[USA] Almost got T-boned by a truck that ran a red light (but I also was in auto mode and froze a bit) : r/Roadcam Skip to main content

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[USA] Almost got T-boned by a truck that ran a red light (but I also was in auto mode and froze a bit)

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what you driving ? sounds powerful . also truck has amazing brakes

u/jpjimm avatar

That truck must have been empty the way it managed to stop so fast.

i love clever comments like that . i never even thought about it

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u/Apprehensive_Fault_5 avatar

No, he didn't. That's why he blasted his horn. Even at full braking, he still didn't stop until half-way through the junction. He tried to stop in advance, but couldn't, which is why he sounded the horn before OP ever started moving.


BMW M340i v6 (*i6) turbo thankfully. A slower car and I would at least be in the hospital.

Edit: Apologies to everyone for writing v6 for what is obviously an inline 6 B58 (love this engine so much). I swear I knew this but my adrenaline from this near-death experience got me.

u/BitTheCoin avatar


Oof. Can't believe I wrote v6 for an inline 6

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awesome car bro

Thanks and I get to keep it without it being totaled.

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You weren't accelerating that fast man, any modern car could do that lol.

That's not how it seemed from my pov. I drove an Elantra for 11 years and I know it wouldn't have made it in this situation.

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u/jrs4 avatar

Lmao BMW has never produced V6 engines... Can't believe people spend $50k+ on a car and have no idea what it even is. Must be nice lol...

u/SneekyPete420 avatar

And yet you get downvoted…

u/jrs4 avatar

Yeah, oh well. Ignorance is bliss I suppose

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I made a typo. I'm very aware that this is an inline i6 B58. I'm not completely disconnected from reality despite what this video shows.

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u/TN027 avatar

Why did OP just pull into the intersection like that?

Who cares if the light is red for him? I’m waiting until I see that truck stopped before I pull out.

And yes, you should wait. I didn't.


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u/notinferno avatar

OP had entered the intersection waiting to turn left so did not run a red light

u/Apprehensive_Fault_5 avatar

BEING in the intersection once it turns red is legally considered "running it" unless you are turning right where allowed.

You should NEVER enter the intersection unless you can make it through, which means you should not pull into it to wait for your gap.

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If I'm seeing it correctly he was doing the right thing, which is already be in the intersection when making a left, so you can cross the perpendicular flow of traffic as quickly as possible once you have a window.

The risk of these moments stem from folks running red lights, as seen here. Typically your window is that space when the light is just turning red, but if you just proceed without paying attention you'll eventually get hit by a red light runner.

u/TN027 avatar

What if you don’t have a window? Then you’re in the middle of an intersection.

You should only enter the intersection once you’ve identified a break in traffic coming ahead.

That is standard, legal driving practice in much of North America. You’re already in the intersection and even if it’s red you can still finish your turn and cross traffic is supposed to give way until turning cars clear the intersection.

Is there a longer period before/after OP had/would’ve had to turn? Turning only when the colors change is a very short span of time.

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u/retirement_savings avatar

This depends on where you are. If you're turning when the light is red, you're now going to drive through a street that has the pedestrian walk light on which can be dangerous.

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Negative. The whole point of being in the intersection is that you don't waste time pulling into the intersection when there is a break. You just go left.

u/TN027 avatar

A light cycle is not a “break” in traffic. Otherwise why wouldn’t all four left turn lanes just occupy the middle of the intersection?

u/TN027 avatar

How does that save time if you are now in a gridlocked intersection, and have to pull in front of a semi to clear it?

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u/Apprehensive_Fault_5 avatar

It is illegal in the US to wait IN the intersection. You may not enter the intersection until you know you can make it across. OP was, by legal standards, blocking the intersection. Once it turned red, their "blocking the intersection" immediately became "running a red light".

u/Apprehensive_Fault_5 avatar

I don't see the disagreement. He says you can enter on a flashing yellow (the same as the solid green on the doghouse, which does not have a flashing yellow) if you can make it through the intersection. He specifically states you can not enter it if you can not make it through, and says nothing about stopping in the intersection and waiting for a gap. Stopping in an intersection, for any reason, is considered "blocking the intersection".

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u/heebro avatar

I'm a trucker and usually I like to defend truckers, but this tanker driver 100% ran that light. Not even close. OP's driving appears to be above board as well, if a little slow on the uptake.

I froze and saw myself getting hit. Scary.

As per your experience, did the trucker not give himself enough time to stop or perhaps speeding or paying attention until it was too late? Is that why he started honking as he was entering the intersection on the red light?

u/heebro avatar

it's difficult to say what was going thru the tanker driver's mind, as it was abundantly clear they weren't going to make the light.

