting dance!

  27. Anonymous says:

    The beat is nice but the lyrics further help promote destructive ways of life to kids.

  28. The vocal majority says:

    Garbage song. While B’s contemporaries like Lady Gaga and Adele have have grown musically and professionally Beyonce has not advanced but rather regressed to the point where she’s singing about drugs and “I want to get on top of you”.The only shock value here is how desperate she seemingly is to be noticed and to remain relevant. Sad to see. Like a boxer hanging on way past their prime.

    • Onceafan says:

      Great way to put exactly what I felt upon reading these lyrics / but this slide has been coming for a while…

  29. Unfortunate says:

    Sad to see this once Christian girl has lost her way. Unfortunate. Art should lift up not demean or tear down.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if her sweet little children sing along with her

  31. Boomboomroomofficially says:

    Demonizing idols. Filth.

  32. Anonymous says:

    She’s always been sexually suggestive of her songs but this one it takes the cake. If she said the F word once or twice but she said at least 20 times in this song. That’s like a person talking maybe say it once or twice during the conversation if you have to but not every other word in every sentence. I think your husband is pimping you with these new songs. That’s not the beyonce from Houston that we knew and loved.

  33. different says:

    amazing song ! obviously yall know nothing about having fun and living life. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE MIGHT AS WELL GET ‘FD UP TONIGHTTT’. HELL YEAH!!

  34. Anonymous says:

    I am 72, my man is 69, and we LOVE “Cuff It”…wish Beyonce knew how much joy this song has brought us! Y’all need to lighten up!!

  35. Beyonce's biggest fan b*t*h says:

    The fact that y’all are saying y’all hate this song so much and how bad Beyonce is for making this song because it’s about sex or drugs is crazy, and yet y’all sill listening to her I bet it don’t make sense how y’all hating on the QUEEN B and yet y’all still probably listening to her music to this day, period.

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