Is It Possible to Simplify Management in a Complex World? - AI Online -

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Is It Possible to Simplify Management in a Complex World?

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It’s an age-old question about how we can simplify management. In a more technically complex world, AI, automation, and data are becoming more important than ever. But what are the steps and processes actually involved in managing systems of variable scopes these days. Fortunately, not much has changed when you really look at it from a top-down perspective. Lending from principles ideated in the 1920s, here are some valuable suggestions.

Rise to the Challenge

There is a lot of work to do when streamlining and simplifying any system. It takes time, dedication, and a complete understanding of what you are looking at. Experience in a specific sector, industry, or niche is a core requirement. Of course, there are systems such as staff scheduling software by Sling that offer assistance if you aren’t used to certain tasks. Or you can incorporate software and apps to help enhance existing processes, saving time and money.

Back to the meat of the work though. Looking at any system, even ones you are familiar with, requires a solid approach when you want to make changes. Even the smallest adjustments to one or more processes can have a major impact on the rest of the system. This is where most of the challenge comes from. How do you work on one procedure without jeopardizing the rest of the system as a whole? Project management, budget constraints and timing are paramount.

Simplify Management by Culling Procedures

There will always be systems with unnecessary tasks and procedures that have a negative impact on the entire system. This includes tasks that are outdated and even duplicate tasks that do not need to be present as part of a strategy. In a nutshell, here are some culling steps:

  • Cross reference tasks your business needs with tasks for compliance.
  • Remove any unnecessary tasks that don’t align with the compliance procedures.
  • Analyze all tasks and root out duplicate procedures for removal or consolidation.

It can be challenging to identify the tasks that first need to be culled. But they are there! Listing all the tasks in a specific process is the best first step to highlighting these. This makes it much easier to spot discrepancies and either remove or replace them, or combine with another.

View Processes from the Outside

Analyzing the processes of larger systems is a daunting task and takes a keen eye. It helps to approach this with a clear strategy. One of the best tactics as part of this strategy is to take a step back. Not from the work, but in sight of the work. This is easier as a contracted strategist. But it can be difficult if you work within these systems already. Analyze the system as though you are an outsider coming in and seeing the processes and tasks for the very first time.

This is a core part of simplifying management processes and tasks as part of a streamlining project. Streamlining is an essential tool that all businesses, no matter the size, must undertake every now and then. Research conducted by the IDC found that on average a US business loses time that equates to $1.7 million for every 100 employees! That is a staggering amount. Imagine what that recovered money could do for your business and its success in the future!

Prioritize Core Processes

As systems grow, they introduce more processes. This results in large scope systems with redundant, unnecessary and time and money-costing steps. This even applies to what were once the very best systems. But what worked once, may not work now, so you need priorities.

Collect and identify urgent tasks

There will always be core tasks within a system. These are the critical steps that are required for the system to operate. Identifying these systems for management is key to the efficient streamlining of an existing system. Listing these will help to visualize their importance.

Assess the value of tasks and order them

Once the critical steps are identified, it becomes necessary to order them in terms of logistical importance. Some tasks are dependent on others and a hierarchical chain may become evident. It may or may not be possible to change the order based on how a specific system works.

Be willing to adapt to changes

There is no point in doing all the work, or even paying an outsourced service, if you aren’t willing to work with them. Adapting to changes is paramount to staying relevant and within budget. Certain processes become outdated, and holding on to old ideas will have a negative impact.

Prioritization is perhaps one of the more challenging methods of simplifying the tasks and processes of your existing systems. However, it is only difficult because it is critical. There may be outdated processes you think you rely on, but after analysis, it is usually safe to let these go.

The Path of Least Resistance

What’s the point of paying someone to simplify your management systems? To make it easier, of course. Management of systems of any kind isn’t easy. Experience and dedication are necessary. However, we are fickle creatures as humans, and taking the path of least resistance is a popular method. The low resistance methodology was first introduced in the 1920s, and we still use it today. In fact, with modern complexities, it has never been more necessary!

Today, we have excellent systems for assisting us with pretty much anything. This includes artificial intelligence and automation. These two systems alone have revolutionized all sectors, and are used extensively. Automation can take mundane and even dangerous tasks and assist with them in your business. The investment is heavy, but it will save time,money and possibly lives. Generative AI produces content very quickly and will help streamline efficiencies.

Introduce Apps to Simplify Management

There are bespoke apps that many businesses use, and this is common in specific industries. Some are in-house and some are standardized.  For example, a tablet press machine will use custom software for operation that runs via Windows. Introducing apps is a modern tactic:

  • Ensure all employees are fully trained how to use core apps.
  • Regularly update the status of outstanding tasks using the project software.
  • Keep employees working with a steady stream of manageable tasks.

Apps are excellent for getting things done quickly and easily. There are popular project management apps you will have heard of such as Asana and Zoho. However, you must first analyze where apps will fit into your overall system and consider if they benefit the processes.

Don’t Forget About Data

Of course, we live in an age that is almost entirely reliant on data. Data is now considered the most valuable commodity on the planet, even beating gold! Because of this, data has become valuable in legitimate business and the black market equally. Managing data safely is a necessity for any modern business. There are good reasons for this. You can be found liable for any data breaches if leaks occurred as a result of mismanagement or poor safeguarding. 

So, how do you manage data effectively when streamlining a system? First, there needs to be a comprehensive plan for safeguarding data. This includes preventing external breaches, access control and how data is transferred. The transfer of data includes moving it for access, how it is stored and backing it up correctly. Examples of data vary. But includes proprietary data used by internal systems. It also includes employee data and the details of your business’ customers.


Planning, preparing and dedicating yourself is a key part of any project that aims to simplify management processes. These processes must be prioritized and streamlined for maximum efficiency. This includes being careful about how your business handles all kinds of data.


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Fri. June 7th, 2024

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