Liquid haulers need more space to stop—as liquids can surge violently during a hard brake and potentially shift the entire vehicle tens or hundreds of feet. Maybe the driver didn't think they could brake safely in this situation? That's my only guess

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u/Apprehensive_Fault_5 avatar

His horn sounding before OP made a move, followed by how long it took him to stop, it looks like he couldn't stop in time and tried to warn everyone at the intersection.

u/heebro avatar

yea but he did manage to stop so... I think we can still suspect that he was simply hellbent on running the light

u/Apprehensive_Fault_5 avatar

No, he was trying to stop the entire time. He just couldn't do it before the line. He was going to stop there regardless, then assess his ability to continue once he confirmed cross traffic was aware of his predicament. I am a truck driver, and we went over this extensively during training. If you do not feel you can stop in time, sound the horn, stop when you can, assess the situation once stopped, and attempt to keep going once traffic is aware of you and clears the way.

u/Grebins avatar

You can watch him dip a little when he finally applies brakes in the intersection. His speed was pretty constant until then.

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Not proud of myself for not being more attentive to the massive truck.

Fair, but fuck that truck driver. They almost came to a complete stop to avoid you. So why in the FUCK didn’t they stop for the red light when they had ample room and time to do so…

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u/crosswithyou avatar

Both ran the red (Initially looked to me like OP was not waiting in the intersection), but no one's mentioned that the truck realized their mistake too and was honking to let people (like OP) know they weren't going to be able to stop for the light in time.

My mistake was being complacent. I thought the truck was stopping and I started paying attention to the red car instead.

I usually wait for all cars to come to a full stop but I was in auto pilot mode because I'm so used to this intersection.

A reminder for everyone that being legally right isn't going to pay your hospital bills or funeral costs.

u/ItWearsHimOut avatar

OP didn't run a red, they were in the middle of the intersection awaiting their moment to turn. You DO NOT wait behind the stop line when turning left in such an intersection (ETA: barring a vast minority of jurisdictions that say otherwise -- and even there it's never really adhered to. Such laws don't make sense for efficient traffic flow at busy intersections that lack a protected turn arrow.).

u/crosswithyou avatar

I know you don't wait behind the stop line when waiting to turn left. I only said they ran the red because I thought they were not in the intersection but I was wrong.

My point is that the trucker, while in the wrong, did try to warn them by honking.

The reverse view makes it extremely clear they are past the line.

u/ItWearsHimOut avatar

Yes, the trucker had plenty of time to stop, and should have stopped. OP assumed the trucker started his stopping in time (without evidence). That is near-tragic tragic mistake OP made. The trucker was either distracted (briefly glancing elsewhere when light went to yellow), or is a bad driver for not attempting to stop -- because they had time to stop even if fully loaded. Mistakes were made on both sides, nobody is arguing that.

u/Oracle_of_Knowledge avatar

Yes, the trucker had plenty of time to stop, and should have stopped.

Agree. When the light turned yellow it looks like the semi was back by the telephone pole more than 200 feet from the intersection. When the light was fully red the truck was about 85 feet from his stop line.

When OP crossed and the truck jumped on the brakes, it came to a nearly complete stop about 60 feet into the intersection, the full length of the semi.

Hell, that white Buick SUV in front of the semi should have stopped at that yellow light. The SUV just barely got into the intersection while the light was still yellow.

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Didn’t you have a red light?

Technically no, but they don't ask those questions if you die.

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u/ElTejanoLoco avatar

The oncoming traffic had a yellow light, you can plainly see the oncoming red car slow down and stop. The semi truck decided to proceed, maybe due to the speed he was going or the stopping distance factors others have pointed out.

I think it was really dumb of OP to ASSUME that the semi truck was going stop before turning left. Like they say "better safe than sorry".

I also think it was a mistake to enter the intersection even though it was legal to do so. Take a look at the cross street's traffic lights on the right before OP started their left turn.

For the vehicles to the left of OP the traffic lights still were red when OP began crossing the oncoming traffic lanes. If you look at that same traffic light on the rear camera view it is still red when OP completed the left turn.

For the vehicles to the right of the OP the traffic light turned green, you can see the yellow school bus beginning to turn left after OP completed the left turn. Had OP yielded to the semi truck he would have blocked the intersection for the school bus turning left.

I guess getting older has made me more patient, I would rather wait at the traffic light for another cycle than move into the intersection and take my chances with all the bad drivers out there...

I agree with most of your assessment, and this was a wakeup call for me.

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u/xpkranger avatar

As my Dad told me when I was first starting to drive almost 40 years ago - “the graveyards are full of people who had the right-of-way”.

u/beeemmvee avatar

You are VERY lucky that truck decided to slow down when it did or that would have gone very differently.

u/mbpadmr avatar

When making a left hand turn at a light, when it turns orange/yellow I always wait until the incoming traffic stops, especially trucks. You never know if they are fully loaded and 80,000lbs doesn't stop on a dime. I've seen some go through because of this. Good thing you made it unscathed.

Agreed. I usually do as well but complacency kills.

Is there not a longer period of time to turn left here? Or is it only a few seconds?

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Y’all are all trying to split hairs about laws and lights but y’all are all being stupid. Let me clear this up for you.

