Heritage - The Bermudian Magazine


Springfield: Quaint, Charming and Historically Significant

Springfield: Quaint, Charming and Historically Significant

Famous for its distinctive arch leading to the buttery and to an inner courtyard around which the property is framed, Springfield on Somerset Road has to be one of the most photographed properties in the whole of Bermuda, let alone Sandys Parish. So it’s not surprising it has been featured several times in The Bermudian magazine over the last 80 years. In the December 1932 issue, Philip Knox, writing about early “colonial” architecture said that “there is in those high…


Moongate Mythology

This article was taken from our archives. It originally appeared in the August 1995 issue of The Bermudian. It appears here exactly as it did in print originally. The landscape of Bermuda is sprinkled with moongates, a familiar sight to…


Requiem for A Railway

This article was taken from our archives. It originally appeared in the March 1948 issue of The Bermudian. It appears here exactly as it did originally. Bermuda’s little railway started to die with the old year. At midnight, 1947/1948, the…


Can You Guess this Week’s “Who, Where & When?”

Do you remember our popular "Who, Where & When?" series in The Bermudian in which you guessed what a photograph depicted or who was in it or when it was taken? If so, we're pleased to tell you that we're…

Classic Crow's Nest

From the Crow’s Nest: Furness Withy 40th Anniversary

This article was taken from our archives. It originally appeared in the January 1960 issue of The Bermudian. It appears here exactly as it did originally.  Last month, as the island wound up its 350th Anniversary celebrations, Furness, Withy &…


The Lost Island of Long Bird

“Sea islands, like ships at sea, are small worlds of their own, remote and romantic.” So pronounced an anonymous writer for Life magazine in an August 1941 article about the American “invasion” of Bermuda. One of those islands, he goes on…