
Many are the delightful varieties of the Falling Sand Game. Thisissand is the prequel. It takes the experience of being at the virtual beach, dropping sprinkles of sand, pretending to no one that you’re artistically engaged in the creation of a Sand Painting, and interprets it into the virtual world – just dropping sand, of different colors, just that. And it turns out to be just wonderful fun. All by itself.

When you click on the link, it takes you to a gray screen. There’s a little, even grayer box somewhere near the left corner of the screen. If you have any questions, click on the little grayer box, and all will be answered. Like if you want to change colors all you have to do is press C. The screen turns multicolors. You drag across as much as you want, and you return to your painting with sand of a new color gradient. Note the word “gradient.” Therein much of the beauty lies. Also, beauty-lying-wise, there’s the virtual sand itself, which acts like you’d think virtual sand should act if it was being serious about being sand-like.

Then there’s an entire gallery of virtual sand paintings to be impressed, challenged, and humbled by. And of course you can add your virtual art piece to the virtual gallery, should you feel virtually so.

While you’re in the virtual neighborhood, you might as well take the time to visit the Thisissand blog. Here, from their blog, is some insight into their reason for being:

“We are…experimenting with perceived connections between everyday artefacts, intermediality, art and play. There is no such thing as a linear plot or a particular set of expectations on it is a place for recreation and fun, and an eternal work in progress.”

via Ultimate Insult

from Bernie DeKoven, funsmith