The only laws that matter are the laws of physics. Did OP have the right of way? Cool. Cool. OP’s family can proudly engrave it on their tombstone.

OP definitely stared down 80,000 lbs of truck in motion that was trying to signal that they were not going to stop in time; to which OP said “I like my odds.”

OP, take this as your single warning to pay attention to objects in motion and drive like your life depends on it.

I posted this as a cautionary tale. I am under no illusion that I should have paid more attention to the massive truck.

But it wasn't a conscious decision for me wanting to play chicken with a truck. I just thought it was slowing down and stopping but I failed to double check.

Tanker too, wasn't possible to stop it that short in ANY circumstance other than a closed course and it STILL would have rolled.

More importantly, a person who is trusted to drive a truck that size shouldn't be running red lights.

They’ll certainly charge them with manslaughter or some shade of homicide. It’s the same charges they’ll apply if the truck driver was in a Geo Metro and kills somebody. However, that’s not “more importantly”. In fact absolutely nothing after the impact will be important to OP ever again. Get it? Being alive > finding fault.

I mean he wouldn't have died. The truck stopped like 5 feet after the point they would've hit.

And it is definitely more important that a tanker driver shouldn't be running red lights compared to what OP did.

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u/suppahotfire702 avatar

Came to say something similar to your response. I’ll add something to it, it doesn’t matter if you were right, if you’re dead.

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u/R5Jockey avatar

OP runs red light and complains about a massive and obvious vehicle barreling towards them also running the red light and almost hitting them.

There’s still time to delete this OP.


There's still time to delete this comment, moron.

How does R5Jockey have 10 up votes.

Because most people in this sub either dont actually drive or dont know how to.

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u/ItWearsHimOut avatar

OP was in the middle of the intersection, where you SHOULD be waiting when turning left. There's a little bit of fisheye of the lens, but look to the right where the school bus is and you can see that they're looking straight down their double-yellow lines.

This is venue specific. In Florida for example it is illegal to stop in the intersection. Even for a left turn.

u/notinferno avatar

all you have to do to enter an intersection is to put your front wheels over the stop line which doesn’t involve blocking the intersection if you miss the opportunity to go when the light turns red

Correct but thats not what wearshimout guy is saying.

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I haven't complained once lol. I didn't post this to gloat but for others to learn from my mistake.

He’s in a turn lane while the light is green. You’re supposed to roll out to the intersection and then finish turning when clear, and sometimes that doesn’t happen until the light turns red and then you’re allowed to clear the intersection.

u/steelcityrocker avatar

OP also appears to have been cheating up and was already past the line/partially in the intersection when the light turned red. Gotta block traffic to justify running a red I guess.

u/Slimy_Shart_Socket avatar

I was always taught when turning left you should stop in the intersection, and you have the legal right to complete your turn if you are stopped in the intersection. The 2nd person does not.

But OP wasn't in the intersection.

u/Oracle_of_Knowledge avatar

But OP wasn't in the intersection.

Yes he was. His whole car was in the intersection. You can see in the rear camera view that he's at a full stop waiting to turn and the stop-line is fully behind his car.

So at least where I am, it’s illegal to wait in the intersection. You are supposed to stop and wait at the stop bar. Now that being said, everyone does it and I’ve never heard of anyone getting pulled over for it. Probably just helps determine fault if there is a crash.

u/Slimy_Shart_Socket avatar

In BC Canada its VERY common for 2 cars to turn left during a yellow/red light. ICBC (the crown owned insurance company) ran a bunch of ads saying only the first car has the legal right to clear the intersection and rhe 2nd car does not.

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How is it blocking traffic when cross traffic has a red? Make that make sense.

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It was clear he was coming through before you’d committed to the turn and you could have hit the brakes before you crossed his lane.

OP is an NPC.


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u/ksallammd avatar

You almost killed yourself for a carless driver. Honestly this sense of self satisfaction when you beat him on the road is not worth damaging your car or put yourself on danger. You do not know him. He does not know you. No prize for what you did.

I had zero sense of satisfaction after this. Just dread and even more appreciation of my mortality.

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You ran the red light too. Both wrong

Cammer had already “captured the intersection” as they sometimes call it. If you are in the intersection (i.e. past the STOP line) when it turns red… you can complete the turn IF it is clear from oncoming traffic.

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Dude, you need to drive defensively. Judging by the speed of that truck, it was not likely to be stopped by that red light.

I know. I usually am far more careful. This was a mistake.

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u/Apprehensive_Fault_5 avatar

From what I see here, it looks like you were in the wrong. You hear that truck horn blasting BEFORE you took off because he was signaling that he couldn't stop in time. You chose to ignore that and almost got killed (and maybe even almost killed everyone within 150ft if that truck was hauling dangerous material and exploded). NEVER make a left on red, even if you never got a gap. Wait until the next cycle.

u/rokkerboyy avatar

Yes he should have waited for the truck to slow down, but he was absolutely in the right to make thst left on red, and I would way was even legally required to take that left on red, or he would have been blocking the intersection.