Foothill High School - About FHS

About FHS

Foothill is a comprehensive high school with a mission to help ALL students prepare for success in post-secondary training or college, career, life, and become independent contributors to society in an ever-changing world. Foothill High School was moved to this location in 1999 with the first class graduating from this site in 2001. Our staff works tirelessly to provide a sound and effective learning environment for our 1400+ students in and out of the classroom. Parents work alongside staff to support our student culture to be a positive and welcoming environment where all students are treated fairly and with respect.
Foothill High School events including athletics, FFA, music, and drama are well attended by families and the community. Many of our students are involved in school activities and are proud to be a Cougar!
Assessment results have consistently shown that our students are provided a high-quality standards-based curriculum. Our past two Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) reviews in 2009 and 2015 resulted in 6-year accreditation and Foothill High School is up for a full review in the 22-23 school year.

Message From The Principal

I’d like to welcome you to Foothill High School located in the beautiful country in Palo Cedro, California. My name is Kevin Greene and I am the new Principal. I have over 20 years of educational experience including 14 years in administration and the remaining years as a Special Education teacher. Of my 20+ years, I spent 12 years here at Foothill High School and am very familiar with the student culture and community. 
It is a privilege to lead this wonderful, experienced, and professional staff in providing your students with a rigorous and engaging curriculum that will lead all students toward success in the 21st century. We will have a collaborative approach to achieve a common purpose, seek to continually improve student learning, monitor each student’s progress regularly, make a genuine connection with students beyond academics and help students connect with one another.
Please visit our website for additional information on all of our wonderful programs, and if you would like to meet with me or our administrative staff please don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting. I have an open-door policy and welcome genuine conversation with folks.