Professional wrestler Adam Scherr, better known under his WWE ring name Braun Strowman, has been undergoing a body transformation over the last year. Having started out as a strongman before joining the wrestling world, and ranking among the biggest fighters in the WWE, Scherr is now on a mission to cut weight and lean down, in order to lose some of that sheer size.

In a progress pic shared to Instagram this week which shows off his slimmer build and swole physique, complete with jacked arms and a toned chest, Scherr announced that he now weighs in at 345 pounds; that's 40 whole pounds lighter than his previous billed weight. In the caption for the post, Scherr reflected on the hard work and determination that has gone into these physical results, and revealed that this journey actually started much, much earlier than his wrestling career.

"If you told that insecure little chubby 10 year old I used to be that this what what I was gonna grow up into I would have said you were a liar!!!" He wrote. "So many times I was told I wasn’t good enough or smart enough and that I was gonna fail well here’s to all you doubters and bully’s I’ve met along the way. You can all kiss my giant jacked and tan ass!!!!! But thank you for the motivation. I will continue to prove people wrong. Bet against me I dare you cause I fight better from underneath!!!!!"

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Scherr has had to be patient while pursuing certain aspects of his fitness goals, as he says he still struggles with his left leg due to a back injury in 2015, which left him uncertain if he would ever be able to walk again. "The human body is an amazing thing and can do amazing things," he wrote in another post earlier this month. "It just takes some work and smart decisions to start taking steps in the right direction and a healthier life."