Nest Property | Donating Furniture in Hong Kong

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Donating Furniture in Hong Kong

Nest Property


Instead of frantically trying to find a home for your furniture with friends, or negotiating pick-ups that probably won’t happen online, why not donate? The following places will take large items such as beds and sofas, right down to the nitty gritty smaller items (toasters, kettles, TV’s). Rid yourself of all that clutter and give your pieces a second life!

— Check out these places and get donating!


Crossroads Foundation

Crossroads takes high-quality goods which Hong Kong no longer wants or needs and redistributes them to those who do, locally and internationally. They accept anything from small appliances to larger items such as wardrobes and beds. The best bit is they also provide pick-up services to make the process as simple and seamless as possible.

Find out more here

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army Recycling Programme welcomes personal donations of clothing and goods. All donated goods directly help people in need, such as the elderly and homeless.
Note: The Salvation Army will only accept small home appliances and will not accept larger items such as sofas.

Find out more here

Remar HK

Remar Hong Kong, located in Pat Heung, is a 24/7 home. They help to feed, clothe, and provide accommodation free of charge to those in need. They have a large warehouse meaning they are able to take your larger unwanted items. Call or email to arrange your convenient pick-up.

Find out more here

Green Dot Home

Green Dot’s mission is to promote sustainable living in HK by collecting and recycling used furniture and homeware. Pick-up is available as well as self delivery to their warehouse. Do your bit for the environment!

Find out more here


2nd Chance

Husband and Wife team Richard and Mavis started 2nd Chance in early 2006 with the vision to provide a platform for people to buy and sell quality second hand furnishings and accessories at affordable prices and, in doing so, also help the environment. Their motto is that everything deserves a second chance, “if you can’t tell the difference, then why pay the difference.”

You can donate or sell to 2nd Chance.

Find out more here


Oxfam Hong Kong dates back to 1976 when volunteers joined hands to open a shop for second-hand goods in Hong Kong and raise funds for anti-poverty projects around the world. They will accept all small home appliances. Just give them a quick call and they’ll help to arrange your pick-up.

Find out more here