Visit Johnstone - Renfrewshire town with a storied past -


With its own story inextricably linked to the rise and fall of cotton thread in Renfrewshire, Johnstone is a fascinating place to visit.

Visit Johnstone

The town’s main industry was cotton thread. Mills were powered by the Black Cart Water to the north of Johnstone. A six-storey cotton mill, one of the largest in Scotland, was built in 1782.

You can explore the history of the town in the excellent Johnstone History Museum. The museum is located within Morrison’s supermarket. Run by the volunteers of Johnstone History Society, it displays archival material from two of the town’s best known firms, Wm. Paton Ltd and Clifton and Baird, as well as other valuable material relating to aspects of the town’s heritage.

The Clyde to Forth cycle route – National Cycle Route 75 – runs through Johnstone and on to Gourock and Dunoon.

While you’re visiting, make sure you enjoy a meal in one of several excellent restaurants that Johnstone enjoys.

JBC Commercial from Beaten Track TV on Vimeo.

Living in Johnstone

Johnstone has excellent road and rail links. The town is served by two rail stations – Johnstone and Milliken Park.

Golfers can enjoy Castle Golf Range and Cochrane Castle Golf Club.

OneRen cultural and leisure venues in Johnstone include:

Primary schools in the area:

Secondary schools for the area:


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A fascinating history

Things to see and do