港鐵火炭站 D 出口, 步行約8分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Visa Master 現金 八達通
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食評 (74)
等級4 2024-03-09
198 瀏覽
Recommending by my dear colleagues spending our work lunch at a hidden Korean restaurant. It is hidden along the main street with a dim entrance requiring walking down the stairs. Restaurant was spacious. Orders made via submitting a handwriting form to counter and making pre-payment. Staff were mostly Korean. Preferably communicating with simple English. They were so nice, so welcoming and very polite. Staff first served the appetisers, lotus, pickled turnip, kimchi and sprouts. Lotus was crispy and marinated with lightly sweetened savoury ganjang sauce; kimchi was authentic, spicy and savoury; sprouts were mixed with sesame oil lightly spiced. We ordered four lunch sets to share. The pork bulgigi was served decently and immediately after placing the order. Coming with a bowl of seaweed soup, smelling incredibly nice. Huge rice portion which definitely more than filling you up. Love the pork was thinly sliced and on a lean side. Absorbed all the marinade while still moist and soft. It was also stir fried with loaded cabbages and shredded carrots. Giving an extra crunch and sweetness. Toasted sesame was sprinkled which gave a strong nutty kick on every savoury bite. Absolutely delicious. The spicy stir fry pork visually was very pleasing and appetising. The gochujiang used definitely was the secret ingredient here. Smell incredibly good. Pork used was again a thin cut, absorbed and coated so well with the sauce. Spicy, sweet and very savoury. Again stir fried with cabbages and sprinkled with toasted white sesame. Best to serve with white rice. Soft tofu stew was more a vegetarian option. Silky soft tofu soaking in the kimchi sizzling soup. Squash slices and onions were served alongside. It was okay, nothing special. Cold soup buckwheat noodle was authentic. A pretty big portion. Noodle was on a tough side that still sticking together. Always love the combination of vinegar and mustard. Whole plain light flavour instantly lifted. Shredded cucumber and turnip were refreshing. Whole dish was very smoothing. Four small sides were also came together with the lunch sets. We picked the fried vegetables pork dumplings, chicken gangjung, sweet garlic chicken gangjung and seaweed roll. Seaweed roll was unexpectedly served in deep fried. It was stuffed with savoury vermicelli. Even it was crispy, it wasn't my favourite. Personally didnt like the idea of deep frying vermicelli roll, a bit bland and greasy. Sweet garlic chicken gangjung was very sweet and sticky. Not much garlic flavour. Chicken was moist. Little bit too sweet to me. Chicken gangjung was the best among all. Spicy and little bite sweet. Crunchy batter fully coated the moist savoury chicken. Fried vegetables pork dumplings were okay. Crispy wrapping but the sealing part was slight thick and tough. Stuffing was alright. Food was in big portion and love that they offered combo for customers to try more. It was satiating to enjoy goodnesses all over the table during a work lunch. Really love they sprinkled toasted white sesame to almost all dishes. Staff were very friendly and observant. Even there was still half cup of tea remained, staff kept helping to refill during these rushing hours. Not bad!! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-03-21
57 瀏覽
今日下午經過K-pop餐廳,門口menu見到有韓國菜式,睇圖片食物望落好似幾吸引就入去試下。餐廳裏面環境闊落,座位都幾多,主要係卡位。店員會提供menu同點餐紙,自己喺點餐紙寫低要點嘅食物,先付款後上菜。我哋點咗一份lunch set,lunch set包一份主食加一份小食同一罐飲品。主食點咗鐵板炒辣豬肉飯,配四粒韓式甜辣炸雞粒同一罐韓國桃味汽水。鐵板炒辣豬肉飯味道唔錯,小辣,豬肉同飯嘅份量都好足,夠惹味。韓式甜辣炸雞係即叫即炸,食落熱辣辣,炸雞配甜辣醬好夾,幾好食。價錢方面,lunch set只需$99,份量足,味道唔錯,性價比高,值得一試。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-02-05
210 瀏覽
今日同朋友出咗火炭,午餐想食韓國菜,經過K-pop cuisine就入咗去試下。店鋪裡面好闊落,全部都係卡位,坐得幾舒服。午餐有lunch set,包一個主食、一份小食、一罐飲品,total $99。我哋點咗一份lunch set,主食要鐵板辣炒豬肉飯,小食要四件韓式甜辣炸雞粒,同一罐韓國桃汽水。餐廳有四款免費配菜提供,可以無限添加。鐵板辣炒豬肉飯份量好大,有好多豬肉,味道好食,小辣但惹味。韓式甜辣炸雞粒係即叫即炸,雞肉好嫩,配搭韓式甜辣醬好惹味。整體嚟講,lunch set抵食又好食,值得一試。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-01-22
170 瀏覽
呢間餐廳位於火炭工業區某個地牢,喺地面睇完全唔起眼,仲以為只係地方細細,只做外賣舖頭。.但入到去發現原來地方好大,裝修仲好有韓國地道感覺。.韓式小菜基本上,每間韓國餐廳都會送韓式小菜,呢間餐廳仲有蓮藕炒豆角,係比較特別嘅小菜👍🏻.辣炒豬肉紫菜卷紫菜卷好食,豬肉唔老又香辣,啲飯嘅煙靭度、濕度都好適中.芝士雞蛋卷雞蛋味好香濃,切開細細條嘅雞蛋卷,每一條都可以拉絲,係認真製作👍🏻.水冷麵酸味味嘅水冷麵令人非常開胃,欣賞呢間餐廳整嘅冷麵唔會「一餅嘢」,仲幾彈牙👍🏻👍🏻.今次食飯,大概每人$120 ,性價比都ok👍🏻絕對係火炭工廠大廈區,意想不到嘅驚喜發現😋 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-01-18
113 瀏覽
估唔到火炭都可以搵到久違嘅正宗韓國菜,餐廳裝修雖然有啲簡陋,但係餐廳所有店員都係韓國人,真係令人覺得好似去咗韓國食韓國餐一樣,今日叫咗一個小食拼盤,拼盤入邊係有三樣嘢食,第一個係韓式紫菜卷,第二個係辣炒年糕,第三個係紫菜粉絲卷,睇落份量唔算好大,但都夠我一個人食,味道都唔錯,下次會再嚟試吓石頭鍋飯。小食拼盤韓式紫菜卷有正宗紫菜卷風味,適中嘅麻油令到紫菜卷格外香味可口,配料亦多令到紫菜卷都好豐滿辣炒年糕唔算太辣,可能有啲就返香港人嘅味道,年糕煙煙韌韌嘅感覺,令到人想食完一條又一條紫菜粉絲卷比較一般,如果可以換另外一款食物就好啦 繼續閱讀
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