The Lincolnshire Wolds – an AONB since ‘73! - Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service

The Lincolnshire Wolds – an AONB since ‘73!

19 February 2024

THANK YOU to all who helped celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Lincolnshire Wolds becoming an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) & joined in with our ‘50 for 50 events’.

From walks, talks and practical tasks through to shows, starry nights and horse rides, we hope there has been something for everyone – and with over 4,500 people joining us throughout the year, we think we got the mix right!

But that’s not all, we linked up directly with Lincolnshire Outdoor Learning, who facilitated on our behalf an educational project with local primary schools.  Some 555 children took part in a range of activities to discover and enjoy first-hand the Lincolnshire Wolds and learn more about the area’s beautiful working countryside and its many special qualities – including its distinctive physiography, heritage, geology and biodiversity.

Wait, there's still more: throughout 2023 we wanted the events to be as accessible as possible for everyone to enjoy, that included being financially accessible too. So, all events were free and instead of charging we invited donations for the Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance (LNAA). Check out our gallery. Whether you live, work or visit the Lincolnshire Wolds, we hope you never need them, but if you ever did, rest assured the LNAA would be there for you, bringing the equivalent of a Hospital Emergency Department to your side when needed most.  So far £2,195.95 has been raised between online donations, cash at events and cheques at talks... we know there’ll be a few more donations yet so the Just Giving page is open until 31st March 2024 .  

And finally, the Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service would like to thank everyone who gave their time, expertise and support willingly in making these events happen.  We’re only a small team and we couldn’t have done it without the permission of landowners for special access, experts sharing their knowledge, communities running special events and volunteers helping out throughout the year.  We now look ahead to continuing our work for the Lincolnshire Wolds as a National Landscape (see feature).
