Me & Him & WHO - new audio explores classic DW producer's final days
Me & Him & Who

Me & Him & WHO – new audio explores classic DW producer’s final days

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Written by Stephen Wyatt, Me & Him & WHO tells the story of the infamous JN-T and his partner Gary Downie towards the end of their lives. 

Across Doctor Who‘s long history, has there ever been as colourful a character in charge as John Nathan-Turner?

Assuming the mantle of producer for Tom Baker’s final season, his association with the show stretched back much further – beginning as a floor assistant at the end of the 1960s. Under his decade-long tenure, the show evolved repeatedly; he presided over the casting of three Doctors and numerous companions before the BBC curtailed it in 1989.

John Nathan-Turner

With his colourful Hawaiian shirts and big personality, JN-T was a fixture on the early convention circuit. From the tabloid press to television interviews, he never missed an opportunity to promote the show; it’s easy to imagine him as a grand ambassador for the show today.

However, by his own admission, he stayed too long in the job; trapped by the BBC system and his own success with the show.

In his latter years, JN-T struggled to find work and deal with elements of a fanbase who took against him. With his own addictions, plus a complex relationship with partner Gary Downie (himself battling cancer), this all seems like fertile ground for drama.

Here’s the synopsis for Me & Him & WHO:

He was the youngest Producer of Doctor Who. Or was he?

As he, himself, said, ‘Never let the facts get in the way of a good story’.

His name was John Nathan-Turner and, having worked bis way up the Doctor Who career ladder via since 1969, he took over as producer ten years later and set about putting his highly stylised mark on it.

Not only did he cast three Doctors – Peter Davison’s Fifth, Colin Baker’s Sixth, and Sylvester McCoy’s Seventh – but he also cast a whole host of memorable companions to go with them.

In fact, the BBC’s finale of Jodie Whittaker’s time as the Thirteenth Doctor, became somewhat of a celebration of those eras that John Nathan-Turner produced. Not only featuring the return of the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Doctor, but also sizeable roles for Ace (Sophie Aldred) and Tegan (Janet Fielding) with a cameo from Mel (Bonnie Langford).

Me & Him & Who

However, John Nathan-Turner became so synonymous with the television show, because of his ability to court the press and placate the fans, that he delayed moving on until it was too late.

When the show was cancelled in 1989, he was left out in the wilderness, struggling to channel his flamboyance into anything else, and with the nasty side of the fan base turning against him and his decade-long tenure on the series.

Towards the end of his life, he tried to write his autobiography but always fell at the final hurdle, whether it was because of his partner, Gary Downie’s cancer, or his own drink-related illness, or just a reluctance to bite the BBC hand that once fed him.

In his final few years, before passing away at the young age of 54, his relationship with friends became toxic because of his partner’s wicked turn of phrase and no holds barred approach to saying what he thought. We find them, both supporting each other and belittling each other in what appeared to be a love/hate relationship but was in fact an enduring and endearing romance.

In a sometimes bleakly comic tale, we see this two-man support network crumble and be rebuilt, with the desire always to be back in the limelight and put on a show. Any show. But the show we hear is the backstage gossip of a fading producer who’s still looking for his final Norma Desmond-esque closeup.

The writer

John and Gary’s story is brought to life by Stephen Wyatt, the writer of ‘Paradise Towers’ and ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’. As well personal experiences of the pair, he also draws on Richard Marson’s well-received biography of JN-T: ‘Totally Tasteless’ (still available from Ten Acre Books). Wyatt says:

“My mum and dad lived close to John and Gary in Saltdean. I used to drop in on them for tea and cake (latterly vodka and orange) and so in the bleak period after John left the BBC, I got to know them quite well. ME & HIM & WHO has a sad story of illness and decline to tell but I’ve tried to do justice also to John and Gary’s wit and resilience as well as the deep affection they had for each  other behind the squabbling and the bitchery.”

The production

Christopher Guard plays JN-T in the drama, with Peter Noble as Gary Downie. Guard, who played Bellboy in ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’ says:

“Playing John Nathan-Turner was the latest beautiful twist in my surreal relationship with John and Dr Who. ‘Becoming’ him was at once almost impossible and yet somehow inevitable. In some ways I had nothing in common with John, yet I always felt I understood him. Like me, he had a rebel soul. If someone said you can’t, he invariably would. Feisty, fabulous, fearless JNT. It’s been a privilege inhabiting his wild, wilful, wondrous world.”

Me & Him & Who cover art

The drama’s producer, director and script editor is Barnaby Eaton-Jones:

“To tell the story of the last few years of John Nathan-Turner’s life, when he didn’t seem to be able to catch a break (and his partnership with Gary Downie appeared to have alienated a lot of his friends), was too delicious a drama not to delve into. Although it is obviously bittersweet, in that JN-T – as he was known – didn’t get the reappraisal and love that he deserved for his time steering Doctor Who’s TARDIS, there’s also that sense of hope that he always had that his next big project was just around the corner.

The occasionally toxic mix of Gary’s waspish views and JN-T’s robust rebuttals is played out against the backdrop of a deep need for each other’s support and love, as well as their desire to be the life and soul of each other’s party. Until the drink runs out and the lights get turned off.”

The drama’s sound designer is Joseph Fox, with music by Darrell Maclaine and artwork by Paul Hammond. The executive producer is Paul Andrews for AUK Studios.

You can pre-order Me & Him & WHO now. There’s a limited time Collector’s Edition CD release in December, while a digital release won’t come until 2023.